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Everything posted by hkshooter

  1. When I do brakes I usually replace all hardware and rubber boots and the sliders get a coating of teflon based water resistant grease. Never had a problem. For the Legacy I still need to read through the maintenance schedule so I can be sure to keep up with it, the goal being to protect the warranty. If the service is recommended as said above, and I have no reason to believe it isn't, I'll perform it myself or have it done and keep records.
  2. My slight attitude and my comment about you trying to be funny came from your wishes that my own car needs brake work just after the warranty is out. Is that really how one should answer a question? That's water under the bridge, I'm not hurt nor do I believe you should care if I am or not. Maybe we just had a simple misunderstanding but regardless it worked out. For the topic of discussion, I'm experienced in brake repair but will freely admit that up until the salesman told me about the "hill hold" button, I had never heard of an electric parking brake in my entire career. Your thread and pics have helped some with that and I'm grateful for your effort to reveal the system. Something I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, beyond repairing the brakes when something wears out I've never heard of routine maintenance on brakes. The information you provided showed me there can be things done to help the longevity of the parts other than simply waiting to hear the wear indicators start wailing. Indeed I feel like this thread should be a part of the maintenance section. Whether or not you intended to supply the information to start with I feel what's here is valuable and will be referenced in the future.
  3. No, it doesn't. This, however, does. Thank you for elaborating in detail. Now readers know what you found and what you did to correct the problem.
  4. Yes, I'd think squealing would be reason to have it looked at under warranty. Regardless, you did it yourself and that's cool too. Your first two sentences are completely negated by your 24th sentence. Again I ask, if you didn't replace any negatively worn components then why did you take it apart? What did you do to correct your squeal? Or would you simply prefer to burn more energy trying to be funny vs answering the question?
  5. This may end up being a stupid question but if you didn't change anything why did you do this? Secondly, since brakes are covered by warranty, if you needed any work done, why not have the dealer do it? Very curious.
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