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LGT Owners are different...


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I just wanted to say, I spend a decent amount of time on other forums for my other cars and motorcycles, along with a few years on a travel travel forum. There is a *huge* difference in the maturity, knowledge, and overall helpfulness of those I have interacted with on this site. Most other sites are full of people who don't know what they don't know and are absolutely thrilled to prove that to you.

I haven't been able to make the time to work on my 5th gen much over the past few years, mainly because I am a dangerous combination of lazy and overly ambitious with respect to my mechanical skills. However, every time I have an issue I can almost always find a 5+ page post with responses to solve my issue. Otherwise someone knowledgeable always chimes in and sticks around long enough to see me through the issue.

Pat on the back to all of you!

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