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C/F rear diffuser


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You know, someone could use the lower portion like HKC sold, and add the diffuser pieces extending past the piece underneath the car, and voila! a diffuser for the legacy...
well not just a diffuser for the legacy BUT a real alternative for getting some real pipe openings for the OBXT. :icon_twis
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well not just a diffuser for the legacy BUT a real alternative for getting some real pipe openings for the OBXT. :icon_twis


You would have to cut your bumper to do that. But yeah, that would be a viable way. Buy up one of these, even w/out the diffusers, and whatnot, and have this piece glued on...and there you have it: exhaust cutouts for the OB.:)

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Yeah I should get some aluminum vortex generators, but where the hell would I find that?


I know SARD's got some pretty nice vortext generators, but not sure if they are aluminum or if they come in c-fiber.




Superhawk, don't think I'll be getting more of those Cyber R spoilers anytime soon. The spoiler was like the diffuser, just one of the rare items I was lucky to come across with my suppliers.



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I know SARD's got some pretty nice vortext generators, but not sure if they are aluminum or if they come in c-fiber.




Superhawk, don't think I'll be getting more of those Cyber R spoilers anytime soon. The spoiler was like the diffuser, just one of the rare items I was lucky to come across with my suppliers.




Somebodies got to make em.

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