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The Subaru FunFest - Tour of the NJ warehouse and new cars

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Today, I went to the Subaru Funfest, which was held by SOA at their NJ warehouse. They gave away t-shirts, posters, pens, keychains, keychains, etc etc. They had an engineer give a detailed overview of the 2.5 engine and the AWD system, a tour of the warehouse (which was huge), a walk around of the new '06 STI with a person to answer any technical questions, '06 WRX Luxury edition, and of course the Spec-B Legacy (which I got a short ride in). They also had a huge lunch with an industrial sized wood burning BBQ where they cooked hamburgers, hotdogs, short boned beef ribs, and chicken. On another table they had coleslaw, macaroni salad, potato salad, etc etc. They also had breakfast with coffee and doughnuts from dunkin doughnuts (Dunkin Doughnuts warehouse located across the street from the Subaru warehouse).


The SOA staff was extremely friendly and asked if I encountered any problems with my '05 Legacy. They answered questions and were very informative. This even really gave me a very favorable impressed with SOA.


If they do this event again next year - I very highly recommend it. It's a great way to see what SOA is cooking up, talk to their staff that seemed to listen very carefully to what each owner had to say - and yes they seemed very concerned after hearing over and over again from the owners there about how much they disliked the RE-92's.


I know everyone here thinks SOA are a bunch of strict mod-unfriendly bunch. But, I guess they are trying to change this image - they had two tuners there and their SPT table. They had Julie who races for ESX Motorsports their too (sorry I have no pics of here, but she is hot).


Ok, how about some pictures - everyone likes pictures and I will not disappoint you guys. I have around 130 pictures for you guys to see - tons of the Spec-B too.


The link is: http://subarublue.com/funfest


Enjoy, and I would love to hear your feedback. As for SOA - this was a great event.


- Mike

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I have to give a lot of props for Subaru for hosting such a great event. Made me proud to be a Subaru owner. Thanks Subaru.


Man, I wish they'd do something like that in the midwest. I'd be willing to go all the way to Lafayette for that.


I take it there was no price sticker on the Spec B. Any info on that?


Those are great pics, by the way.

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Man I'm gonna have to do that next year if they do it again. Its cool that they recognize the tuner industry out their and what people are doing to the cars, I mean hell check out the new add in magazines for the '06 STI, 3 words that mean everything, Street-legal. For Now. Thats the shit right there. Nice pics too. MMMMMM that Spec-B is teh hawtness

JDM'd All to hell


Thanks Jimmy @ Hkc-Speed.com!

RIP Coxx & Thanks

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It blows fresh air into the exhaust cooling it down and lowering emisions.


Yeah, I understand that... But why did they choose the air injector instead of the cat in the UP?? Does it lower emissions even further than the UP cat? Or was it a better option for some other reason (increased performance, reliability, etc...)??

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According to some of the senior SOA guys at the Funfest this was an experimental thing SOA did. I hope they see the turnout of good and the event was a success. As for other location, e-mail SOA and suggest that they hold it in different areas. Touring the warehouse was really interesting - especially seeing all the parts stacked all the way up in long rows - see the pic - you'll get the idea.





The event was a great way to talk to those who work on these cars and make them happen, and get a first hand tour of what lies behind the scenes. It was also a good way to meet other Subaru owners, hang out, learn new stuff, see other Subaru's, and get in touch with SOA - a little history, a little look ahead, etc. etc.


As for the airpump, I forgot - too much technical stuff and I forgot some of it.


Hopefully Red Beast will come on and add some more pics to this and/or give us his imput on it.


- Mike

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According to some of the senior SOA guys at the Funfest this was an experimental thing SOA did. I hope they see the turnout of good and the event was a success. As for other location, e-mail SOA and suggest that they hold it in different areas. Touring the warehouse was really interesting - especially seeing all the parts stacked all the way up in long rows - see the pic - you'll get the idea.





The event was a great way to talk to those who work on these cars and make them happen, and get a first hand tour of what lies behind the scenes. It was also a good way to meet other Subaru owners, hang out, learn new stuff, see other Subaru's, and get in touch with SOA - a little history, a little look ahead, etc. etc.


As for the airpump, I forgot - too much technical stuff and I forgot some of it.


Hopefully Red Beast will come on and add some more pics to this and/or give us his imput on it.


- Mike

If i was in that warehouse i would have stolen sooo many parts

JDM'd All to hell


Thanks Jimmy @ Hkc-Speed.com!

RIP Coxx & Thanks

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