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Wifey likes the LGT

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So my wife and I are starting to commute together a couple of times a week, I drive to my office and she then takes the car and drives to her office and then back to mine at the end of the day, then I usually drive home.


I handed the car over to her yesterday with the MPG indicator at 20.3 and when she gets back to pick me up its at 17.7, I pointed that fact out to her and she just smiles and said, 'the car is really hard to drive slow' and 'it really likes to move 1st and 2nd gears'. :rolleyes: Too funny. Her drive to and from my office is like 3-4 miles round trip.


Just a little Tuesday Humor.

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Speaking of moving MPG meters, I had just reset mine a mile before and stopped at a long traffic light (due to a passing train) I watched it drop from 25.7 to 24.6 or so.


Damn idling eating up my gas.


Turn the car off.


And cool to hear, Mr. S. My gf refuses to drive my car...dunno why! :lol::confused: Oh well, I feel it's that much better...(can we say...watch out for 'CURB RASH?').

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Mister S,


Hot damn. It looks as if your wife and my fiance might come from the same school of thought.


I average 15.9-16.2 mpg in town (lots and lots of stop-n-go in a small 33k town).

Whenever she drives the car to her classes and to run errands, it almost always reads ~14mpg.


I too confronted her about it and her only response was, "it was a great buy" and a smile.



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The LGT is my wifes car also, and she hardly ever lets me drive it. She test drove both an auto and MT and sellected the MT. When I asked her why the MT she said "because it's got more balls". This from a 53 y/o with a PHD from Yale and a lead foot.
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