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Road Rage ?

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I find this whole thread interesting.


I have driven in many places across the globe(Europe, South, Central America) and find that US seems to be unique in road rage. We also seem to lack in turn signal use.

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I find this whole thread interesting.


I have driven in many places across the globe(Europe, South, Central America) and find that US seems to be unique in road rage. We also seem to lack in turn signal use.




USA drivers suck. Both in skills and courtesy department.


It's a shame and my biggest disappoinment after coming to this country.


(next to windowless schools, but that's very off topic)

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In any given merging situation, I always (ok - 99% of the time) yield. It's not worth it. And the majority of the drivers on the road have SHITTY driving skills, so I take every opportunity to give them wide berth.
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A guy got shot in the face a few weeks back while driving around downtown KC on the highway! The news said it was a road rage case, and the guy may never speak again.


A month or so back, a guy tried to run a car off the road around overland park, KS. He actually bashed into it pushing it to the shoulder. He later said, the other car was driving too slow, so he tried to move it out of the way!


I would have done the same thing in your situation. I like pissing other women off anyways!

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:lol: :lol:


I understood your post just fine and wasn't pointing you out. My note just relates to what I personally see on my commute. If you see some of yourself in what I define as an "idiot" - so be it...



Touché :icon_bigg

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This seems like an appropriate spot to post this: http://www.topgear.com/content/features/stories/2006/08/stories/07/1.html.


Just think about how much less traffic there would be... How so many traffic problems would just disappear...



That plan makes too much since....which is y it'll never be implemented

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this site was made for you ragers http://www.platewire.com


if people would learn to merge (and that means letting people in as well as not using a merge lane as a passing frenzy) traffic jams would disappear. the only situation where i dont let people in is on freeways where people try to pass on the right (which would include this guys story). remember that "merge" DOES NOT mean "yield". if someone is entering the freeway, you are not entitled to your position.

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There's a big push by law enforcement to crack down on "aggressive drivers." I get most of it. Speeding was already illegal, fine. Likewise tailgating. But, at least during my commute, most of the traffic problems and danger is coming from what I consider "passive-aggressive drivers." Essentially, folks who throw off the rules of good and courteous driving so badly that they make good drivers bad.


The obvious one is the git who sits in the left lane going well under the speed limit with no cars in front of him for 1/2 mile during rush hour. That hardly needs to be addressed. The ones that really get me are the ones like the second car in the OP story. Or another of my favorites, the idiot who's apparently been sleeping or reading the news while driving, and has 8 car lengths in front of him, so you signal and start to merge over and the guy "wakes up" and puts on the gas to keep you out. that's one of the most dangerous things they could do, and I see it half-a-dozen times each morning.


And here is what I'm getting at. At times I would certainly be labelled an aggressive driver. I work hard to communicate effectively what moves I am going to make, but there are times when I (gasp!) pass on the right and (oh!) cut people off. These "lapses" in good driving are always when I am confronted by someone who is driving while under the influence of stupidity.


Rather than defensive driving, I feel that in many ways the safest thing you can do on overcrowded roadways is getting to your destination and therefore off the road as quickly as possible. Rush-hour traffic is like Brownian motion - the best way to avoid collision is to minimize exposure time.

Ich bin echt viel netter, wenn ich nuechtern bin. Echt!
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The obvious one is the git who sits in the left lane going well under the speed limit with no cars in front of him for 1/2 mile during rush hour. That hardly needs to be addressed.


I hope you meant "That hardly gets addressed" or "That really needs to be addressed".


Rather than defensive driving, I feel that in many ways the safest thing you can do on overcrowded roadways is getting to your destination and therefore off the road as quickly as possible. Rush-hour traffic is like Brownian motion - the best way to avoid collision is to minimize exposure time.


I agree. I drive faster than most. Usually this means sprints from one dog pack to another. The less idiots around me the safer it is.

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My take on lane merging is, if you want to merge in early, I'll let you in. If you are one of those people that try to merge in at the very last minute, I'll only yield if you do it decisively. Half hearted attempts by pulling up even and using your blinkers will get nothing out of me, I'll just continue driving at the same speed I was going.


This has been my philosophy from years of bicycle racing in criteriums. If you are hanging on at the back of the pack, people will generally let you in to get a draft. If you want to be at the front, you are going to have to work for it and be decisive and assertive. If you don't have the skills, you will be left hanging out in the wind.

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700-I certainly know how you feel.


I just had a road rage incident this weekend...


Rolling up to a green light to take a left and I hear this honking from the BMW 3 behind me...obviously I'm not railing into the corner like this lady would prefer. I look in my rearview to see her shaking her hands for me to move, so I continue on my path unfazed....that's when this lady flipped. We start to merge on to the highway and I see her cross left over two lanes and gun it. She gets around one car and then I see her move right into the lane next to me, in anticipation of her cutting me off I decide to "add some pepper". I had plenty of road so I leave her in the traffic behind me....the whole time she's weaving to try and catch up but it's pointless for her. I think everyone saw how she was driving and tried to slow her up a bit....at least that's how I saw it.

