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@#$&*(& Just Got My First Traffic Ticket


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:nono: This morning i was pulled over by a motorcycle cop for driving 46 mph in a 30 mph on Garfield where intersects with Garvey


The weird thing is i don't think i've ever reached 46 mph since that was just a small stretch of street on Garfield. I might've been driving a bit above 40 mph and came to a rolling stop at the light, that's when i see the cop in my rear view mirror






When will i receive the ticket notice?


What do you have to do when i go to court?


Any estimation on how much the ticket is gonna be?


Is traffic school gonna suck???


:sigh: Things have not been going smooth for me at all lately... :redface:

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Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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Hey Michael,


Sorry to hear mang! :(


If it makes you feel better, I still have the "world's record" for most tickets in 1 day :eek::cool: (I'll tell you about it next time we have a meet).


If this is only your very first traffic violation, you've got nothing to worry about, IMHO.


You should be getting a notice in the mail soon (depends on the city how fast the turnaround is - I think from 5-20 days).


You'll have an option to just go to Traffic School to get rid of the violation. It'll be wiped out and you'll have a clean record ;).


How much? I have no idea these days. It'll be some nominal fee to the Court for paperwork, and you just have to find a Traffic School that fits the specifications of the Court.


Some Cities allow you to take Online Traffic School (very cool), so it's much less painful (and James Projects15 can help you then ;)). If they don't allow it, then just find a local one in the SG Valley, no biggie. Very easy stuff.


Good luck~

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And right after i got my tickets, made a U-turn to go back the route to work.... THERE! I see another truck get pulled over at the exact same spot i was at :mad:


Ugh, that sucks. It sounds like it's "that time of the month" for some cities' police / CHP to build up the revenue (since they get a portion of the money). Thanks for the warning...


Garfield and Garvey area... I'm not going near there for a while. ;):rolleyes:

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Awwww mang.... this sucks... i might have my aero spats up for sale... :(


It's not that expensive; don't worry too much Michael.


Almost all Traffic Schools accept Credit Card as well ;) (and you have up to... 90 Days(?) to complete the course, so you have time).


If they didn't allow you to go to Traffic School (if you already got a ticket earlier and went), then you'd have to pay a lot more money to the Court, and you just "eat" the ticket (and it goes on your record for ~3 years before it drops off). But you should be cool.

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was the cop hiding when you say the truck get pulled over...


california has a problem with entrapment that is illegal for them to do but most of the time we the driver's don't see where they were to start with.


yea, i know it's about that time of the month. In Monterey Park they always does the stake out with laser guns, almost all the time i catch them in the corner of my eyes, but this time they just came out of no where...


i shouldn't take a new route to work.. usually i would take Del Mar all the way to 60s for the last year and a half, but i've just recently changed my route to take Garfield... :mad:

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Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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Man that sucks Michael. Like Ken said, just wait for it in the mail. I'm thinking it was a city cop that gave you that ticket. See if you can check out that city's court website and find out whether or not you can take online traffic school. But I'm sure that information will be on that ticket. You can definitely try the "Trial by Declaration" but cops are wising up to that so you'll still have to pay if they respond. But it's definitely worth a try. Hope that helps and best of luck with everything. -0
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don't stress it hangie; my mother gets tickets for the most hilarious reasons, and it hasn't affected us too badly.


At least your first ticket wasn't too lame. My first ticket happened when the legacy's back bumper was sticking out into a random red zone (no fire hydrant either). "46 inches into red" I call bull, couldn't have been more than 24.

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Is this your first ticket EVER? Cause if so, you're doing a lot better than I did. I got five the first year i had my license, and have racked up another six or so in the last two decades. After my first, my uncle told me "Don't worry, kid. The next 25 come pretty fast." So perhaps my problem is genetic. :lol:


Speeding tickets aren't really that big a deal; if you're lucky, your insurance company will never find out about it (most only review accounts once every three years or so) and increase your rates. My advice would be to show up for the court date (as most times the judge will reduce the fine), go to the class if you're eligible (it will be boring as hell, but worth it), and chalk it all up as a learning experience.

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if its your first ticket, you will have the option to go to traffic school. your ticket should be under 200 bucks and traffic school is about 60 bucks (i think). it goes off your record and you will continue to have a perfect driving record.


how can you be speeding in a non turbo? :lol:



did he try and write you up for your mods, too?

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