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So what do regular drivers think when...

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Tower, this is Ghostrider, requesting flyby.


Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full.


*does flyby anyway, makes controller spill his coffee... AGAIN*


Son of a... I HATE That guy!


Your snot-nosed throttle jockeys did a flyby on my tower at over 400 knots!!! I want some buts!!!


Well, gentlemen, I believe that will cover the flybys.


The rules of Top Gun exist for your safety and for that of your team. They are not flexible, nor am I.



There are *so* many good lines in that movie... Plus it was Tom Cruise playing a real role, before he seemingly went nuts.

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The day I got my LGT, or maybe the day after, I pulled out early while following a bunch of slowpokes up an onramp, stomped it, hit the rev limiter in 2nd (whoops) and they were behind me. Next thing I know, there's flashing blue and red lights behind me, too. :eek:


I pulled over, and the cop passed me.


To this day I wonder if:


(a) he saw me shoot past them all, assumed I was speeding, and realized after he put the lights on that I was not speeding (it was a 60 zone, I might have hit 65).


(b) he saw me shoot past them, and then lost his lock on me, thanks to the black wagon stealth technology. That, and the fact that I wasn't going any faster than anyone else. Where did the speeding car go?!??!???


© or maybe he was just responding to another call


My friend who was with me at the time is certain it was (b). Either way we had a good laugh about it.

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Let's say there's 2-3 cars put-putting along, and they take a nice fast S-exchange between highways. You come along, brake hard in the middle of the S because they're doing like 20 mph, and get right behind them. Then just as there's enough room to exit, you run through the gears of your stage 2+ LGT and within seconds they are little tiny dots in the rear view, as are you to them. You wonder to yourself why you're spending another $4k on go fast bits.


Are the other drivers are still asleep, wondering WTF was that, or reaching for the phone?

Congrats, you used a quart of fuel to save 15 seconds. Get a competition license and hit the track, or go to an autocross.


A friend of mine does stuff like this. He recently got pulled over after being reported for operating erratically and spent 15 minutes on the side of the highway. Another friend got a felony stop for passing someone at high speed - but not high enough to get his plate, as he has a vanity plate (on a 911).

Who Dares Wins


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nobody races on the street! thats illegal!





to be honest I wonder what is wrong with these so called "regular" drivers.. I drive like a bat out of hell in everything I drive... this is why I go through transmissions rather quickly I guess. :lol:


I mean.. do they hate their lives? why are they so unhappy" why dont they stay home or just get out of my way if they are so unhappy? I get the feeling they never have anywhere to go or no timespan to get there.. I dunno about you, but when I leave for a destination, I would like to travel as short a time as possible wthin legal limitations to get there.. and some guy poking along 5 or even 10 under the limit has no place on the road..



I think we should rethink speed limits to "minnimum speed" on all roads.. if you're doing less.. the cop should pull you out of the car and beat you with his night stick.



What do they think when you blast past them? Honestly.. I dont think they even notice you at all.. they're in such a daze they have no idea they're even driving.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
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I don't get to make them tiny little dots in the mirror, because they reluctantly ease their way up to 50 while semis fly by in the right lane and I try to figure out how to merge without dying.
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