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dream definitions by Bu11dogg2


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i have dreams about pooping on pornstars, nice stanley steamer right on there stomach



you obviously have inferiority issues. You feel as though women, even small meager porn stars are greater in mind body and soul then you. You feel as though you have to cower at the very presence of any women, you obvioulsy are a momma's boy.


By dreaming of pooping (as you put it) on women you emasculate yourself and relieve your feelings of femininity.

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you obviously have inferiority issues. You feel as though women, even small meager porn stars are greater in mind body and soul then you. You feel as though you have to cower at the very presence of any women, you obvioulsy are a momma's boy.


By dreaming of pooping (as you put it) on women you emasculate yourself and relieve your feelings of femininity.



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Thanks for the defintion :)

I just think it's wierd that its always a different girl in the dream. Oh wel :)

Like I said before cool idea to start this thread. Let's just hop noone talks about pooping on someones stomache.......................... whoops :)

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I had this dream… that my bellybutton was a phillips head screw. So I’m working on it, trying to unscrew it… and when I finally do, my penis falls off… so I pick up my penis and i’m running around with it, trying to find the guy that used to fix my Lincoln, when I used to drive Lincolns, so that he can fix my penis and put my penis back on… and then this bird flies in out of now where, grabs my penis and flies off with it.


Obviously something is amiss in your life... The idea of your belly button unscrewing is an odd one, which has required alot of thought on my part.




I think it has to with the fact that you are trying to piece something together in your life, but you have been unable to control it. Your trying to mend an old problem, but you feel as though you are making the problem worse?

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  • 2 months later...
I had a good dream a few years back after a night of heavy drinking. I don't remember what it was about, but I do remember that during in the dream I had to use the bathroom. I sidled up to the urinal and let fly, that dream piss felt great! Too bad it also corresponded to a real piss in on my damn floor.
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OK I'll finish reading the rest of this thread later, I'm almost done but wanted to post mine up.


I use to have dreams where I'm driving and fall off a cliff, i always wake up right before i hit the bottom in a cold sweat and heart pounding.



for the last maybe 6 months they have changed from me falling to my son falling instead. i think I've had 3 of these dreams


He's always on a play structure crawling around I'm usually on the ground watching him he crawls off the side where the fireman type pole is. and i cant get to him in time because I'm on the other side of the play structure.


I've had one dream, (the most recent a few weeks ago) we went to the beach and we stopped at a nice place to eat, very kid friendly, we had to climb up a play structure to get in the place. so my son is crawling around I'm a little ways behind him, I'm not soooo in shape. and he falls off the side. i tried sooo hard to grab his leg before he went to the edge. i actually got up and crawled to the end of the beg and was hanging over the end yelling and crying. i woke my self up and my husband was kinda freaking out cause I've never done that before. my son was safe and sound next to me. I'm really really tired of these dreams. i don't like seeing my son about to die.

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I had this dream… that my bellybutton was a phillips head screw. So I’m working on it, trying to unscrew it… and when I finally do, my penis falls off… so I pick up my penis and i’m running around with it, trying to find the guy that used to fix my Lincoln, when I used to drive Lincolns, so that he can fix my penis and put my penis back on… and then this bird flies in out of now where, grabs my penis and flies off with it.

that one actually made me laugh pretty hard.


My mom always tells the grand kids that if they unscrew their belly buttons their butt will fall off.

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I had this dream… that my bellybutton was a phillips head screw. So I’m working on it, trying to unscrew it… and when I finally do, my penis falls off… so I pick up my penis and i’m running around with it, trying to find the guy that used to fix my Lincoln, when I used to drive Lincolns, so that he can fix my penis and put my penis back on… and then this bird flies in out of now where, grabs my penis and flies off with it.



I guess in your subconscious, you want your old mechanic to touch your penis.


Or maybe you feel a sense of losing your manhood after giving up the Lincoln.


Or maybe you associate the Lincoln with a loss of virility, which is not surprising as I can only guess that by brand Lincoln attracts more viagra buyers than the Suby does.

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1. I've had this dream a lot recently where I'm finishing up my last semester in school and I vaguely remember this class I attended in the beginning of the semester, and then I realized I haven't gone too that class the whole semester, then I get worried about not graduating.


In real life, however, I used to be a terrible student until I transferred home, now I'm hoping to graduate with 3.80, and I'm graduating at the top of my major.


2. I've had these dreams where I was moving in slow motion. In one of these dreams, I walked down to my living room and there were three eunuchs in the room. I just knew they were eunuchs somehow, they were fully clothed in black cloaks, and looked real pale. After that I started fighting all of them but I kept on moving in slow motion, and however hard I fought I couldn't beat them. Another dream like this was when I was in some sort of a dark labyrinth, and wherever I went a pair of red eyes followed right behind me. The closer it got to me the slower I moved.

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This dream always fucked me up. I remember it vividly...and I'm totally serious about this one.


Dream #1

It was like a movie. Its a stormy night, and the view kind of pans downward down a creepy old house's front yard to the front door, where instead of a door knocker, there's a midget hanging from the door by chains around his wrists. The chains connect to the door at the corners. As the wind blows and thunder/lightning strike, you can see the midget

bouncing against the door. There is no sign as to whether he's alive or not.


