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so i just got rear ended

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Speaking of Moron. A lady was tale gating me and my 6 month old for about a mile when we came to a stop sign. I cam to a complete stop and when I started to inch forward she smacked the back of the car. My son awoke screaming and I went ape shit. I checked out the car and it was fine but my son was still screaming. The lady tried to leave the seen, but I kept her from getting back in her car. She then proceeds to tell me that her ankle (which was in a a brace) is hurt and she is late for Rehab. She also says she can't use the brakes. No, she was not drunk, just stupid and to old to drive. I told her very loudly using the F word that she should not be driving blah blah blah. My yelling probably took a few years off the old bag. Yes, my son was fine just startled from the impact, lucky for that lady there was no damage or I would have a lot more Mods on my car plus the repair. (I believe in an age limit for driving, say 80, and then you get a free bicycle)

“Abandon hope, all ye who enter here”

-Dante Alighieri



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Speaking of Moron. A lady was tale gating me and my 6 month old for about a mile when we came to a stop sign. I cam to a complete stop and when I started to inch forward she smacked the back of the car. My son awoke screaming and I went ape shit. I checked out the car and it was fine but my son was still screaming. The lady tried to leave the seen, but I kept her from getting back in her car. She then proceeds to tell me that her ankle (which was in a a brace) is hurt and she is late for Rehab. She also says she can't use the brakes. No, she was not drunk, just stupid and to old to drive. I told her very loudly using the F word that she should not be driving blah blah blah. My yelling probably took a few years off the old bag. Yes, my son was fine just startled from the impact, lucky for that lady there was no damage or I would have a lot more Mods on my car plus the repair. (I believe in an age limit for driving, say 80, and then you get a free bicycle)


Free public transit system pass and a cane

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If you live in the Southeast and grew up here like me you would know that we missed the boat on public transit. It is only good for moving stolen merchandise from the haves to the have nots. We are 30 years behind other cities in the Southeast (excluding Charlotte, NC which is trying and spending billions).

“Abandon hope, all ye who enter here”

-Dante Alighieri



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Speaking of Moron. A lady was tale gating me and my 6 month old for about a mile when we came to a stop sign. I cam to a complete stop and when I started to inch forward she smacked the back of the car. My son awoke screaming and I went ape shit. I checked out the car and it was fine but my son was still screaming. The lady tried to leave the seen, but I kept her from getting back in her car. She then proceeds to tell me that her ankle (which was in a a brace) is hurt and she is late for Rehab. She also says she can't use the brakes. No, she was not drunk, just stupid and to old to drive. I told her very loudly using the F word that she should not be driving blah blah blah. My yelling probably took a few years off the old bag. Yes, my son was fine just startled from the impact, lucky for that lady there was no damage or I would have a lot more Mods on my car plus the repair. (I believe in an age limit for driving, say 80, and then you get a free bicycle)


Remove the license and then it's Taxi time...

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If you live in the Southeast and grew up here like me you would know that we missed the boat on public transit. It is only good for moving stolen merchandise from the haves to the have nots. We are 30 years behind other cities in the Southeast (excluding Charlotte, NC which is trying and spending billions).


Well sadly even other cities that are supposed to have a Mass Transit System still don't have a perfect one. The trolley in San Diego can't take you everywhere, but there are buses that can move you around. It's not fast but at least it's better than nothing.


I think the LA area is probably the saddest case when it comes to Mass Transit since it's a huge city and the mass transit system is very lacking. Or so I think.

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Over here we have a mass transit system that's fairly extensive, but it's usually faster to use the bicycle since they drive the buses in a zig-zag pattern all the time.


That's the cool thing about Europe or smaller cities in general. You can ride a bike. If I wanted to ride a bike here I would either have to live closer to work or work closer to home. Riding a bike from home to work would take a while. According to google, the walking route from home to work would take 5 hours 11 minutes. :cool:


I was in Gothenburg last year. Flew in and took a bus to Ulricehamn. I flew out of Gothenburg a few days later and had a chance to walk around the city with my brother.

