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Everything posted by jazzymt

  1. Yea, it also says "RCA" on both. If you check out PAC's homepage, the PAC SNI-1/3.5 doesn't actually exist as a product. I think Crutchfield custom orders them from PAC and that's part of why they take so dern long to get. Their FAQ on the SNI-1 also addresses the issue of signal loss. Like you said, I'm not sure we can trust the label for sure since this is a custom product and it's entirely possible they get them switched every now and then. Yet another reason why the RCA version is a safer choice to use...
  2. No, I didn't look at the windings, and if the label is oriented correctly (which we have to assume it is) then you are correct and the male end is the output. That's just bass ackwards though because with the RCA unit, I'm pretty sure male is the input...? Wierd eh? http://akamaipix.crutchfield.com/products/2004/127/x127SNi1-f_dg.jpeg
  3. Heh...SOA probably makes more on one GT than I've made to date. I'm glad you think I'm doin good stuff though
  4. Um...maybe I'm not understanding what you're doing, but did you slide the clip out (moving the console twoards the rear of the car) or did you pop it out vertically (towards the roof)? It should be pretty easy to pop out vertically...it just takes a firm tug, and then it just pops back in when you push down on it without too much trouble. If you slid it out, I'm not sure what to do...that seems to make it harder from what I've heard, but I have no personal experience trying to get it to go back that way. I'm not sure what rumors you're talking about, or I would tell you if they're true or not...I want to make a CD-less version, but it's a ways off if I manage to do it at all.
  5. Yup, you put it in backwards...like you said, it works though so it's fine. The PAC GLI doesn't have even windings though (not 1:1), so it really is directional...if you put it in backwards, you're reducing your signal strength, whereas the correct orientation will boost your signal a bit...not a lot though, so backwards still works. As far as the kits/components: If you want them separately, the cables are $10, the GLI is $30 and includes an RCA to mini-jack adapter and an RCA to mini-jack cable. For the "Pro" kit equivalent, it would also include a mini-jack extension cable for $45. Shipping is always $5. If you know how, you can just paypal me the amount with a note asking for what you want, otherwise send me a PM and I'll email you an invoice. I don't have GLI's in stock yet so if you want to order one, it will still be probably until next week before I can send them out. I really need to get a website up...I'll try and get something basic up and running by the weekend.
  6. What's your setup look like? I mean, do you have more than one device connected? Also, are you sure you installed it in the right direction? Most GLI's are directional...not that you should hear engine noise even if it's in backwards...
  7. Well, Crutchfield has pushed my patience. There's no way I can offer to include GLI's if they change their lead time and put me on back order for 3-5 weeks each time I make an order. They've delayed their ship date twice now and have backordered the mini-jack GLI out to 2/13/06. As much as I'd like to reduce clutter, there's no one else that sells this GLI, PAC doesn't even have it in their MFG catalog, so I'm going to get PAC's RCA GLI and order it from someone else. I only need one adapter if I substitute an RCA to mini-jack cable instead of a mini-jack patch cable and I found a good source for the adapter. I've also decided the "Pro" kit isn't really complete unless I also include a mini-jack extension cable that will allow you to hide the GLI and give you a clean cable to route to your audio device. Given the increase in weight and extra adapter and cable, I'm gunna set the price at $85 and should have parts in stock next week. So, the "Pro Kit" will include: - The aux-in board, silent CD & instructions - 6' gold plated 1/8" male stereo mini-jack to RCA male cable - PAC SNI-1 Ground Loop Interrupt - Gold plated 1/8" male stereo mini-jack to RCA female adapter - 6' gold plated 1/8" stereo mini-jack extension cable ...and they should be installed connected in that order. There's really only one more connection in this scenario than the mini-jack GLI, and they're all gold plated connectors, so I think the overall impact on signal quality will be minimal. ...hrm...I also need to get some bigger boxes... ~edit~ Oh yea, and thanks again for all the comments everyone. It's still nice to hear that people's installs are going well and that they appreciate my work. It really doubles the rewards for when I spend my evenings hunched over a magnifying glass & soldering iron Speaking of which, I figure I've soldered about 13,200 holes now...certainly I'm long past "getting in some good practice."
  8. Heh...well, there's around 275 installs so far...it has slowed down quite a bit lately. Hopefully there's plenty more to come and it's just a lull.
  9. That's what's commonly referred to as alternator noise or ground loop noise. It's caused by small currents running through the ground of your iPod to the radio. The most effective way to eliminate it is to install a ground loop isolator. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-OH3qaMU6PwZ/cgi-bin/prodgroup.asp?g=181150&est=&search=ground+loop http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062214&cp ~edit~ jeez, you guys are fast...
  10. Um...the "Installer Kit" only adds a 6' Gold Plated stereo patch cable, not the GLI. I don't have any GLI's in hand yet, or I would have an option up for that too, but that will add another $25 to the price... if you'd like to change your order just send me a PM.
  11. Didn't you get your shipping notification? Yours should be in your hands tomorrow.
  12. Yea...but...ONLY for the CD audio. It will not do give you anything for the radio line levels.
  13. Well, actually...you can use the board as is to give you a clean line-out for the CD, it just won't give you anything for the radio (AM/FM). The only way to access the radio line levels is via soldering extra jumper wires, which could be done, but I'm not sure if you're willing to go to that extent to avoid using something like the Cleansweep.
