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removing window tint?


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A shop wanted to charge me 100.00 CAN to un-tint the windows and then re-do them in a darker tint (which was going to run another 200.00+). I said for 300 bucks, I'll be happy with my current job thank you very much!



I'm not sure what's involved but it's probably a pain in the ass, and easier with a specific solution that those crafty guys at the tint shop possess....

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I wouldn't worry about un-tinting the car in order to sell it... unless you have illegally tinted the front windows.


If all you have is dark tint on the rear of the car (ie: no problem with the Cops) than don't sweat it.

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its a real bitch to untint. after peeling and scraping you get left with the adhesive and that takes a while to get off with proper chemicals, which smell like crazy and if dripped onto anything will end up ruining it, which is why a lot of shops will actually take the glass out of the window and soak it in chemical. the rear is the real problem with the defroster lines and not being able to remove it. high risk of damaging them.






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Get a gallon of amonia and newspaper. Put the newspaper against the tint and spray with amonia. Let it sit under the sun for a few mins. and start peelng the tint. The amonia works with UV and not on heat. Make sure that the newspaper is soaked.
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yeah its tinted the same all the way around, not just the rear. it was supposed to be 30% but it actually reads 25% on the tint meter, probably due to the factory tint. anyway RobE, thanks for the link on removing the tint (warm sunny day might be a problem LOL) and everyone else for your suggestions. either i'll drop the price to factor in the tint removal or i'll remove it upon request of the buyer.
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When i got my OBXT it wouldn't pass inspection in NH because the tint was to dark... and i was supposed to leave for school 2 hours after the inspection... so i drove home, got my mom's hair drier and a razor blade and had at it.

took about 2 hours to get all of it off, if you heat it properly no adhesive will be left behind :icon_wink

just have to be verrryyyy slow and heat the tint super evenly.

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