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^HAHA! I have definitely had bike rage - maybe sometimes I am a bit too headstrong but most of the time people yield since they are all paranoid about hitting bikers regardless of the fact that they do not pay attention. Sometimes in rush hour, the drivers get defensive because I can move through the lanes of stopped traffic faster than they can and they try to cut me off. A guy did that to me in Georgetown, almost sandwiching me between his car and a parked car on the side of the road. When I caught up to him, I smacked his passenger side mirror so that it folded up and he was ready to kill me. Fortunately, he got stuck in a traffic jam and I continued my ride over the Key Bridge and into Arlington.
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^^ Is biking between lanes of stopped traffic actually legal? I see it all the time in the parking lots we call highways in NJ. Personally, I don't care (since I'm sure I'd do it if I had a bike) but I do see pleanty of road rage caused by it. Just curious.
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^^ Is biking between lanes of stopped traffic actually legal? I see it all the time in the parking lots we call highways in NJ. Personally, I don't care (since I'm sure I'd do it if I had a bike) but I do see pleanty of road rage caused by it. Just curious.


Saw it on the news before. It is legal as long as the traffic isn't moving too quick, and you have to be going under a certain speed. Has to do with the safety of the biker as he/she has no protection, as well as the bike heating up too much in traffic or some crap.

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(excluding Charlotte, NC which is trying and spending billions).


yea, we are trying. Idk if I would ride a bike in down town, alot of my friends commute that way, and no one watches out. On that note though, there are also a good amount of irresponsible pedestrians too who have no problem walking right out infront of traffic..Darwin was right?

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First... I am an appraiser and a claims handler for AIG. I would be worried about some frame damage if I were you. They will have to pull your frame back to factory specs. I would also be worried about the rear body panels and the 1/4 panels.... Check the gaps on either side of the car and its an easy way to see if there is frame damage.


I would also no be so hasty about getting a lawyer. If you didnt go to the emergency room from the scene and no doctors visits since then you probably dont have a BI claim. In NYS you have to meet threshold which is severe scarring, broken bones, loss of limb, and 180 days of missed work. If you dont have this then you dont meet threshold and you dont have a claim. And a lawyer with take 1/3 of your settlement right off the top if you get a lawyer.


I dont know what state you are in and what their BI laws are... But most ins companies with give you some money for pain and suffering. My advice GO TO THE DOCTOR. HAVE SOME LOGGED VISITS... WITHOUT IT YOU WONT GET ANYTHING...


And get an estimate for your damages asap!

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??? about the lawyer?


Any reputable lawyer will NOT charge you a retainer OR charge you for anything if they lose the case. Only if you win something (most states have a double damages limit (you can ask for up to 2x the actual damages incurred) is the 33% fee taken. You get to keep 66% which if your bills came to 100,000, you can possibly win 200,000, and 33% of that is 66,000 to the laywer, and 133,000 to you. Which is more than you would have had anyway.


The reason for the lawyer is so that a) insurance adjusters and agents don't collude to get you to sign something like a payout check which (if accepted and signed) releases them from any further obligation b) scare tactics that some insurance companies use... (if you don't bring a claim, they don't have to pay) so it's worth the words for those who are skiddish and c) medical bills add up. Advice from a laywer is free. Just don't sign on with them, but they can offer up some great advice.


Be smart, take pictures of the car, even if it's a tiny scratch, get a good shot of it. It all goes into the final equasion, aka... your legs to stand on if the knucklehead who hit you suddenly sues you because they claimed you rolled backwards into them.


Then you are on the defensive.


Like the post above me said; there are lots of inner, hidden things that may have broken that you wouldn't have seen/realized. Inspections of your car aren't free... that will cost you labor prices.


SPEAK TO A LAWYER. you don't have to hire one. just ask, that's all. Not telling you to go sue happy. You may not have any base for damages. But... what the post above me DOESN'T say, is that 'tort' damages... yes, that's what they are called... automobile torts... also include mental duress as well as physical damage.


Call it bullsh*t if you want, but if I got rear ended by a truck as I hit my brakes to stop for a school crossing... I would probably have that fear in the back of my mind every time I hit my brakes near a school crossing. I might have nightmares about the truck and the screetching and metal crushing for a year. Your mental state and health, just because they aren't physical, can also be scarred.


I have a friend who drove my 1st car who swerved to miss a deer and hit a tree... she still has nightmares about it 15 years later. Her friend almost died who was in the front seat.


I know this isn't the magnitude of the accident... it was more like a bump on the back. But it goes beyond a busted or scratched bumper. You don't need to be physically cut to be messed up from an accident.

