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Speeding Tickets

How many Tickets ?  

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  1. 1. How many Tickets ?

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^^^ you know its funny, I got a ticket in Maryland. and no lie....


the cops name was "Otis Cephus" no lie....


I almost died laughing when i saw his name badge


lol, I believe it. :lol:

2012 Forester XT. Stage 2+

Retired from Racing. I used to build FMIC and more.

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7 - 10 with 2 of note:


10 yrs ago in '94 Trans Am. I'm in far left lane on one of Atlanta's 18-lane stuper-highways when I realize I'm about to miss my exit. I hate it when people cut across multiple lanes, but I look in my rearview and it's like some sort of miracle: a perfectly open angle across all lanes right to the exit. I signal right and go for it. When I get to the exit lane I notice a motorcycle cop next to me in the shoulder flagging me like his arm is on fire. Turns out (because I had been speeding) he was riding on my right rear fender in my blind spot (exlplaining the open lanes) and I just about ran him over when I cut right, forcing him across the lanes and onto the shoulder. I have no idea how long he was hiding there or why he didn't just pull me over when he clocked me. I'm no cop-hater, but serves him right for being such a dumbass.


Not a speeding ticket, but a few years back I got a ticket for "improper use of high beams". Driving with your high beams continuously on seems to be a Georgia tradition, and I hate it. I was on a dark twisty road (going way too fast in my 323i) and I would bring my high beams up for just a moment as I approached a curve so I could set up properly. I go blowing by a Fed. park ranger. He didn't clock me, but he knew I was way over the 30 MPH speed limit, so he made up some bullsh*t about improper high beams because he saw me flashing them so he could get me for something.

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Not a speeding ticket, but a few years back I got a ticket for "improper use of high beams". Driving with your high beams continuously on seems to be a Georgia tradition, and I hate it. I was on a dark twisty road (going way too fast in my 323i) and I would bring my high beams up for just a moment as I approached a curve so I could set up properly. I go blowing by a Fed. park ranger. He didn't clock me, but he knew I was way over the 30 MPH speed limit, so he made up some bullsh*t about improper high beams because he saw me flashing them so he could get me for something.

I think I definitely would have gone to court over that one.

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I just asked my wife, who's 38, and she thinks she's only had one, although she got a warning for 82 in a 70 this weekend. Oddly enough, I almost never go over 80. On the interstates, I usually cruise at 74 in a 65 zone, or 79 in a 70. Most of my tickets have been in town (42 in a 30, that kind of stuff), which is why I've never gotten a radar detector. My understanding is that radar detectives aren't as effective and give a lot more false positives in town.
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If I can recount correctly: 5 ... one in '96, one in '98, one in 99 (those were only about 4-5 months apart - oops), one in '01, and one in '03. So, if history serves, I get one ticket per vehicle, with one outlier (got 2 tickets in the '84 cavalier while in college :lol: ). So I think the Outlier means I'll remain ticket free in the Legacy ... right?


Well, I've managed to go 3 years now, so that's not so bad.

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Presentation is everything! Well.... in most cases for me anyway.


I was pulled over tonight by a CO state trooper.


I was just as polite as I always am... and guess what? I was let off with a warning!


Check this out!


ST: "So Mr. L, what do you think I should do here?"

Me: "What you feel is necessary sir. I was in the wrong!"

ST: "Well.... I know you have a fun car here w/ that Boxer motor, pushing 250 to the crank.... but let's slow it down a bit shall we?" <~~ NO B.S!


Then he handed me my DL, Ins & Reg and said "have a good night young man!"


It's just wierd around here! I've been pulled over SEVERAL times by the CO State Highway Patrol since I've had my license and NOT ONCE have they given me a ticket!


Yet... the smaller branch ones like the County Sheriffs & these officers in this small town I'm now located in won't even consider a warning! Not even for the smallest of violation!


In fact... it was the County Sheriffs that put me through a rediculous amount of harrassment back when I was 18, which is a HUGE reason why I have a lawyer now.

It is the disposition of men to desire that which he cannot have, hence my un-quenchable wet desire for Shakira!
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In 20 years of driving I'd say in the 7-10 ticket range for point offenses, not all speeding though. I think at my highest time I had 11 points, and the cutoff for losing your license or going to traffic school was 12. All of my speeding tickets were in town or on back roads, never gotten one on the highway. I did have a whole lot of non-point violations, mostly failure to inspect the vehicle. There was no way my 72 Nova SS was going to pass emmisions, so I just kept driving it for 3 years on an expired sticker when I was in high school and college. That wouldn't fly now in Jersey, they'd impound the car I think.


My best escape for a serious ticket was when I was in college, I was late for a final exam and hauling down a back street trying to get to school. Cop clocked me me doing 58 in a 25 zone, from what I hear he could have pretty much torn up my license on the spot for that, doubling the limit. However, my mom works for a local judge, has since I was a kid. Cop looks at my license and asks me if my moms name is Dawn and does she work for the judge. Yes I say, to which he says slow it waaaay down because you do not want to come up before him in his court (he is a hard ass) and he lets me go with a failure to wear my seatbelt and a big warning. Funniest pull over was last summer, I had just spent all day tuning up my Triumph TR6. That night I take it out for a joy ride, I'm doing close to 60 in a 45 on a back road near my house. All of a sudden I've got flashing red lights behind me. He walks up and asks if I know why he pulled me over. I say I guess I was going a little fast but not by much and that I had just tuned the car and was giving it a shakedown. He says thats fine, he actually pulled me over just to get a closer look at the car. Gives me a few compliments on it, says to try and slow it down just a little, and wishes me a good night.


