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Surprised a Corvette in my 2.5 GT Wagon

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One of my friends bought a '04 (C5) Vette recently. It's fast - wicked fast. It'd easily chew up a Legacy - but that's its purpose. The interior noise level is ridiculous - I'm too old too listen to the constant growl of an engine. Funny, since the car is aimed at 40 year old drivers.
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[quote name='IwantaLGTsti'] As far as the vette drivers go, they need to learn to keep right except to pass. So I can understand how someone might get frustrated at turtles clogging the passing lane.[/quote] I think that statement applies to most of the US driving population. There's one law I wish cops would enforce more often, instead of rediculously low speedlimits.
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[quote name='eamiller'][quote name='IwantaLGTsti'] As far as the vette drivers go, they need to learn to keep right except to pass. So I can understand how someone might get frustrated at turtles clogging the passing lane.[/quote] I think that statement applies to most of the US driving population. There's one law I wish cops would enforce more often, instead of rediculously low speedlimits.[/quote] Hear, hear. I hate it when you crest a hill on the interstate, and have to slam on the brakes due to some idiot running at 40 mph in the left hand lane, talking on the cell phone, and refusing to pull over. I hate passing on the right, since that's a no-no, but sometimes there is no option.
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Seriously. I cruise in the far right lane half the time just to get through traffic in the passing and middle lanes. Legal on a divided highway, but shouldn't have to do it. So, who's going to have the first Legacy GT wagon over 300HP? 400HP? Never be a sleeper the Forester XT or even the Outback XT is/will be, but still...
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[quote name='IwantaLGTsti']As much as I like to drive fast, I agree with you Driver72. This is not one of those "gray area" good parenting discussions like should you enroll them in soccer or piano lessons or make them eat their vegetables. I think you made a good point without attacking anyone; why you were attacked for showing concern for the safety of others is puzzling. As far as the vette drivers go, they need to learn to keep right except to pass. So I can understand how someone might get frustrated at turtles clogging the passing lane.[/quote] Thank you, good to know someone else cares about the safety of innocent children. And you're are correct, I didn't attack him for it, just made a friendly suggestion. I only barked back at those who, like you said, "puzzlingly" attack me first. Thanks again, later.
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Oh, and Mindflayer, I'm still waiting for you to support your flaming (and quite untrue) comment about me at the top of page 2. You seemed to overlook that point. And for someone who claims to be a bit "older" it seems a bit immature of you to make a statement like that. It also seems a bit odd, childish, and hypocritical of you to flame me for having concern for innocent little children, and yet your only concern was he watch out for the cops!!! Seems somone needs to get their priorities in order.
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Ok... I'll chime in back on topic... Vette's are fast. The C6 will be very fast too. And they do actually autocross quite well, thank you. A Z06 on an autocross course is definitely something to reckon with... unless you're comparing it to my shifter kart. :P But the driver factor has to be taken into account. I pulled up to a controlled on-ramp one day and just happened to saddle up against a Mallett Corvette. It was one of these ramps where there's two lanes, but the light goes off at the same time. It's almost like at the strip! :) Now, I was in my Ford Contour SE (V6 and 5 speed) so I had no illusions. But since we were there and our windows were down, I chatted with the guy a bit. And before it was our turn, I told him to let it rip. I launched my ~ 8 second 0-60 car about half hard, and in a haze of blackish exhaust, he takes off. Then goes to shift from 1st to second and it took him literally 1 second to make the shift. A good launch in a WRX, STi or even LGT and at some point, the Vette would've been behind. Now, a race up to 100 seems not to be in a Subaru's favor, but for this particular joust, it showed that you actually could surprise a Vette. (and an expensive one in this case)
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I don't think it was a newer (1997 to present) vette. I have a feeling by the description it was like an 80's vette. Most of the 80's vettes were slow. The vette really didn't become "fast" until 1988. I think they posted like 0-60 in the 5.6 second range. For 1988, that was fast. A GT Mustang or LX 5.0 ran around 6.0-6.2 seconds then, the second fastest American V-8 powered car you could get...other than the vette. The 1984/85 vette had only 210 hp or something and did 0-60 in the low 7's. It was a POS. The 1986 wasn't too much better, but the tuned port injection was far superior to the multi point injection (or I think they called it direct injection, can't remember) the 84/85 had. I think power went up to 225 in 1986 and then around 250 in 1988. On the highway, it would be a hard sell to try to hang even with the 1988 vette if it was running good. D@mn near impossible with anything newer than a 1991 or 1992.
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[quote name='Driver72']Oh, and Mindflayer, I'm still waiting for you to support your flaming (and quite untrue) comment about me at the top of page 2. You seemed to overlook that point. And for someone who claims to be a bit "older" it seems a bit immature of you to make a statement like that. It also seems a bit odd, childish, and hypocritical of you to flame me for having concern for innocent little children, and yet your only concern was he watch out for the cops!!! Seems somone needs to get their priorities in order.[/quote] Driver72, didn't the mods ask you to stop with the constant arguing? That's a pretty good indication that your comments are not welcome. You did not share a concern for the children - your message was to hurl verbal abuse. There are ways to convey a message. It's not your message that pisses people off, it's your tone. To wit: [url]http://www.legacygt.com/viewtopic.php?t=2116&highlight=[/url] Now back on topic: Yes, driver quality makes heckuva difference. On the DTR this week, some guy in a M3 pulled out of the tollbooth at the same time as me. We both looked at each and grinned like fools, so we punched it. He would have easily beat me but for his shifting. My buddy with the new Z06 can't wait to take his car out to autocross. He was using a Firebird and a Grand Prix. Going to be a huge upgrade from the latter.
