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Who has#420 2006 Spec B

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I had a shot at 007 which I think is the coolest number :p


Was thinking about it but so glad i didnt pull the trigger. This was the first model year, they were asking 32k. Glad i waited 6 months and got one for 25k :p

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Chut up nemo.



I agree, I want to know who has #420


liek omigosh that'd b esoo cool cuz den we cud smoke weed in it every day at 420 and be super cool kids and be sooo highhh http://forums.clubrsx.com/images/smilies/transport017.gif


spray: that'd be sick to have 007

If you don't vote Trump, out, you're a bigot who hates america.
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nemo. I agree. What a loser. Anyone who smokes weed should be thrown in prison. Horrible to think that even people who drive luxury cars like the legacy can be such corrupted individuals...they probably blunt cruise in their turbo cars regularly. sounds so dangerous and wreckless...Turbo+pot...can't believe the irresponsibility. Anyone who thinks me and nemo should lighten up...should be thrown in prison too.
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I'd almost rather people smoke than talk on the gd cell phones while driving. Dont know how many times I've almost been in an accident because of some soccer mom in a RX330 or Pilot talking on her cell while drinking starbucks + driving.

Go Cardinals!

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I'd almost rather people smoke than talk on the gd cell phones while driving. Dont know how many times I've almost been in an accident because of some soccer mom in a RX330 or Pilot talking on her cell while drinking starbucks + driving.


i agree. Because when people blaze and drive they are constantly on the lookout for other people looking and police. :lol:

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nemo. I agree. What a loser. Anyone who smokes weed should be thrown in prison. Horrible to think that even people who drive luxury cars like the legacy can be such corrupted individuals...they probably blunt cruise in their turbo cars regularly. sounds so dangerous and wreckless...Turbo+pot...can't believe the irresponsibility. Anyone who thinks me and nemo should lighten up...should be thrown in prison too.



Wow, you need to lighten up, I bet if you had your way speeders would be thrown in prison also. :rolleyes: The OP was just asking if anyone on here had the Spec B #420 out of curiousity. He never disclosed he even smokes, there is a local colorado member on here with 420 in his screen name, and he doesn't even smoke but he used to ages ago. Point being, you went off insinuating the OP is a 'corrupt' individual, that drives while intoxicated and should be thrown in prison:confused: Pretty rash conclusions based on the original post, I wouldn't want you on my jury, a dude didn't even commit a crime and you are saying burn him at the stake, scary. I guess I should be locked up for disagreeing with your outrageous assumptions...

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she has got you all. She prob smoke 6 bowls a day and drinks king cobra 2 breakfast lunch and dinner. And right before she goes to bed she scrapes the coating off of the oxy's and shoots it up.


Sorry I didn't mean to start a war which mainly forum people is all about ;).
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