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Everything posted by Brisvegas

  1. During my conversation with Subaru Australia I actually mentioned that the line in question was yellow, and they said the color should not be a problem and that Eyesight would operate regardless of colors. They did mention the usual things that are listed in the manual that could cause problems, but line colors was not amongst these.
  2. I can see your point now that you have included that photo ... I didn't pick up the part about the yellow line in your earlier post. I made a call to Subaru Australia just now, and mentioned your post to them. Their reply was that "Lane Departure Assist" should have picked up that yellow line, and they suggest that you take it up with your dealer because there may be a fault with your Eyesight. They said that the Japanese made Subaru's cars supplied to us here in Australia are designed to pick up the lines that you are talking about, and they assume the US built vehicles should also do that .... so that's why they are recommending you take it up with the dealer .
  3. I might be wrong, but as far as I'm aware "Lane Assist" works on road line markings not concrete walls. Safety features do not completely replace driver alertness and common sense.
  4. Row, I ended up ordering this one. The initial customer service in regards to my questions was pretty amazing .... a rarity in these days of "take it or leave it" http://cabinairfilters.com.au/product/subaru-liberty-cabin-air-filter-2009-2015/
  5. I'm just about to change my cabin filter. I've checked out the K&N VF2000 on Amazon and there are quite a few complaints about the smell from these filters. Just wondering if have you experienced this?
  6. I'll probably sound like a bit of wimp here, seeing as how a lot of you guys on the forum almost take you cars apart doing mods ...... but I'm just wondering about replacing cabin filters. I've read all the relevant posts and watched the youtube clips and it's obviously a simple procedure, but there seems to be a lot of bending of plastic involved and knowing my luck I'd snap something, so I'm just wondering if in your opinion the replacement procedure is "breakage free"
  7. I agree with your comments here regarding both member's informative posts. c3156 in his excellent post mentioned the unfortunate agro that went on during the previous discussion on this topic, and I think that was to the detriment of others who might have wanted to ask questions, and that probably was also the reason that the "sharing of quality information" fell by the wayside. I'm all for spirited discussions between people with definite views, but nobody benefits from aggressive pissing contests.
  8. Hi WILLINH, your post might dig up the old chestnut about seeing as how fuel pumps are placed at the bottom of fuel tanks, are they going to suck up crap (if there is any there) regardless of if the tank is full or nearly empty
  9. http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/a27823/a-dual-clutch-gearbox-is-an-automatic-and-it-isnt-even-the-best-one/
  10. That's what I was wondering as well .... I'm not sure what laz means? Also in a previous post you mentioned that you use your CVT to go down a steep slope (which is what I do as well) .... would a "shiftless CVT" allow this???
  11. Rowlette, I'm with you. With due respect to some of the other posters on this subject, and I FULLY UNDERSTAND and appreciate that some drivers like to push their vehicles more than others .... I don't have a problem with the CVT. I am a "conservative" driver (but not "a nanny") and I could never be accused of not keeping up with the traffic flow ..... but I ease up to stop lights without coming to a screeching halt, and I don't accelerate hard to take off, and I don't use the paddles to negotiate bends. I find that the 3.6lt gives me enough grunt to stay with the pack, rather than trying to be the leader of the pack. I have owned and driven manuals previously, but I think automatic transmissions have improved greatly since the early days when they were obviously very slow in comparison, and in my humble opinion, apart from those who like to drive hard and push their vehicles to higher limits, the average driver (and by average I don't mean nanny's) will be able to enjoy the power and capabilities of their 3.6lt legacy's without noticing anything "rubberband like" with the CVT.
  12. Thankfully for 3.0R-AUS and myself being 3.6lt owners, the dreaded stop start was not an option for us .... ( I would not have bought one if it was)
  13. How about a picture ... dog in a subie, it doesn't get much better than that
  14. Subie ... with respect mate, if you are the type of driver that likes to take drives down curvy roads at speed, and to tear down empty highways then maybe you are exactly the type of driver that needs Eyesight just for the time when your "clone" is driving up the same curvy road at speed in the other direction and you both meet in the middle of one of the curves I guess you realize you can turn off pre collision braking and pre collision throttle management and lane departure warning and the lane sway warning?? And I'm confused how a car traveling in the opposite direction would cause flashing lights ..... are you sure they weren't the flashing lights of a patrol car warning you to slow down:spin:
  15. Good luck mate ..... we look forward to seeing you again when you eventually return from "the dark side"
  16. At this stage that's pretty much my time frame as well (late 2018 or early 2019) ..... I'm just hoping that a HUD is standard by then because that's almost a deal breaker for me. I have an after market one now and it's great, but factory fitted would be fantastic.
  17. Good Luck mate. (Unless you have already done so and I have missed it, I'd like to see a review/comparison between the new wheels and the Liberty at some stage if you get time)
  18. Thanks for the extensive and informative reply. I notice that in each of your three examples you mentioned "speed" ..... I'm not at all suggesting you mean "lunatic speed" and I'm assuming you mean just safely giving the vehicle a bit more juice than "normal" ...... so to me that indicates that those who upgrade to the 19mm and 20mm RSB's are probably driving in a similar style, and are hoping for compensatory handling to match their driving techniques. From what you are saying it seems to me that at least for us Legacy/Liberty drivers here in Oz (especially us more conservative ones ) ...... the 16mm is more than sufficient ..... and in some of the road conditions you described in your reply, the 16mm is a better option. Thanks again for the interesting reply.
  19. George, thanks for your post. I've always been a kinda "confused onlooker" in regards to this ongoing 20mm Bar discussion. I've never felt the need to change from the stock issue bar. I figure it can't be an engineering oversight by Subaru ... or is it? Can the need for an upgrade be due to the way the car is driven by some users. That is not meant as a criticism of those who like to push their vehicles hard but legal, but I just pose the question. Subaru has a reputation (especially WRX) as a fun car to drive, especially through bends, and maybe that gives rise to the need for a 20mm bar for drivers who like to get the "full driving experience" ..... and again I'm not being critical of those drivers. I guess I'm a reasonably "sedate driver" who does his fair share of highway travel, and I can honestly say that I have never had any sway problems.
  20. I'm merely an interested observer in this tuning thread, but I do find the fact that there is apparent animosity creeping into the discussion, a bit disappointing because it seems to stop members from posting their opinions or ideas and that means we all miss out. I have absolutely no idea if tuning affects CVT transmissions, ..... but can I respectfully submit to you that if you have only been tuning your car since November, then it's probably a bit too early to say that the CVT is unaffected ...... hopefully in 5 years time you can say the same thing. Again I repeat, ... you might well be 100% correct in your statement about tunes and CVT, but I'm not sure it's fair to call it BS if someone suggests that there might be problems down the track. It might not be deliberate "false information" ..... it might be just an "honest opinion" ...... and you only have to read through a few different threads on this forum to see that opinions are like Aholes ..... everyone has one
  21. Thanks for that, ..... pretty much what I thought as well. I think the Stinger looks promising .... apart from the grille that is.
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