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Where to find a custom license plate?


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EVOMOV3 there you go :spin:


I was going to do that but it made it even more confusing. You would be surprised how few people know what a palindrome is. Not to mention it doesnt look as good.

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so you actually want a license plate with a backwards E? sounds... ILLEGAL


Ya but I figure its better than no front plate. I mean at least its really my license plate letters and everything.

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I don't think they will issue you a plate with backwards letters, as stated earlier, it is most definitely illegal


I know they wont issue me one, I am hoping to find a custom novelty one that looks just like the real one, or a prop company for a movie or something. I know you can get custom Euro ones from all over the internet but I havent been able to find one for CA. I mean I would even settle for a paper one if it looked the same, but it wouldnt be ideal.

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yeah I think there is something inherently illegal about making fakes of a plate for the country you live in. I don't think people in Europe run the fake Euro plates, it would be like someone making fake ids. It is also illegal to modify a real plate.
There are replicas and there are counterfeits. Manufacturing a replica plate out of metal makes it a counterfeit plate, which is a felony.


<-------- That is my license plate. I want a new one for the front that has the last E backwards so it reads the same backwards and forwards.
Try here...




They can probably do the backwards "E" for you.

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This is pretty interested, as quoted from cr8apl8.com:


"The California DMV has finally acknowedged us and is allowing us to make 100% legal replacement license plates! As of March 1st, 2008 we will be able to recreate an old California license plate using the exact font the State of California uses on their plates ... under the following conditions: you must have legal owner rights to the plate you wish to duplicate - or you may duplicate a cleared plate after receiving a clean clearance from the DMV. This applies to our fiberglass reenforced plates as well as our .30 gage metal plates."


Sounds pretty good and possibly acceptable for a front and back plate. I would imagine that the DMV would consider the plate to be the same even if a letter was reversed, but who knows if it will make him a bigger target for being pulled over...

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I sent them an email to find out. Right now I just have the top and the bottom of the front plate folded over which does attract attention but every time a cop sees it and gives me a funny look when they see my rear plate says the same thing they dont even bother me, I am hoping for a similar result with the backwards E. I mean if anything it should make my license plate easier to see and remember because you will notice that it is a palindrome.
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could this be considered "rice"??


This thread isnt asking your opinion what it will look like its helping me find a custom license plate, if you dont like my idea just dont post on this thread.


They said its no problem they can make anything you want. They are also fully authorized to replace plates that have been destroyed or stolen which is pretty handy too.

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