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Surprised a Corvette in my 2.5 GT Wagon

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I was driving home from Tahoe last Sunday and traveling south on Highway 395 just outside of Lone Pine. I was cruising at about 80 MPH when I came up on three show-car corvettes doing 65 in the fast lane. Two of the vettes were brand new with full ground effects and personalized plates. The third had the older body-style. I tailgated for several miles and the vettes refused to move aside. I guess they thought they owned the road and didn't have to move over for anyone, much less a Subaru. Jeeeeeeezzzz. BTW, I couldn't go around cuz there were cars going the same speed as the vettes in the #2 lane. Well, the vette I was behind finally decided to put me in my place, so he did a suicide lane change and punched it. I had just reached 1K on the odometer so what the hell. I jumped on it, sucked in behind him and reached triple digits in no time. I stayed on his arse for about half a mile at that speed and he must have been surprised to still see me in his rear-view. Anyways, he eventually shut it down and I went by him in my LGT Wagon complete with the misses and kids. And while I don't pretend to think I can run with corvettes in the 1/4 mile, the subie held its own and left me with a smile on my face all the way back to LA.
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I [i]LOVE[/i] that! Making big HP cars scratch their heads... :) I had a similar thing happen coming back from the Oregon coast a week ago. I was following a Z28 on a really twisty road (199), he'd punch it in the straights and I'd let him put some distance on me (I was using him as a cop blocker) then when the road got twisty again I'd come right back up on his arse. He'd go just fast enough when there was a passing lane, but I figured since I'd already gotten a ticket on the way to the coast I'd just continue to use him as radar bait. 8) BTW, I've done some fairly heavy throttled driving on that stretch of 395 back in my college days. Lots of room to run, but cops o' plenty! I think they tend to look the other way though unless you're in triple digits.
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Guest *Jedimaster*
Awesome! I was telling someone about my runin with that Mustang Cobra and he was like "[i]reaaaallllly[/i]... what does insurance run on one of those?". :twisted:
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I had a little run-in with believe it or not - Pickup Truck. It was something from late 90's Doge Dakota Sport V8. We had two good runs - he had damn good pullout from standstill (or perhaps I just suck). I did however pass him going from 2nd-3rd gear (~ 60mph) and kept on adding distance. It seems to me that Legacy does run out of steam close to 6200 RPM. Sergej
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[quote name='brad21']Driver72 stfuplzthx!1111 Monkey is wearing off on me.[/quote] Nah, monkey is a lot classier than you apparently are. But I guess you like endanering your children's life by driving triple digits speeds on the freeway. Your a big man! :roll:
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[quote name='Driver72'][quote name='brad21']Driver72 stfuplzthx!1111 Monkey is wearing off on me.[/quote] Nah, monkey is a lot classier than you apparently are. But I guess you like endanering your children's life by driving triple digits speeds on the freeway. Your a big man! :roll:[/quote] Will someone get Dr. Phil a spell checker please? We're all big kids here. Keep your socio-political commentary to yourself unless "you're" going to write him a ticket, officer. :postwhor:
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[quote name='jcs']Was your wife cheezed off? Mine would be giving me quite a bit of hell. I'd still be smiling, however.[/quote] She was asleep. I don't think she'd have noticed anyway. That car runs so smoothly that it doesn't feel like you're driving that fast. Besides, it was only for a few seconds.
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:lol: You're killing me!! I am sure that the Corvette guys were thoroughly amused by your run on them in the Legacy... I really like driving my LGT sedan.. it's a kick. (and yes it is a sleeper) But, it is no where close to my C5 Corvette convertible. In the "real world" with open straight and twisties there is NO way the LGT could even hang with the 'vette. I do DE events with the local SCCA and even the WRX STI's can't run with the regular C5's or the Z06's on the road course.


My C5 is lightly modded, and runs 12.95 -13.05 in the 1/4... I think the LGT's are breaking into the high 13's which to me is very impressive.


