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UnderCover SRT4?

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"Trying to get away from a car that was driving aggressively and dangerously beside me..." Car paces you, then accelerates and the brakes and comes beside you again?


That could be damn scary to some folks.


What would have happened if the car crashed into somebody because of the race? When two cars are racing and one crashes, the other guy is also blamed for racing... Would the cop be brought up on charges?


Of course not, he was risking his life to help protect you and your family. At least that is the lame ass excuse that a department will haul out to cover misconduct, and corruption.

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You folks obviously missed this one in the paper...



Trooper kills 4 people at 119mph cause he is rushing home for supper.


Not good.


Cheers, dave


With any luck that ass clown will go to jail for a couple of years, and the agency will get the sued into near innoperability. If you are after a speeder and feel the need to travel over 100 mph you might want to turn your lights and siren on for your own safety and the safety of the public.

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Similar thing happened to me in LA. I cut off an off duty sheriff(how else do you make a lane change in LA?) he flashed his badge, pulled me over and had a CHP officer write a ticket for an unsafe lane change. I wrote a letter to the judge and dropped the ticket like it was hot, issuing officer has to see the infraction to write a ticket. But every state and judge are different.
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The traffic on the rte95 / 128 loop around Boston averages between 75 - 80+. This is with about 2 to 3 car lengths between surprised theres not more pile-ups. Speed safely.


Your damn right. It's def. just as fast on the breakdown lane too. ( For those who aren't familiar with Boston, you can drive on the shoulder during rush hour on some of the highways.) Def. dangerous for people trying to merge in from exits.

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I would fight it and here's what I'd say to the Judge:


"Your Honor, I never, repeat never, street race. I don't like people riding right beside me because it takes away my option to change lanes in the event of an emergency. Slowing down was not an option since he was obviously pacing me. I was just accelerating momentarily to get away from the jerk I felt was endangering me. I am appalled an officer sworn to serve and protect would drive in such a manner."

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I would fight it and here's what I'd say to the Judge:


"Your Honor, I never, repeat never, street race. I don't like people riding right beside me because it takes away my option to change lanes in the event of an emergency. Slowing down was not an option since he was obviously pacing me. I was just accelerating momentarily to get away from the jerk I felt was endangering me. I am appalled an officer sworn to serve and protect would drive in such a manner."

Not bad but they are on the same team.

Denial is your best friend

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This is the kinda shi7 that pisses me off about cops. They think they are above the law and can do what they want and any judge will believe them in court because they are police. Total BS IMO. That is why we should be able to arm ourselves with whatever devices are necessary to avoid be pulled over and beat them at their own game. They totally set that guy up.


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Had to share this from NASIOC!!!


"OK so me and my buddies was driving home from boston. We were 5 cars deep and then a SRT4 pulls up beside me and revs then pulls away so i say wth and just kept going then he slows down and looks at me. I look at him and hung with him for awhile then he starts to downshift so i go along with him. 5mins later 5 staties pulled all our cars over. Damn SRT4 was a undercover cop. Got slapped with a $500 ticket... http://images.nasioc.com/ubb-files/smilies/mad.gif"






Flavio Zanetti

Boston, MA


Sounds like entrapment to me.

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The idea sounds good to me. Too many damn race car drivers on the roads. Every idiot with a huge wing thinks they are a pro. Just had a kid die in West Chester when he was hit by two fools rice racing. I hope we see more of this. There is a big difference racing somebody and accelerating quickly from a stop. If you full throttle from a stop to 65 a cop could pull you over if he felt your acceleration was dangerous. I have seen it happen. Racing is for the track. "Sporty" driving is for lightly traveled roads.
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The idea sounds good to me. Too many damn race car drivers on the roads. Every idiot with a huge wing thinks they are a pro. Just had a kid die in West Chester when he was hit by two fools rice racing. I hope we see more of this. There is a big difference racing somebody and accelerating quickly from a stop. If you full throttle from a stop to 65 a cop could pull you over if he felt your acceleration was dangerous. I have seen it happen. Racing is for the track. "Sporty" driving is for lightly traveled roads.


Your missing the point....he was set up by the cops to go fast. If the guy in the SRT-4 didn't start toying with him, he wouldn't have been going that fast. He shouldn't have anyway, but when ya have someone instigating it, it kinda gets the best of you. The cops are to blame in this situation, I can't see how a judge can justify that being ok....definately entrapement. Notice how none of the police on this board are replying...cause they probably agree that it is wrong to do that to people.

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Well if you read my post, I asked my best friend who is an attourney and he said it is not entrapment so they can do whatever they want. Entrapment is only used in a criminal matter and this is a motor vehicle violation so it doesn't apply as a defense.


Basically if a cop does this you are screwed b/c you have no defense. Doh

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Well..maybe it doesn't fall under entrapment in the eyes of the law, I am not a lawyer. But it definately is pretty shitty for the cops to be doing. There are better things they can be doing then picking someone out and toying with them in a fast car so they speed and then get a ticket. Sounds to me like it is all about meeting the quotas and getting the fine money.


They should be out catching robbers, crack dealers, pedophiles, murderers, and rapists...not cruising around looking for people in fast cars and stopping at every Dunkin' Donuts shop along the way.

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Your damn right. It's def. just as fast on the breakdown lane too. ( For those who aren't familiar with Boston, you can drive on the shoulder during rush hour on some of the highways.) Def. dangerous for people trying to merge in from exits.


Just goes to show you what great drivers New Englanders really are. Now get outta my way.:icon_bigg

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See what gets me is that they target riced out civics and such but if a sweet 911 turbo with WAY more possible power drove by they would leave them alone. That is the guy they should get if they want to auction off a car. They wouldn't dare though.


Such BS

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i break checked a statie once. he pulled me over and said you know why i am writing you a ticket? i said would you rather me hit that deer? he said what deer. and i said well if you would have had your eyes on the road instead of the ass of my car you might have seen now huh? he tried saying something that it is illegal to break check someone and i told him i thought it was illegal to tail someone as well. i told him i would be more than happy to take a ticket for what he was alleging as break checking if he would write himself a ticket for sure cleared distance. i have family in law enforcement and i know some things. even when they have lights and sirens on they can only speed 25 miles over the speed limit. police and other uniformed law enforcement piss me off sometimes. they think becuase they have that little badge they can do what they want. i work in a prison and i have a badge too. big deal.



another time where i live there are alot of car accidents around this curve. and alot of people get seriously hurt sometimes. due to the two joining counties of this area they are in dispute on who should respond, but making a long story short i thought that i would go out and buy some flares and a red flashing light to warn other drivers to slow down becuase people in this area are freakin retarted. well the state highway patrol showed up and instead of going to the scene of the accident he asked me if i was a volunteer firefighter? i told him no i wasnt. he said then i am going to have to write you a ticket for that light. i told him he was full of shit and if he wanted the f-ing light to come in my turck and get it. and if he could get it he could have it. i told him that if it wasnt for people like me helping him out that there would be more accidents. i told him that he didnt have to worry about it no more that if there is a car accident from here on out i guess the people can just die now. and when they die i will write the papers and phone channel 6 news and tell them that i would have helped out but i got threatend witha ticket for a 19 dollar light just to warn traffic. he was still trying to talk to me when i got in my truck and peeled out and went back to the house. i put the light back in the garage and used the flares for the 4th of july and decided that i would pull out the lawn chair the next time there was another accident and scream a hollar and drink beer. sorry for a long story. point being cops are dikheads sometimes.


Sorry I didn't mean to start a war which mainly forum people is all about ;).
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