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I goofed...

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Ok, so I know... Im stupid. Ya'll can flame me, its ok. But here I was thinkin I was invincible in my lovely AWD sedan. The amazing machine that can do what I didnt think was possible in a sedan. I tried to take a corner at ~45mph on the 19000 mile stock tires and didnt quite make it. I had taken the same corner before with no problems, but this time it was different. Im not blaming the tires now, dont get me wrong... I was stupid. But the tires were going out on me as well, they needed replacing in the near future.

But anyways, so I take the corner a little too quickly and slam into the curb. Muchas pain comes in the form of a dagger through what once was my indestructable thoughts. The right front axle decides, enough of this crap... Im going to show him a lesson. Lesson definately learned mr axle, thank you for the tutorial... But needless to say. the right front axle is gone, a bit of damage to the bumper, and the tire and rim are pretty much toast. I dont really want flames, but Im sure they will come regardless. It was a stupid decision on my part, no doubt. But does anyone have any ideas how much it will cost to get this repaired? Im not sure all that will have to be done, but i know that the axle snapped, the brake line was snapped, the fender was bent, the bumper was scratched and stuff. But it would be helpful if you had any idea of how much it will cost to replace/fix this. Im sure its not gonna be cheap :S Suck for me.

Anyways, any information on this would be helpful. Its getting repaired at Big Red Subaru in Norman Oklahoma for an fyi, and I live in Wichita Falls Texas. So its quite a bit out of the way, and the tow bill is prob gonna cost me bout $550 or so too :S Big time ouch.

Thanks for listening. I look forward to the replies.

If I pass you on the right, I'm flipping you off.
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I was guaging around $1500 without a real estimate from the dealership yet.

And for the pics... yea, I was retarded... i forgot to take the pics with my crappy camera phone. I wasnt even thinking... I was just freaked out.

Basically though, let me tell you that imagine the tire when you crank it hard to the right... then imagine being lowered to the ground on the front right. Thats about how it looks. lol

If I pass you on the right, I'm flipping you off.
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You know what... Thats the only bright side that I have thought of in this situation. It was high time to replace the tires, Im thinkin Pirelli's for the next set. But might just go toyo proxies. not sure yet. And yea... thats about the only bright side I can see at this point.

Im just happy that the airbags didnt deploy when the bumper hit the little wooden spikes that were on the side of the curb. That would have been horrible.


But maybe upgraded suspension sometime :) It definately would have helped... lol. But then again, slowing down would have done a world of good too... lol.

If I pass you on the right, I'm flipping you off.
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Have your insurance company pay for it, it's what they're there for. Just pay your deductible and be on your way.


And I'd say it'd be much more than $1500 considering what was damaged. Rim, tire, axle, brake line, front bumper repair, and I'll bet something in the suspension was bent. Once I see pictures, I could give a better idea, but my guess is in the $3K range.


PS---not to flame you, but thinking you're invincible is one of the worst things you can think in a car.....any car.

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sorry about that buddy. I feel your pain as ive done this myself twice before with my old car. After i had put some suspension mods and new rims and tire on it, i though it could handle like a ferrari, so i drove it in to a curb. you learn from these mistakes and you apreciate the forces involved in making turns at a high rate of speed. then you fina better venue for this type of driving such as auto-x to help you get that stuff out of your system.
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19k miles and your RE92s were worn out? Interesting... while they're not wonderful tires, mine have lots of tread left at 25k+. I've been waiting for them to wear out! I wouldn't think you could find enough curves up there in FlatLand to wear them out, I've been trying and some of my driving is in the Texas Hill Country.


Sorry to hear of your mishap, but I'm thinking it'll be worth the insurance claim unless you're at risk of being dropped. It's likely to cost WAY more than your deductible... The tow from Wichita Falls to civilization (or Norman OK instead) could cost you more than your deductible!

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When you are driving in a very spirited manner around corners, remember this: (to paraphrase an old racing adage.) There are two kinds of drivers, those who have pranged their car, and those who will prang their car.


