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I thought I wasn't going to


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I figured I was just gonna do basic stage2 mods, but I get so irritated when I notice how much space there is in the wheel wells. I've read quite a few posts in here and feel that the consensus is that the Ion springs are the best springs if I want to keep the ride as close to stock as possible and at the same time get rid of that gap. I also see that Swift Springs are cheaper. About 100 bucks I think....so does anyone have a comparison of the ride b/n swift and ion???
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This is all subjective in the eye of the owner,

But I have to tell you, if you use the SEARCH button and type in ion and then swift, you'll probably get 100 posts to look through and then decide for yourself.

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well, I did say that I've read through qutie a few posts, and I'm still currently searching, but I was hoping maybe someone either tried both or has ridden cars with both springs and could mabye help me with the difference. It's really hard to say if one is better than another wi/o a direct comparison, but I'm guessing that this isn't something that I"m gonna have a definite answer to.
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IIRC the Swifts are not progressive where the Ions are. If your goal is to keep it as close to stock ride/feel as possible, with a spring only changeout, then perhaps the Ions are the ones you're looking for.



edit: IONs Front Spring is progressive and the Rear Spring is linear, whereas the Swifts are linear front and rear. HTH

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thanks for the responses. Since I"m going mostly for looks, I think I may go with the Teins b/c they seem to be the cheapest. Although I'm a little worried about what this means when there's a buncha people in the car, but this would be a problem with any springs right.
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