Anyways, I get off the highway she eventually gets in behind me and starts riding my a$$....now is when I get irritated. I let her go by and she flys into the StopNShop parking lot, I turn around, pull in we had some words. Turns out she didn't like that I was driving slow! I told her if I was speeding she would have had an issue with that too....she calls me a jerk I call her a c*^# and start driving off. In my rearview, I see her whip out her cell and reach for a pen(?) (and not wanting anymore trouble) I proceed to leave the parking lot and wail up a side road until I know I've lost her.


What drives people is beyond me...

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There's a big push by law enforcement to crack down on "aggressive drivers." I get most of it. Speeding was already illegal, fine. Likewise tailgating. But, at least during my commute, most of the traffic problems and danger is coming from what I consider "passive-aggressive drivers." Essentially, folks who throw off the rules of good and courteous driving so badly that they make good drivers bad.
Passive-aggressive drivers I believe are the cause of all road-rage. Aggressive drivers just want to get where they are going. The rage builds up when some asshat thinks he's doing a public service. How about you just get going to where you're going and let other people do the same?
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it does not happen much out here in Idaho


When you know the average driver is armed you think twice about being an asshat.


That and when you are also armed the last thing you want to do is escalate the situation further, because if it goes to the use of force you had damned well better be justified in it's use. Having a vehicular pissing contest leading up to a shooting is a good way to go to jail.:lol:

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Jail if you're lucky, worse if you're not.


Gotta say though, there's been a few times when I wished I was driving a car I didn't like so much, just so I could let idiots do themselves in on my bumper or fender. But, I drive a car I like, and saving other people from their stupidity is one of the prices I pay.


Loved the Top Gear essay, btw.

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I would have done the same thing. Another similar situation to this is people who are in the right lane and then jump onto the merge lane of an entrance merge in order to get in front of people. This happens a lot around here. I block them if I can. If you are merging legitimately I will let you in, i'll even slow down to accommodate you, but if you do the above i'll try and stop you getting back in especially if i'm driving my old car :)
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this happens to me like once a week :lol: I had a guy slow down to 20 mph in front of my on the hwy b/c he was mad when I passed him in his S4 with my wagon. He flew around me, cut in front of me where there was really no room, & slammed the brakes. About a month ago I had a 4runner riding my ass in bumper to bumper traffic. I brake-checked him b/c he was right up my ass & he went on the shoulder & tried to force me into the middle lane traffic. I called the cops on both of these jackasses. More often than not I try to avoid confontations because you never know, someone could pull out a gun & shoot you.

If you have someone REALLY on your butt and you have a moon roof, pop that sucker open and snag a big lugie straight up. With any luck it'll blow right back on their windshield and they'll see you do it, so they know what it is. Then they'll either back off (or come along side and spray you with 9mm's).:lol:

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This seems like an appropriate spot to post this: http://www.topgear.com/content/features/stories/2006/08/stories/07/1.html.


Just think about how much less traffic there would be... How so many traffic problems would just disappear...


Indeed. As long as Mr. Clarkson is magnanimous enough to revoke his own license.


Fine, he has a point to make that many agree with. On the other hand, his railing against the poor girl who said "water melts" at 32F.. only shows his own ignorance. 32F is freezing AND melting point of water. If the water (ice) had been at 31F or below, and moved to 32F, it would melt.


Until this point I used to QUITE like Mr. Clarkson. Now, I only somewhat like him..



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On the other hand, his railing against the poor girl who said "water melts" at 32F.. only shows his own ignorance. 32F is freezing AND melting point of water. If the water (ice) had been at 31F or below, and moved to 32F, it would melt.


Until this point I used to QUITE like Mr. Clarkson. Now, I only somewhat like him..




Same here. My first thought was that she knew what she was saying, but said it in a way that most people don't expect to hear.

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Indeed. As long as Mr. Clarkson is magnanimous enough to revoke his own license.


Fine, he has a point to make that many agree with. On the other hand, his railing against the poor girl who said "water melts" at 32F.. only shows his own ignorance. 32F is freezing AND melting point of water. If the water (ice) had been at 31F or below, and moved to 32F, it would melt.


Until this point I used to QUITE like Mr. Clarkson. Now, I only somewhat like him..




I was thinking the same thing...

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I hope you meant "That hardly gets addressed" or "That really needs to be addressed".




I agree. I drive faster than most. Usually this means sprints from one dog pack to another. The less idiots around me the safer it is.



when I'm in the LGT...that’s the story of my life.... I also drive fast but I use a special style I call aggressive defensive driven... meaning I drive fast and try to anticipate other peoples moves before they do… works in poker too :icon_bigg :icon_bigg

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