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[quote name='Mindflayer'][quote name='Driver72']Oh, and Mindflayer, I'm still waiting for you to support your flaming (and quite untrue) comment about me at the top of page 2. You seemed to overlook that point. And for someone who claims to be a bit "older" it seems a bit immature of you to make a statement like that. It also seems a bit odd, childish, and hypocritical of you to flame me for having concern for innocent little children, and yet your only concern was he watch out for the cops!!! Seems somone needs to get their priorities in order.[/quote] Driver72, didn't the mods ask you to stop with the constant arguing? That's a pretty good indication that your comments are not welcome. You did not share a concern for the children - your message was to hurl verbal abuse. There are ways to convey a message. It's not your message that pisses people off, it's your tone. To wit: [url]http://www.legacygt.com/viewtopic.php?t=2116&highlight=[/url] [/quote] Dude, look at the 7th post in this thread, the first I posted, I stated: " Nice. But for the love of the wife and kids...you might want to play those "games" solo in the future." Now, how exactly is that NOT showing concern for the children and the wife and doing it in a nice professional manner? Now let's look at your first post in this thread: "As for Driver72 - ignore him. He has more of a track record of trolling than the badge snobs." Now you tell me whose trolling and flaming here and who'se comments we should ignore? And if your still hung up on that racism issue YOU brought up...you still need to grow up. Again, remember you started that thread and YOU were appauled by someone calling you a "boy" which is clearly to any sane individual not a racial slur. People will insult all kinds of people of different races by calling them "boys" or "kids." That's not racial. You apparently have racial issues, and maybe dislike "white" people. And as some sort of twisted retailation because I disagreed with you playing the race card in your thread you make comments about me like you did in this thread. Do you think you're the only person who'se been offended by someone else's comments. Do you think the "white" people are the only people who make racial slurs? I've been called "white boy" and such MANY times by people of other racial groups, that's racial. An African American will make those comments like it's nothing, but if a "white" person were to say, "hey black boy" there would be a riot. So get over it, it's a two way street and racial slurs are throw at "white" people as often or more often then "white" people throw slurs to other racial groups. But if someone calls me just a "boy" or "kid" or whatever in a deregatory manner, I don't take it as racial (because it's not) and then go on a public board and post a guys name and the location he works and make racial accusations against him, like you did. What he said was wrong, but not because it's racial, but because he treated an adult like he was not important. But what you did was equally wrong if not worse. As for the topic at hand: I clearly showed concern for the children in my comments about his stupid and idiotic race with his kids in the car. You showed concern for him getting a ticket. Like both instances and examples, you are way off base and have your priorities all messed up. Grow up man, get over your apparent self pity issues and quit flaming and degrading others. You flamed me and made accusations that just ARE NOT true.
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OK, my last response to you. I am obviously not hung up on your comments. As you pointed out, I even agreed with you on several posts. I advise you to take your own medicine: [quote]Grow up man, get over your apparent self pity issues and quit flaming and degrading others. You flamed me and made accusations that just ARE NOT true. You're apparently good at that.[/quote] It shows a lack of control in your own life. See a therapist for your anger issues. Now back to the topic....
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Again, LOL, I'm not angry. It was you who lashed out at me...in this post and the other! I have no issues with you, I know you've agreed with me on several posts. To be honest, I didn't even remember that "racial" post until you added that link. I didn't even remember that was you until you added that link and I had to go look at it. That's the reason I mentioned I think you have me confused with someone else who might be trolling. I don't keep "tabs" on people's names. If I disagree with them on one post, great, but on the next I might stand up and defend that same persons point of view. But since you apparently also keep tabs (I can't even believe you remembered that other post) again, maybe you need to see the therapist about working out some issues. I long moved on from that post and couldn't tell you a single name of a person I've bickered with on this board. My advice: forget about it. It's obviously still prevalent in your mind and you need to get over your vendetta issues and just forgive and forget. I just disagreed with what you did, I wasn't trolling or flaming you for it. And I think you know that too. Later
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Bah. I have a good memory, and you like to flame and troll. Don't flatter yourself. I was giving you a slight jab - hell, I even posted a picture - and you come out swinging. No... No! You are! I am not! You are! :D Something that I noticed about the Z06 - it rattles. It's a low level rattle, but it's present. My friend is going to put in some sound proofing, and try to quiet down the engine roar as well. I realize it is not a GT, but man, that roar would deafen me on a 5 hour drive.
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A Cad Escalade pulled up along side of me today with the big wheels and low profile tires with his rap music thumpin the road. The guy had the left arm stretched out the drivers side window acting all cool. The lane that he was in merged to my lane and I had a feeling that he was going to try and pull ahead of me to avoid following my family wagon. So guess what I did when the light turned green? You guessed it, I floored it, as did he, and I jumped ahead a good twenty yards, then slowed down to the speed limit of 40 MPH. At the next light, he could have pulled next to me, but instead stayed behind me rather then take another chance at humiliation. :D Yes, "the sleeper has awakened"! John
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Please stop with the unnecessary arguing posts. There's no need for a pride competition. Not to mention no one comes into these forums looking to make enemies. Let's keep everything civil :). Everyone has made their point, so I'm locking this thread.
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