The door opens, and the "scene" cuts to a view of the interior of the room. Wood floors, and I'm laying on it, holding my side, like it hurts. There's a tall, obese black woman standing in the open doorway. Its the same door with the midget, he's still on it. She's giving this "evil" laugh and pointing at me, but not speaking. I'm on the ground, holding my side, apparently in some kind of pain, and barely squeaking out "noooo." That happens for what feels like about 20 seconds, and its over. Sounds like a David Lynch movie now that I've typed it out.


Dream #2

All the backgrounds are sunburst hues of yellow, orange and red. The entire US army stands in front of me. Troops, tanks, the whole deal. A non-descript general steps out in front, approaches me, and tells me that he's sorry, but my father has died. I tell him "ok," I turn around to start to walk away, apparently saddened by this news, and as I walk away, I smirk.


Post-script: 2 weeks later, my father passed away in real life from unknown causes.


I'm probably all kinds of fucked up. lol

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OK I'll finish reading the rest of this thread later, I'm almost done but wanted to post mine up.


I use to have dreams where I'm driving and fall off a cliff, i always wake up right before i hit the bottom in a cold sweat and heart pounding.



for the last maybe 6 months they have changed from me falling to my son falling instead. i think I've had 3 of these dreams


He's always on a play structure crawling around I'm usually on the ground watching him he crawls off the side where the fireman type pole is. and i cant get to him in time because I'm on the other side of the play structure.


I've had one dream, (the most recent a few weeks ago) we went to the beach and we stopped at a nice place to eat, very kid friendly, we had to climb up a play structure to get in the place. so my son is crawling around I'm a little ways behind him, I'm not soooo in shape. and he falls off the side. i tried sooo hard to grab his leg before he went to the edge. i actually got up and crawled to the end of the beg and was hanging over the end yelling and crying. i woke my self up and my husband was kinda freaking out cause I've never done that before. my son was safe and sound next to me. I'm really really tired of these dreams. i don't like seeing my son about to die.



I'm guessing your son is age 1.5-4? You are feeling a bit distant from your son because as he ages he is becoming ever more independent. The fear of him falling is your fear of losing the son that you for all practical purposes spent the first year of his life nurturing. This is completely natural and very common dream.


1. I've had this dream a lot recently where I'm finishing up my last semester in school and I vaguely remember this class I attended in the beginning of the semester, and then I realized I haven't gone too that class the whole semester, then I get worried about not graduating.


In real life, however, I used to be a terrible student until I transferred home, now I'm hoping to graduate with 3.80, and I'm graduating at the top of my major.


2. I've had these dreams where I was moving in slow motion. In one of these dreams, I walked down to my living room and there were three eunuchs in the room. I just knew they were eunuchs somehow, they were fully clothed in black cloaks, and looked real pale. After that I started fighting all of them but I kept on moving in slow motion, and however hard I fought I couldn't beat them. Another dream like this was when I was in some sort of a dark labyrinth, and wherever I went a pair of red eyes followed right behind me. The closer it got to me the slower I moved.


ummmm these ones are quite normal too. You have underlying issues that attribute to the school dreams... i'm guessing your excited about graduation but nervous about work afterward?


The eunuchs dream is quite normal. Heights covered the slow moving stuff earlier in this thread. All very common.

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This dream always fucked me up. I remember it vividly...and I'm totally serious about this one.


Dream #1

It was like a movie. Its a stormy night, and the view kind of pans downward down a creepy old house's front yard to the front door, where instead of a door knocker, there's a midget hanging from the door by chains around his wrists. The chains connect to the door at the corners. As the wind blows and thunder/lightning strike, you can see the midget

bouncing against the door. There is no sign as to whether he's alive or not.


The door opens, and the "scene" cuts to a view of the interior of the room. Wood floors, and I'm laying on it, holding my side, like it hurts. There's a tall, obese black woman standing in the open doorway. Its the same door with the midget, he's still on it. She's giving this "evil" laugh and pointing at me, but not speaking. I'm on the ground, holding my side, apparently in some kind of pain, and barely squeaking out "noooo." That happens for what feels like about 20 seconds, and its over. Sounds like a David Lynch movie now that I've typed it out.


Dream #2

All the backgrounds are sunburst hues of yellow, orange and red. The entire US army stands in front of me. Troops, tanks, the whole deal. A non-descript general steps out in front, approaches me, and tells me that he's sorry, but my father has died. I tell him "ok," I turn around to start to walk away, apparently saddened by this news, and as I walk away, I smirk.


Post-script: 2 weeks later, my father passed away in real life from unknown causes.


I'm probably all kinds of fucked up. lol


You either have a very creative and complex unconscience or you need to see a doctor.


either way.... I cant help you :lol:

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You either have a very creative and complex unconscience or you need to see a doctor.


either way.... I cant help you :lol:


Its subconscience, not unconscience.



how far along are you? Im in my 6th year, 3rd Degree....


You need to get your monies back.

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had a nightmare lastnight, that I was on a large old ship (with sails), it was night time, a bad really storm - and it was just me and two other people onboard - one of whom was severely injured. We were the only survivors. The ship was out of control and being tossed all over the sea from the huge waves. I never felt more afraid, a feeling that something awful was about to happen to us and there was nothing we can do but tend to the injured person and try to make them as comfortable as possible until the end.


I remember walking outside on the deck of the ship and the ship violently bashed into some sort of barrier that extended far into a sky. Then heading back out away from the barrier and rocking up and down over the large stormy wave. I felt so scared I woke up.




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