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dream definitions by Bu11dogg2


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I think this means.... You're a PVSSY!



I think it was seeing the busted up person in my dream, knowing something else is on that ship that did this to him and had eliminated the rest of the crew, and we are lost at sea with no communication, no one is in control of the ship, and the storm is tossing the ship like a rag doll. And we are huddling together in a room on the ship lit by candlelight since there is no power.



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... so you don't agree with my professional medical opinion???


I think it was seeing the busted up person in my dream, knowing something else is on that ship that did this to him and had eliminated the rest of the crew, and we are lost at sea with no communication, no one is in control of the ship, and the storm is tossing the ship like a rag doll. And we are huddling together in a room on the ship lit by candlelight since there is no power.




Don't tell anyone, but I actually agree with the Bully on this one. :D

You certainly are having some control issues....

My suggested treatment would be to burn one before you go to bed @ night, it shouldn't be long before you stop dreaming altogether...


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I keep dreaming about a huge yellow snake that bites (and tries to swallow) my loved ones. One night it was my dad, a week later it was the same yellow snake bitting my wife. In both dreams I came to their defense and I woke up after trying to poke the snake's eyes out with my fingers in the hopes it would stop trying to eat my family members.


I don't get why it is always that damn yellow snake.

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I keep dreaming about a huge yellow snake that bites (and tries to swallow) my loved ones. One night it was my dad, a week later it was the same yellow snake bitting my wife. In both dreams I came to their defense and I woke up after trying to poke the snake's eyes out with my fingers in the hopes it would stop trying to eat my family members.


I don't get why it is always that damn yellow snake.



Any dream you have about a loved one or friend being injured has something to do with insecurity. We all have dreams like that....


Is your dad older? You might be fearing his old age as you dont want to lose him.

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Man, you guys have some bitch'n dreams. So theatrical and grandiose. The only time I even remember my dreams is when I wake up in the middle of them. Unfortunately at present none of them are screwed up enough for me to remember in order to post here.
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had a nightmare lastnight, that I was on a large old ship (with sails), it was night time, a bad really storm - and it was just me and two other people onboard - one of whom was severely injured. We were the only survivors. The ship was out of control and being tossed all over the sea from the huge waves. I never felt more afraid, a feeling that something awful was about to happen to us and there was nothing we can do but tend to the injured person and try to make them as comfortable as possible until the end.


I remember walking outside on the deck of the ship and the ship violently bashed into some sort of barrier that extended far into a sky. Then heading back out away from the barrier and rocking up and down over the large stormy wave. I felt so scared I woke up.




you've been watching too much "Deadliest Catch" havent you?:lol:

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