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Reuqest Picture - BL Legacy Sedan Tail Light Garnish


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I'm looking for a picture of a OBP Legacy Sedan with the tail light garnish that covers the top part of the tail light (the part which acts as turn signal on the USDM Tail light)


I remembering seeing it a long while ago, didn't think much into it because it covers up the signal part of the tailight, but recently my friend had re-wire his Legacy tails, and makes the top part dispendable, thus i'm looking into anything that differs our tail with the Camry :icon_mrgr


Thanks for the help!

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Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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I think that car is butt ugly. I hate the square exhaust tips & the tail light things look nasty
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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I personally am against anything that diminishes visual communication with the drivers behind me. Too many idiots on the road not paying attention. I see no reason to reduce the quantity/quality of information I am transmitting to them.


So...I guess this is a vote "no". :icon_bigg

It is still ugly.
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i kinda like it...the turn signals can be a problem tho



it's only a matter of rewiring...


let's see...


My friend had rewired both the top and bottom as braking lights, and drilled and put in an extra bulb in the reverse section to act as turn signal


his username will remain annoymous

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Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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