  14. Congrats on the read...it's not something I've recently tried, but I remember when I read up on the 24 pages of Centerpunch's thread and that was quite the chore! As far as the "Pro Kit", I don't have GLI's in hand yet, so I haven't created any new purchase options since you'd immediately be on backorder (for at least a week, maybe 2 or 3). I'll create the link for an "Installer Kit" tonight though since I do have cables in stock. If you'd prefer to wait until I have GLI's in stock and get the whole bundle in one shot, I can email you an invoice, just PM me your email address. Otherwise, you can probably pick up a GLI with RCA cables and a few adapters at Radio Shack as soon as you want. I think one person has attempted the install with factory Nav, at least I remember someone else asking and I think they gave it a try...if they did, they never posted back here on the forum. So...I can't say for sure either way. I know there hasn't been any confirmed "complications" or "failures" with Nav...not that it's much of an endorsement, but I don't expect any issues with a Nav OEM unit. I hope that helps some. Thanks for your interest. I'll get the Installer Link up asap.
  15. Yea, exactly. That's why I was trying to stock this GLI, cuz Crutchfield never seems to have them in stock...but I'm still waiting.
  16. actually it was on back order before I ordered it...over a week ago...it says it's still on back order, but I just got a shipping confirmation, so I dunno what they're doin...it looks like I may be getting only 1/20 right now...
  17. Yea, and have you noticed that different channels have different quality compression & equalization? It drives me crazy sometimes that my fav channel sounds the worst of all of them (48 - Squizz) and the mind-numbing ones like top 20 sound excellent. Anyway, a small update: I'm going to try adding a bit more convenience to this install for awhile (we'll see if I can keep inventory satisfactorily) and I've ordered 20 GLI's from Crutchfield, the 1/8" stereo jack variety, and purchased some gold plated patch cords. Once the GLI's get here, my plan is to sell 3 different "kits"... 1) The Base Kit - the same thing I've been selling - $45 2) The Install Kit - the base kit, plus a 6' gold plated 1/8" to 1/8" patch cable - $55 3) The Pro Kit - the install kit, plus the PAL 1/8" Ground Loop Interrupt - $80 All prices include 2-day USPS Priority shipping. Thoughts? I'd rather not use kits, but since I've been too busy to whip up a website, "Buy Now" links is the best I can come up with. Once I get the GLI's, I'll add links to those kits and if someone has a "custom" kit they'd like, they can PM me and I'll send them an invoice. I also updated the instructions to include a few more tips and detail. The PDF version is also now in color and much, much smaller than before (different compression). I would have added info on precisely how to disconnect the plugs, etc, but honestly couldn't think of a good way to explain it, so that will be left to your own devices for now. Oh yea, and one more small tidbit of info...someone took apart their WRX 6-CD radio and it looks like it is the same CD module. 14 pin ribbon cable too... They even verified that the same three pins match (for the CD audio signal). So...there's a chance this board may work as is with WRX radios too... I need a guinnie pig to find out for sure...
  18. An allen wrench, or other "L" shaped tool works best...and yes, it's entirely possible. The updated instructions, which I'll upload asap, outline this alternate approach.
  19. Excellent job sfsubie! Sorry I wasn't able to offer any insights. I've been down and out with the flu lately, but I wouldn't have been much help anyway since I've never actually seen/used a single CD setup. Thanks a ton for following up with us all and the good pictures. I'm sure this will help others stumped by the same issues and I'm glad you're happy with how it works now that you've got it all squared away. abroadst - does sfsubie's posts help fill in the gaps for you or are you still having troubles? I'll help any way I can. Something else that might help manual climate control folks is the Metra instructions for replacing the faceplate with their kit. Someone scanned the manual and posted it here: http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20515&page=2
  20. I don't think you're crazy. The "other" effort to design a board was going to use this method, but it would be very difficult to add it to mine now...I would just sick with the silent CD.
  21. Thanks Tide. I have a host though, my buddy is a sys admin at an ISP, the link for it is on the first post. I just need to republish the PDF in color. One of these days maybe I can get a website together and stop living off of your forum Hopefully it's brought a few new subaru owner's here though. I appreciate you letting me lay out the info & organize purchases here. FWIW, if you do a google search for "Aux in subaru" this thread comes up #1. THanks everyone else too for helping to make this a successful project.
  22. I forgot the original PDF is in black and white...I did that so I could tell what the contrast was going to come out like when printed, but I can republish it in color. I agree, it is easier to see in color. As far as the ground loop, I think pretty much everyone is better off installing one. Besides the cost, there is no disadvantage to using one. I've been considering buying some to sell with the boards, along with some of the more common audio cables...it would be espensive though & I'd have to charge extra to cover shipping & stocking more "merchandise." I figured people are better off buying one themselves at Radio Shack. If there's demand, I'd do it though. I'd probably charge $25 for the mini-jack GLI and $10 for gold plated cables... thoughts? 2-day shipping would still be included as it would just ship with the board.
  23. Heh, actually she already does help me make CD's (or rather makes them for me while I'm stuck upstairs soldering). I'm not sure if I could trust her to solder after how "well" she did with me trying to teach her how to weld. Suffice to say, I won't be standing or sitting on any of her metal artwork.
  24. Yup, they're available. Paypal order link is on the first page. They will continue to be available too until Subaru fixes the shortcomings of the factory stereo...or at least allows us to replace it with an aftermarket deck again.
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