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No the airbags didnt deploy-thank god. and yea i also didnt get cited either they just basically said that it was unavoidable due to the untreated road condition and the only reason y i went down was becusae the woman wasnt coming until i was about half way down the hill and it was too late then so i basically just did what ever i could and prayed!
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If there is black ice about, then you should slow down :rolleyes:




I've been going 5-10mph before and gotten a little skiddish on black ice. By your logic, people should just not drive at all.



I understand what you're saying, and 98% of the time, you're dead right. And yes, most of those people won't admit that they were at fault. When I went down on a motorcycle, I was the first one to say it was my fault. I was going way too fast for how stiff the shocks were set. Stupid, I didn't adjust them before I went out, that's my fault and I got what was coming to me for it. However, there are, albeit very rare, cases where there is no 'fault' other than driving and having something unexpected happen.

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However, there are, albeit very rare, cases where there is no 'fault' other than driving and having something unexpected happen.


What is referred to as the truest sense of the word "accident."


- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
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Is that a question? If so, the answer is pregnancy.

It was a statement.


And pregnancy, by the nature of the definition, is never an accident. Unplanned, unwanted, but never an accident.


- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
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Pennsylvania is a "no fault" state, I believe. In some states, fault has to be assigned, and sometimes it can be proportionately assigned. In "no fault" states, I believe that it is possible to have no citations under circumstances where an accident was not blatantly caused by any driver's actions.


I think the other driver would be upset because when there is no fault, the liability goes equally to each driver's insurance company. Unfortunately, Grimace, that prolly means your insurance is going up now...


I'm not an expert on these things, but that is my understanding of insurance in PA from my limited time living there.


Good Luck...

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It was a statement.


And pregnancy, by the nature of the definition, is never an accident. Unplanned, unwanted, but never an accident.




Bah, now we're just getting into semantics.



I'm just never going to drive and sit around the house wearing a condom all the time so I'm never at fault. :D

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No the airbags didnt deploy-thank god. and yea i also didnt get cited either they just basically said that it was unavoidable due to the untreated road condition and the only reason y i went down was becusae the woman wasnt coming until i was about half way down the hill and it was too late then so i basically just did what ever i could and prayed!


Since the damages were small and nobody got hurt I would assume that the cop just figured out that it was one of those shit happens events and thought that it was no idea to bring that any further.


See it as a learning experience, and get a better set of tires that are rated for winter use, the Momentums are designed to be all-season, but that doesn't mean that they are good on ice. If the tire has the marking M+S it is considered by the manufacturer to be a winter tire. Just be aware that they are wearing down fast and offering less grip in warm weather.


Compare the images of two winter-specific tires and the Momentum. Especially note the fine cutting that is added to the winter tires. This will improve the grip a lot on wet ice surfaces.




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I think the other driver would be upset because when there is no fault, the liability goes equally to each driver's insurance company. Unfortunately, Grimace, that prolly means your insurance is going up now...


Maybe it's time to bring out the calculator and see if it's cheaper to avoid the insurance company and pay the bill yourself... Sometimes it is.

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However now the girl i hit admitted that as sson as she saw me coming down the hill with no control she closed her eyes. Doesnt anyone else find that a bit off??? And thanks to everyone about me being ok i am i just want my car back. And also yea i am getting snow tires as soon as i get it back, prob form tire rack, somthing like the Blizzarcks. O and yes as of right now thats the way it will be handled mine will pay for mine and hers will pay for hers. But im going to see if that makes ne difference bout her eyes being closed when she saw me.
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AW! A '99 SUS! Bummer. If it makes you feel any better, I hit ice and muffed up my bumper a while back. It was an easy repair, I put on the new bumper myself. Spent $250 and then made some upgrades. Obviously it would be more difficult for you since you have a bit more damage than I did. Its funny I remember going to get an estimate at the local Subaru?Caddy/Dodge dealer and being apalled that a new fog light cost $130 and the writer told me that he had a Stratus in that needed a new bumper, which costs $600 for some reason. So I feel bad for the woman that you hit.



Hills are dangerous. I remember thinking I was gonna end up in someones front year this one time. Thank Subaru for the ABS that undoubtely prevented me from doing so.

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Yea and the sad part is were supposed to get like 3-5in of snow tonite and another 2-4 tomorrow and i cant drive my subaru:mad:. DAMN IT!!! Now i gotta drive our big ass toyota 4runner but atleast it has an aggressive tire with 4WD i guess. but i still miss it!!!
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I avoided like 50 accidents because I reacted fast enuf some of my fault and some not. But women tend to react slower and take less evasive manuevers. For example, I had many incidents where cars were coming right into me and I had to avoid them. So that accident could have been avoided if I was her.....
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