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Re-Badging Creativity!?

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Anyone take the Subaru logos off and then decide to scramble the letters? I mean, if you took off the 2.5 GT and the Subaru, you could make some pretty confusing words. Like, what the hell would people think if they saw youre sick car and all it said on the back was "BUS" ?? Like... Shit, ive gotta get me one of those buses. Or even "RUB," "RUBS," "SUB," or "BAR." Shit, if you found an N, you could even make a Subaru Uranus.



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You actually interested in getting a legacy, or just offering suggestions? :lol:


Haha it is the only car i'm interested in getting, and eventually it will be mine. At work, all I do is daydream about it, which is why I post the most ridiculous topics. Just gotta get some more dough, and the ride is mine

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Yeah... creative and all, but the letters are linked together and you can't scramble them. LEGACY you could scramble to spell out "This Thread Is Gay" if you had enough letters, but the Subaru part is pretty much stuck spelling out urabus backwards.


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O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I bought the seperate letters that Porsche used on it's older models and put my family name across the back end.


That's a lot of damned letters! ...Is the back end wide enough, or did you have to scrunch up the letters?:icon_bigg

Martin Luther - "Who loves not women, wine and song remains a fool his whole life long."



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an STi guy i know from kansas city has his car saying "UBAR" on the back... we call him the ubar sti obviously. its kinda runny cause it looks like a few leters just happened to fall off... since they arent placed side by side and all.
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or you could always just buy new letters from youremblem.com .. i had my user name on the trunk of my old grand prix. I always wondered if the cops would go 'what the hell is a Pontiac t0ad?'
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That's a lot of damned letters! ...Is the back end wide enough, or did you have to scrunch up the letters?:icon_bigg


Wot? it's Only nine letters long, PORSCHE does it quite well if I buy an extra R and E.



You were probably thinking of the nickname, that's just a former job description.

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Who has successfully stuck Subaru letters back on to their cars? What did you use? The existing baby snot used to stick the letters on the first time can't be re-used... it won't hold anymore.


I want to put the 'GT' back on underneath the Legacy on the right side...

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