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Never going back to 2wd -- Counterpoint to "what I hate threads"

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To the point -- I have had the LGT LTD 5mt wagon for 10K now -- recently I drove my sis's 04 Saab 93 Conv b/c she needed to pick some stuff up (and of course her cars has Zero room.)


Anyway it was raining and -- I kid you not -- on nearly every shift with even the slightest left or right turn and almost every acceleration from stop caused excessive and ANNOYING wheel spin. Now I'm too old to be beatin on cars for the fun of it (although I do regress on occassion) but I never realized how much more competant a true awd drivetrain really is.


NEVER realized how awesome the awd is! Honestly -- I would take stuttering and rattles ANY day over driving a 2wd car now. It makes that much difference.


The scales have fallen from my eyes. I am converted.

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It's my first AWD and I really like how confidently it handles the road. Especially, considering the power. I'd be nervous driving a FWD car (what I am accustomed to) with that much power in the manner I am driving this car.
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Yeah, RWD vs AWD is different and specially having it in bad weather areas makes a huge difference.


I went from a driving a BMW M3 as a daily driver to the Leggie and boy, it's a night and day difference. While RWD is great when it's dry it sucks something fierce when it's wet and the grooves in the pavement have water in them. :(

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My LGT wagon is my third AWD wagon (Outback and Volvo XC70). I love the AWD and utility of a wagon. I was sold on AWD w/ my Outback. I can't tell you all the situations that sold me, there are just too many, but they were all snow related. With good tires (hope the Proxes are ok in snow) it really is hard to get stuck and I have tried. At this point of my life, I cannot see myself owning anything other than a AWD wagon.
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My love affair with 4WD/AWD began in 1995 with my Ford Explorer. I swore that I would never drive anything that did not have 4WD. But then I started get the speed bug and was worried that I would have to leave 4WD behind. Luckily that was in 2002 and the WRX hit the US. As long as Subie keeps putting out performance AWD I see no reason to leave.
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My love affair with 4WD/AWD began in 1995 with my Ford Explorer. I swore that I would never drive anything that did not have 4WD. But then I started get the speed bug and was worried that I would have to leave 4WD behind. Luckily that was in 2002 and the WRX hit the US. As long as Subie keeps putting out performance AWD I see no reason to leave.


I was gonna say that too, once Audi reliability and $$$$ is something most of us cannot afford anymore...


AWD is ALL I drive!!! hehehheh


Flavio Zanetti

Boston, MA

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Totally agreed!



Last week a Mitsu Eclipe was tailgating me so I decided to have some fun with him through the offramp. Oh yeah did I mention it was raining.....oh wait a minute, I almost forgot "no kill stories". Eh, just have to use your imagination guys :icon_sad: . I'll just say he probably had to change his pants when he got home.:lol:

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so a car that has a couple of inches of clearance would have no problems going through 3 feet of snow?

I can't comment from personal experience being in SoCal, but my father in MA has told me that his Baja goes better through deep snow than his 4wd F350.

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so a car that has a couple of inches of clearance would have no problems going through 3 feet of snow?
Im'a gonna say yes (ok so it was only 2 feet, but 3 and I still coulda done it...)



JDM'd All to hell


Thanks Jimmy @ Hkc-Speed.com!

RIP Coxx & Thanks

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the best part is watching teh neighbors out shoveling their driveways.



Sorta why I bought mine. I had a Lincoln Mark VIII and bought a WRX wagon.


- Lincoln was a royal pain to get up the driveway with only an inch of snow.

- New house (==many trips to home depot)

- new baby on the way (==need 4 doors)

- big rally fan (==like to support factory racing programs)

- tired of having a lot of power and every time you touch the gas pedal in the snow, the car goes sideways


Tooling around in the snow, no, make that any foul weather, made me a believer in AWD. Subaru offered a deal for me to get into an LGT (wagon, of course) that I could not refuse. An STi would have been nice but this time, the practical side won out.

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"An STi would have been nice but this time, the practical side won out."


I hear ya -- New House New Kids -- new priorities.


but the beat part is the wagon has utility and the sport/power factor. Best of both worlds.

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Here are pics of my WRX after Boston's blizzard last Jan. We got about 28" in 24 hours. I cleared enough snow from my passenger so I could get in and just threw her in reverse. Please note tires were RE 92s.


God, now that I own a home and garage, I could not imagine living up here without a home for my car again. I'm double spoiled because my garage is a "garage under" so it rarely even drops below freezing in there. It can be 10 outside and the car temp will read 38 at start-up.

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when i had my lightning, i couldn't drive it when it snowed 1/8".

i slightly "tapped" the gas and my wheels were spinning freely!!!


can't wait till it snow this year :)

Perrin BIG maf intake

Perrin Turbo Inlet


Megan Racing header with UP (ceramic coated)


DMH E-cutout

Custom 3" catback


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AWD is great, although it doens't really rain and none snow over here in Socal but it does handles on the road very well. Good thing that the first 3 weeks i got the car, LA poured rain for good 3 whole weeks, i reali tested out the cars performance. I love AWD, i would never go back to my mom's camry again !!!

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Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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