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You know it's time to clean out your car when...


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How the hell does that happen? How does one go from a Dunkin Donuts bag on the floor to what looks like years worth of garbage? I get pissed at myself when I forget the empty coffee cup....I gotta see a pic of this woman, she must be a complete mess
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when i was working summer job 2 years ago at Budget rental car, we get this frequent customer come in to rent a full fize sedan. The car he owns however is a 80s Pontiac POS filled with trash! i mean... the whole car is packed with trash, and whenever we see him coming, we hold our breath and get him out as quick as possible


i know i know, judging people is not right, but we just get too dizzy by the smell...

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Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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Last summer on our way back from Dallas we came across this car where we stopped to eat in Nashville, Tn. It had so much crap in it I dont know how anyone could fit. I am weird and don't like stuff in my car so I couldn't imagine letting it get this bad.



04 FXT vf39 5mt


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A guy in mu office building had a car like that. Full to 1/2 way up the windows with empty bottles. He's gone now though. That company moved out.
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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Never had a chance to tell this story, but now I do. that lady is obviously a pack rat. When I worked in hotels, we had this retired couple that stayed with us for just under a year. He was using his marriott platinum card points. at first they seemed pretty nice, but the wife never let us in the room to clean it. then, we noticed something else weird. She never left the room. He would go down to the pool and clean up in the locker room. don't know if he showered, or just cleaned up in the sink. Their car had plastic bags on the seats and junk in the back seats.


Since they lived on the concierge floor, he would always bring food back for his wife. Then we noticed something else. dishes never left the room. To make a long story short; a guest was staying in the corner room across from their room. They complained about the stench coming from the room. after several days back and fourth with management, they were given the option to leave the hotel or let house cleaning into the room to clean. They left.


What they found in the room could not be described. Months of dishes piled up everywhere, some still had food on them. At some point the toilet was clogged up, so used tp was just piled up on the floor next to the toilet. The bed where the wife slept had permanent grease stains from where she slept.


They had to shut down the room for over a month while they gutted it, carpet, wallpaper, mattresses, drapes, furniture, everything had to go. They paid the staff a big bonus for cleaning the room. They left the hotel, and all other hotels in the area were put on the alert about this couple

258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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i work in construction in the sheet metal trade as a apprentice. i have to go to school on saturdays and have friends that work at some other shops. now some of them drive some real POS cars, but i dont think that it's any excuse. they by no mean have sh*t piled clear up to the windows, but it's almost that bad! when i asked them why they let thier cars get so messy they always say " so, it's just a car, who cares?" the weird thing is, one of the worst ones is this guy who's really smart, gets good grades,and is kind of a detail freak, and by no means has bad hygene.
never, under any circumstances, take sleeping pills at the same time as a laxative.
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