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Uh just a question of symantics....can you use the term reputable and lawyer in the same sentence????


I know, I know!!! They probably do exist in a parrallel universe but having dealt with about 20 of them both for me and against me, I can't say as I would put a lot of faith in any one of them. Lawyer being a French word for lost, delayed, or overpriced.

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accident was in MA (where I currently live, but resident/car registered in RI, havent switched yet) but the other lady is a MA resident. I guess I'll check out the doctor thing, though I feel fine today. never actually been to the doctor after any of my previous accidents...


I was thinking of going to APEX Automotive Engineering in Marlborough, MA for an appraisal as I read something about it briefly in another thread being fairly local to me (30min away from where I'm living) because the guy says on the site (http://www.apexautoeng.com) that his wife is an ASE certified appraiser. also looking for suggestions in the Waltham, MA area for appraisals if anyone knows any.


my insurance company (progressive) is trying to get me to go their claims service that has their own list of shops that do appraisals, but i dunno about that. i'm thinking this could take awhile, as the woman who hit me's insurance is probably going to go after the construction company for stopping traffic. so i'm probably going to have to use my own coverage to pay for repairs and wait for reimbursements.


on that note...since my exhaust is going to need to be fixed i was thinking of getting some new pipes (nicer...i wanna bring out the deep sound but not be over powering inside my car, if anyone has any good suggestions for things to look at for this type of setup i'm all ears. i've been doing some research but i dont know what type of setup will give me that [i.e. yes/no on resonator, where cats should go, if i just need new mufflers and not whole system, etc]) to replace the broken ones. dunno if it can be worked like that, though.


i'm heading home from work soon, gonna see if i can get some pictures up

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If you refused the ambulance ride at the site, go get a checkup and tell them about the accident.


And greg: what I mean by reputable laywer is... don't use 1-800 layer, or binder and binder, or that guy you see on the side of a bus who speaks 5 languages and promises bags of money...


I'm talking about a firm that specializes in Automobile Torts or personal injuries.


More often than not, they have some great contacts on who you should go see... lawyers need professional 'experts' that they use for testomony or trials... they have resources to the best.

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I work with all ex-progressive reps. They try to sell their "network" shops. You dont have to use their shops and they are not allowed to force you... that is called steering.


And her ins co should pay for the damages. She "failed to maintain proper lookout and failed to maintain proper vehicle driving distance" - 2 contributing factors to the accident.


And Soda - They are not scare tactics. Its state law. Thats it. But they will try to settle the claim early and have you sign a release. Basically that means that the ins co does not want to pay for a lawyer and keep the claims open for two years. If they can settle the claim fairly early on, they will.


Remember no-fault coverage pays for you medical bills. You must meet threshold to have a claim, Period. Sometimes you can get a few bucks for your pain and suffering and what we like to call "inconvenience factor".





I would worry about your car more than your injuries or lack of...

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i dont think there's no-fault in MA or RI. i'm not really thinking about injuries. i'm not looking to take an excessive amount of money from the woman. maybe a little more if it happens but i dont really wanna make an extra effort. she was really apologetic about it. my theory: sh*t happens...if you try to squeeze money out of people it'll come back around some day.


i'm probably not using one of their network shops, they have suggested it a few times, though. and i know her insurance should pay for it, but they're probably going to try to make the construction company pay for it. so i dont know if payment from them is going to be delayed until they resolve that conflict


i'm already conditioned to getting my car hit from behind. right when i stopped short i looked in my mirror and saw her right before she hit me. i've gotten to the point that i almost look to try to move out of the way first.


here's some pictures....



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you're missing hte point. You aren't taking money from her. I know it seems that way... but she doesn't pay a dime (unless it's her fault, then she'll pay more insurance premium for her accident since it was her fault).


Don't sell yourself short. You have 2 years to bring it to suit should something happen; just take the time to document and research it NOW before it's too late.

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The only case would be if she was missing an insurance, but then she must be utterly stupid and have to actually pay the price of being double stupid.


Don't pull your punches - otherwise she will think that it's OK to smash some more without ill effects.

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The only case would be if she was missing an insurance, but then she must be utterly stupid and have to actually pay the price of being double stupid.


Don't pull your punches - otherwise she will think that it's OK to smash some more without ill effects.



LOL "When in doubt... just punch her out!" :lol:

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