Sorry about your ride.

"Belief does not make truth. Evidence makes truth. And belief does not make evidence."
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Ouch!!:( Sorry to hear of your mishap executor. Yeah, bright side of things- 1) you weren't hurt and no one else was. 2) now you'll appreciate those suspension mods you're no doubt going to do.:icon_wink 3) as others have stated, insurance co. will prob. pan out better than going it on your own.:)


Good luck with the "rehab".




Stage2.5376, TDC ProTune,blah blah blahhhh and....Alky/H20 injection :icon_mrgr
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Love the old racing quote... So horrible, but so true. As for the tires going bad, I drove through the wonderful countryside of Montana 2 times going to my parents house, and 2 times coming back. Its probably the most fun I have ever had in my car in one stretch of land. And insurance is good to go, its just that up until then... I had a perfect record. Most likely I will have insurance pay for it all, but it just kills me to think about my baby getting hurt, and then on top of it, dinging my insurance claim. I was enjoying the lowered rate. Finally got down to $110 on this car, from $140. At least it wasnt as much as the old van I was driving, $180 a month... ouch.

Thanks for the support though. Definately will be taking things a little more cautiously in the future. But as a testament to the car's ridgity, it held its ground and took it very well considering. It was a hard lesson to learn, but Im glad that I can live to tell of it instead of something worse having happened.

If I pass you on the right, I'm flipping you off.
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I did something very similar with my '05 LGT--I basically hit a curb straight on. I didn't blow the tire or bend the rim, but I did bend the control arm and some other stuff. No body damage, either.


Through some finagling I didn't even pay a deductible for the insurance claim and it was a considered a no fault. (My parents are very good customers of the agent)


I think the total ended up being $2500 or something, so I can't imagine your repair being less than $3,000. Sorry. :(

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Everybody is getting into accidents with their lgts :( I hope our insurance is not going to go up :/


A light, powerful car known primarily to younger drivers. The hp was ECU limited reduced for a reason. I don't consider Stage I a mod. I consider it an actuarial/accounting decision.

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Bah! "LGT known as a light, powerful car known primarily to younger drivers?" Try the WRX on for size if that's what you think about the LGT...


Hit up NASIOC for exactly the same stories x2... x10 if winter and, "I was in a parking lot and didn't realize there were curbs..."


A compact/midsize sedan with wagon option and the basis for an Outback does not make an insurance demon.



Looking at high hundreds in terms of damage. After repairs, make sure alignment is done correctly, could point to hidden damage.

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So the insurance company says its pretty expensive, but repairable. Frame bent some, front right is totally shot, tires, rims, bumper re-painted, fender bent some, rear right got bent too... serious ouch there... Gonna take a couple of weeks to fix. I cant even describe how much Im gonna cry like a ***** when the premiums come in december for it. Its probably gonna kill. Good record till now :S Been with them for almost 3 years now i think, so thats possibly gonna help a tiny tiny bit, not much to make a diff though im sure. So Im thinking ouch. At least they hooked me up with a rental car and they are taking care of it all. Deductable is $1000, so some serious ouch there. But the positive note is that it sounds like they will put a tire of my choosing on there instead of the RE-92's. Not sure how its all gonna work out cause they say they will pay for 2 tires, the ones that are damaged, but the others I will have to cover. Not a bad deal I guess, but at the same time, Subaru says that all 4 tires have to be replaced cause of the tread not being close enough and it will interfere with the AWD. But regardless, they are hooking me up very well. Hoping that all turns out well...
If I pass you on the right, I'm flipping you off.
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No flames from me, you are taking responsibility for what you did and not blaming others or random circumstances.


You get a thumbs up in my book and hopefully your car gets patched up good as new, AND I'm glad no one got hurt!



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No flames from me, you are taking responsibility for what you did and not blaming others or random circumstances.


You get a thumbs up in my book and hopefully your car gets patched up good as new, AND I'm glad no one got hurt!






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