I did get nailed once and I had a PBA card with me. Used to have a friend who worked as a corrections officer in the Somerset county jail, he got it for me. Anyway, the cop saw the card in my wallet when I went to pull out my license. Asked me for it, then said congratulations, this was my lucky day and I was to get off with a warning. However, PBA cards are like get out of jail free cards, you only get to use them once. He then tore up the card right in front of me and handed me back the pieces. I thought they were supposed to send the card back to the person who issued or signed it.

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It's just wierd around here! I've been pulled over SEVERAL times by the CO State Highway Patrol since I've had my license and NOT ONCE have they given me a ticket!


Yet... the smaller branch ones like the County Sheriffs & these officers in this small town I'm now located in won't even consider a warning! Not even for the smallest of violation!


In fact... it was the County Sheriffs that put me through a rediculous amount of harrassment back when I was 18, which is a HUGE reason why I have a lawyer now.

The smaller jurisdictions rely heavily on traffic fines as a source of revenue. In my experience, state cops tend to be more lenient everywhere.


It sounds like there's a story behind your harrassment problem...

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Oh, this poll was for "lifetime batting average?" I thought it was "how many since you got the GT?"


seems to total ~8 over 27 years of driving


going into the wayback machine now, so let's add em up:


1985 - had a bright red 1967 sunbeam tiger with a built 289. trouble. got two in a day on the way to Rehobeth Beach on the eastern shore of MD


got one in it in 86 for making a left through a light "stuck on red" in Athens, GA - at 3:00 am, with no traffic.


then I bought a 69' shelby GT 500. got pulled over coming back from standing mid-watch at the Navy Supply Corps School (the midnight to four am shift for you non military folks) for "making an improper lane change without signaling" or something like that - never pays to go by the cop in a complete four wheel drift when the cop is sitting by the side of the road just around the turn. then there was the high speed run back from Atlanta - went over the hill by the cop at something above 130 mph. had it pulled over and shut off, standing at the bumper with license and registration before he caught up. cop wasa motorhead, and started asking "that's a shelby, right?" followed by "its got a 428CJ, doesn't it?" ended up getting a 75 mph in a 55 mph, instead of being hauled into the pokey.


in 89', had a 83' saab 900 turbo, and got nabbed for using a radar detector in VA - state police heading the other direction pulled a uie, and I found out that VA po-po use radar detector detectors - got a ticket, and had to lock it in the trunk while he watched.


one more in 96' (prior to the GT) for 58 in a 45 (going down a hill)


then one in the GT, on the road to work, during a "revenue generation effort" by the locals - now I have the radar detector and an increased sense of awareness.

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got one for "careless driving" in the legacy which was for a combination of speeding and weaving through traffic.


luckily the rookie cop that gave it to me didnt file his paperwork and i got of scot free


in my old car i have no idea how many i got. probbably arround 5-6

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Man, don't I feel like the outcast. I quit counting at 25. I used to average 4 per year. Pretty much right on schedule I'd get 1 every quarter. Then if I missed a quarter, I'd get two back to back. It was bad. What's crazy is that my ticket count started to go down when I got the fastest car I had owned up until that time, an SVT Contour. I went from 4 a year to 1 a year when I got that. Proves to me what a sleeper it was, because I drove the wheels off that thing. The last ticket I got in that car was the worst I ever had though, and the last ticket I ever got. 103 in a 60. Ooof. I'm glad she lit me up when she did though, as I was in front of her and pulling away. Had she waited another 30 seconds the number would have been higher (and I probably would have gone to jail... I'm surprised still that I didn't). I traded the car in on a truck 4 months later and have been ticket free ever since. That was Jun of '00. It's nice to have cheap insurance finally. Also proves to me that they don't look hard at trucks. I honestly think in Texas they don't pull trucks over because that would mean writing a ticket to the "working man". That's my theory anyway, because I still have a lead foot.
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25 yrs of driving and still getting the odd one and I'm real careful as its all about revenue here I feel. toatal about 10 but not many in my sportier cars. Have a porche and a twin turbo legacy and haven't got a ticket in either yet, I think it has something to do with how well the brakes work. Haha.

Most of my tickets have been in the " family type" cars, maybe its because i couldn't afford a sports car then. Now I just can't afford the tickets and to be without my car. I would far rather give my ex-wife the money?? yea right.

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I got a few within a year way back when I was 18 and was put on probation. 1 more ticket and it would have been a 6 month suspension.


I have had a vehicle inspection on my modded Honda and have successfully talked my way out of a few pull-overs over the last 10 years and consider myself lucky.

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Got one when I was 16...years ago. Another in a GL wagon with a screaming kid in the back, again years ago. I've been lucky not to get any in a Talon TSi, hopped up red Stang, Acura, Rover or a modified Jeep... I'll probably get one after posting this though.
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7-10 here... I lost count. The price you pay for having a bright red car when you're in college.


One of the tickets was for 70 in a 65, and another was with NO speed reading at all, and I was actually going 30mph in the city, when a drunk walked across in front of me. I swerved, and the cop in the oncoming lane figured because of that, I must have been speeding. Morons.


Since losing the red car? 1 ticket, a few years ago. And, I have been driving faster since then, too... so what does that tell ya?

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