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[quote name='Mindflayer']Glad you had fun. Just watch out for the cops - lots of them know that the Subarus are surprisingly fast. :) As for Driver72 - ignore him. He has more of a track record of trolling than the badge snobs.[/quote] Huh? Where do you get off saying that? Please, I'd like you to support that claim. Give us some links of my trolling on this board. Seems funny coming from a guy who said this: [url]http://www.legacygt.com/viewtopic.php?p=43476&highlight=#43476[/url] Maybe you're (is that better for the typo police) thinking of someone else?
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[quote name='brad21'][quote name='Driver72'][quote name='brad21']Driver72 stfuplzthx!1111 Monkey is wearing off on me.[/quote] Nah, monkey is a lot classier than you apparently are. But I guess you like endanering your children's life by driving triple digits speeds on the freeway. Your a big man! :roll:[/quote] Will someone get Dr. Phil a spell checker please? We're all big kids here. Keep your socio-political commentary to yourself unless "you're" going to write him a ticket, officer. :postwhor:[/quote] Listen to the hypocrite? Think it's wrong for me to comment about some dumbarse endangering the life of his wife and kids, and calling me an "officer" but the best you could come up with is being a typo police yourself! LOL Lame. At least my "policing" has some merit! Okay, officer spell check, gonna write me a typo ticket? :roll: Let me guess Brad, you are 21 y.o.? At least I hope so, any older and I would of expected a better reply than a half witted hypocritical one.
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[quote name='jedimaster']Easy there kids. This is supposed to be a fun place :)[/quote] Yeah, make one sensible comment and you get a bunch of doofuses replying. What big guy he is...racing people with his wife and kids in the car, and does it while his wife is a sleep....we all know who must wear the pants in that family. He's obviously afraid of the wife's wrath...or her common sense. She'd probably knock him upside of the head (hopefully with a bat) for being such an idiot driving like that with her and her children in the car.
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As much as I like to drive fast, I agree with you Driver72. This is not one of those "gray area" good parenting discussions like should you enroll them in soccer or piano lessons or make them eat their vegetables. I think you made a good point without attacking anyone; why you were attacked for showing concern for the safety of others is puzzling. As far as the vette drivers go, they need to learn to keep right except to pass. So I can understand how someone might get frustrated at turtles clogging the passing lane.
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[quote name='Driver72'][quote name='brad21'][quote name='Driver72'][quote name='brad21']Driver72 stfuplzthx!1111 Monkey is wearing off on me.[/quote] Nah, monkey is a lot classier than you apparently are. But I guess you like endanering your children's life by driving triple digits speeds on the freeway. Your a big man! :roll:[/quote] Will someone get Dr. Phil a spell checker please? We're all big kids here. Keep your socio-political commentary to yourself unless "you're" going to write him a ticket, officer. :postwhor:[/quote] Listen to the hypocrite? Think it's wrong for me to comment about some dumbarse endangering the life of his wife and kids, and calling me an "officer" but the best you could come up with is being a typo police yourself! LOL Lame. At least my "policing" has some merit! Okay, officer spell check, gonna write me a typo ticket? :roll: Let me guess Brad, you are 21 y.o.? At least I hope so, any older and I would of expected a better reply than a half witted hypocritical one.[/quote] Yeah, I'm 21, like you're 72. I'm a half wit, you're 10/10th's wit. Your story has become tiresome. Now's the time on Sprockets when we dance! :offtopic:
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[quote name='Too Many Toys'][quote name='wunderkind']Hmm.... not really. It depends on where and how the track is set up. the vettes can only do well on wide open spaces. on tigther course such as the autox, they aren't too fast. So it's a toss up.[/quote] Hmm...[/quote] I dunno, a 400 HP V8 seems like it would be pretty fast... just paint "Cone Killer" on the side and let 'er rip :laugh:
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