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New Grimmspeed Product!!!

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Speaking of BS GS products -- Has anyone attempted any of their "bounty" moves?


This is the first I'm hearing of this. Is this for real? Too bad I can't walk on my hands anymore.

GS makes great products and this is no exception, but the $499.98 price tag was a bit too steep for me so I decided I'd try my hand at putting together a quality replica. Sure, I'm taking advantage of all the R&D the GS did to design and build the original brotie, but hey, mine is almost just as functional (although the bracket is not quite as robust...ok, it's a battery tie down, fitment could be a little more challenging, and I went with a lesser quality EBCS) but my price is going to be so much more affordable. I'm shooting for around $250 a pop. Yes, that's HALF of what GS is charging! Anybody interested? I'll be putting this one up for sell in the classifieds shortly :rolleyes:


I saw a post from GS on this. The first person who purchased it is getting a $750 GS gift card for his leap of faith and investment of $499 :).
I saw a post from GS on this. The first person who purchased it is getting a $750 GS gift card for his leap of faith and investment of $499 :).
:eek: Then I wonder how much the first buyer of that $27999 super loop header from last year got?? I never saw it last year. Pure hilariousness and it's still for sale on their website! :lol:



They did a LOT of cad work on that drawing alone...LOL. Bravo GS...:lol:


Let's get a group buy going and buy these :lol: I wonder what they would do if I tried to buy them?


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