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How much is my 08 GT worth?

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Check out edmunds tmv. I looked all over the place when i was deciding how much to ask for my miata when i sold it. NADA is always too high, kbb is ridiculously low, but after comparing forums, autotrader, other classifieds, etc. edmunds was always within a few hundred of what they seemed to be going for. I usually use that as my "what can i get it/for it" pricing guide.




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Ouch - 25% of your net income? For a car payment? I assume you don't have anything going to your 401(k)? Mommy and Daddy won't be around forever. My new one is only 16%, but then I have retirement, student loans, mortgage, etc all budgeted...

It is just my pet peeve when people are given things - and probably don't even appriciate them.

I'm pleasantly surprised... It was most certainly worth the couple bucks and 10 mins of my time.


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I just figured out that I'm paying out 23% of my net income a month for my car. I don't have to pay that much, but I want to pay it off early. And now that my credit card is finally paid off from my wedding I can probably increase that to about 30%.
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For your peoples information, though it is none of your business, I live with my parents so I dont have to pay rent. I do not have a 401K, health insurance, or any bills besides a cell phone. My mother works 1 mile from my workplace so I drive her to and from work. The trade off is my parents pay for my car insurance which happens to be a small amount. I am not given anything and I do not take advantage of anyone.
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For your peoples information, though it is none of your business


Don't take this the wrong way, but you're the one who told the forum what % of your car payment is of your net income. While you're free to make your own economic decisions, don't be surprised when others on here read a comment like "25% of my net income" and respond to it.

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Trade-in only confuses the purchase price of your next vehicle and cars sales people love it. Its another variable to play mind games with. You mentioned getting above trade-in value on your S4, of course you did because you paid for it and maybe some in the purchase price of LGT which I am guessing is MSRP?


Try selling it privately but this is very difficult unless you give some good incentive (major price break) vs a dealer. Your likely going to be paying to get rid of this car.


Good luck

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I hate taxes! :mad:




Yeah, but I sure do like having roads to drive my car on, and a FD to come cut me out of my car when I drive too fast on said roads, and an ambulance to take me to the hospital that is you guessed it, all funded by taxes....


They do suck, but they do also bring ALOT in return..... not to say there isn't a lot wasted but it's a necessarry evil....:mad:

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Get a few day subscription to Galves if you want to. It gives the wholesale prices of what dealers are paying at auction. I've found it to be very accurate for this area (New England) on my last several trades.


FWIW - always work it as two deals. Ask the dealership what they'd pay you for your car if you were to sell it to them. Basically, when you trade it, you ARE selling it to them, although for as little as possible if they have their way.


Second, of course ask them for the price of the new car w/o any trade at all. As in "If I pay cash, what will you take?"


Also remember, that if they arrange the financing, they're probably getting a kickback from the bank they're dealing with. Perfectly legal, but they'd just as soon you didn't know.


Last of all, never, ever, ever, (did I say ever?) let them know how bad you want that particular model of new car. Once they know that, thou art Scrod.


Free advice from a guy that's bought and sold way too many cars. Worth every penny of it too.


Best of luck - you could stand to catch a break IMHO.

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Second, of course ask them for the price of the new car w/o any trade at all. As in "If I pay cash, what will you take?"


How many times do I have to say this?!?! If you're going to buy a new Subie, use the VIP program!!! 2% below invoice - no hassles!!! :spin:

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Just to weigh in on the subjects covered in this thread and then unsubscribe:


  1. I am truly sorry to read about all of your problems. You have been prolific in posting every last detail of your problems. This forum is a great resource for feedback, but you have to take the bad with the good. I tend to agree with what someone said a couple weeks ago - your letters come off as whining and should be a much shorter read - narrative form works in conversation, but professional letters should emphasize brevity.
  2. I don't truly know how many of your problems are self-inflicted or even if you are being over-sensitive. I've experienced the hesitation, too, but it is not worth my trying to "lemon" the car out. It really only comes out at WOT, and a young driver that isn't paying his own insurance really shouldn't be driving that aggressively. You are only asking for trouble, if you don't believe me, ask TommyPenguin.
  3. If you are concerned about reliability, I would urge you to not look at Mitsubishi. They are consistently rated low for service problems and you are considering a new version of a highly tweaked car - it is likely to have many more problems than what you are currently experiencing. (I am assuming your stalling problem is driver error... ;))
  4. 25% of your income is a lot to invest in a car payment - as other posters mentioned, consider investing more to give you the flexibility in the future to get the car of your dreams - don't mortgage your future for a little bit of fun now. You discuss a 401k above like it is an expense, it is NOT! It is a solid way to ensure you have plenty of money when it is time to retire. Too many Americans don't use the financial options available to them or underinvest. That means that the rest of us will end up subsidizing you when you are on the public dole in your sunset years. Which leads me to...
  5. Taxes. OT, but I strongly believe that taxes are a necessary evil when it comes to providing a sound foundation for a society. The American tax burden is relatively low when looking at comparable "Western" societies, and yet the conversation has gone on for the past 7 years that we are paying too much. As long as there are people out there that need assistance for valid reasons, infrastructure that needs regular maintenance or upgrades, and, to paraphrase the philosopher most influential to the founding principles of our country, John Locke, the purpose of government is to protect the powerless from the powerful. Many of the politicians currently in power would prefer a more "feudal" system of government, but I firmly believe in the principles of our founding fathers. :spin:[/soap box]

Because I truly don't want to hijaak this thread into a political discussion, I won't respond to any flames resulting from my last point. If anyone wants to get into a debate about this, feel free to PM me and we can start a thread in the OT forums... :)


Of course, the opinions are just my $0.02. Take them for what they are worth...


Kindest regards,



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I got my letter structure from a website. Now after doing another search on writing a complaint letter I find that they all agree with you. I just went to the wrong site. (my luck anyway).

I do tend to be over sensitive, but in this case I dont think I am. My previous car, S4 was 7 years old. It was very reliable, which was suprising, up until the Turbos blew at 60K miles. I had many great years with that car. I loved that car and I would have kept it if the dealership had done the repairs correctly, but thats a different story.

In my opinion, the stupid problems I am having with the GT should not be happening to a new car. Melting interior? stalling? a hesitation problem that has been with us for the duration of this model line? I know some of it is not a big deal. The melting interior I could live with, but its something that shouldnt be happening. I have been thinking for the past few days about the Evo X and my options. I have said so myself to other people, never buy a first year model, as there are always problems, I think my hunger for power, AWD, and the SST tried to get the best of me.

I got in my car yesterday and just sat there thinking, its not a bad car at all. I bought the GT because I love what it could be, (and because I really needed a new car :) ) I love the fact that it has the same amenities as my S4 did, plus more. It just pisses me off that SOA has thrown me to the curb. I'm not giving up until a reasonable agreement has been met. I dont doubt it that SOA thinks I am bluffing but if I dont get a letter by the end of the week, the Attorney General and SOA will have a Final Oportunity To Repair Lemon letter in their slimey little hands next week. Its already been 5 business days since they recieved the letter and I will give them another 5 days. In the mean time, I will be conducting an Enginuity test on the vehicle with my buddy and post the logs here.

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