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These heated seats get HOT!

mmm def

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If i'm wearing khaki pants and have the heated seat to the 3rd or 4th setting, well it's way too hot for my you know whats. They burn!


The back of the seat gets warm but the bottom part, wow! Usually it will get hot really quick then taper off, and cycle..but lately I can't take it. Anybody else "feeling" this?



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I've noticed that as well. The heated seats in my mom's Lexus are puny compared to these warmers. My boyfriend likes to turn them on when I'm not paying attention. All the sudden I notice that my butt is starting to get really warm. I look down, and sure enough. The damn seat warmer is on!


It's really nice for those cold days though. I think my seats warm up faster than the air does, which in turn warms me up faster.

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On my morning drive to work, I like to stick an egg down between my legs. By the time I get to the office I have a fresh boiled egg with my coffee :icon_bigg



:munch: That's just sick man, really sick.....

258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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My boyfriend likes to turn them on when I'm not paying attention. All the sudden I notice that my butt is starting to get really warm. I look down, and sure enough. The damn seat warmer is on!


:lol: my girlfriend does this to me all the time in the summer...she thinks she's funny....


These seat heaters kick ass. I have a rent a car at the moment '05 Volvo s60 and the seat heaters in that are nothing compared to the legacy's and the with the volvo there is no settings only on and off..but you can choose if you want it on both back and bottom or just bottom, and the volvo is how much more expensive??

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Guest *Jedimaster*
i love casualy turning them up on unspecting victoms. but they are also way to easy to turn on in the middle of summer. i have gotten out of the car sweating my ass off.

:lol: I do that to everyone that rides with me :lol:


I keep them on full all summer long- it just feels good.

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Guest *Jedimaster*
Jedi.... U have them on in the summer and don't get SwampAss?

I really don't. Not sure why- maybe it's because I'm a big proponent of Gold Bond.

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i love casualy turning them up on unspecting victoms. but they are also way to easy to turn on in the middle of summer. i have gotten out of the car sweating my ass off.

My personal best was in August. I went to Alpine Valley in Wisconsin with two friends to see Coldplay ... we started the seat wars early, but I used the Climate control to pull out the win! I finally ignored the seat, and each time I shifted back up to fifth, I turned up his side on the Climate control a couple degrees. After about 15 minutes of cruising in and out of small towns, I got his side maxed out to 85 degrees while I remained at a comfortable 71. After about 10 minutes of the heat, he finally started to wonder why he felt so warm and sleepy and looked down to find he'd been had!

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since when does Texas get cold????? :lol:


Well, it's been in the 40's lately when I leave for work/school. That's pretty cold for here, seeing as it's been in the 80's until about a week ago. I'm also kind of sensitive to cold and don't have any real warm clothes, so the warm seats are really nice to have.


Ps. It snowed here last Christmas. :icon_bigg

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