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Everything posted by hogmeat

  1. I shall smite them: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/lukebuz/smite-thumbcopy.jpg
  2. 2 more thumbs for my collection!! YESH! As always, add or remove a stage for loudness desired.
  3. life would have been much easier if I had a vice though. Imagine gutting your pipe while "standing" on it, or holding it with your wrists. ouch!
  4. Don't gut an uppipe. It's not worth it. Trust me. Try spending 10 hours gutting a pipe, only, while "polishing" it, you accidently drill a hole in the side, voiding all your work. There was some dumb guy on here that did that. Poor sucker! haha! Just buy a STI uppipe new for $200. Downpipes, on the other hand, are cake. Just start hammering.
  5. Nope. I am fully catless. I can look in my tailpipe and see the little turbo wheel spinning. If I look really close I can even see the valves opening.
  6. Really? When I went to a fully gutted stocker - my hogzaust didn't change sound AT ALL! I was disappointed.
  7. I'm having a little trouble with my PDX map. Before I post anything - I want to datalog my car, and seek a revision from PDX. I have a USB-serial converter on the way, afterwhich I will datalog. Just don't know where I'm going to find a 1/4 mile extension cord.
  8. 189?? Not near the 500 someone said... but, corry - how do you find that out?? PS 190!!!!
  9. I wonder how many of my posts are in this thread? Any way to search and find that out? Mods? In your toolbox? I'd bet 300, easily... Not 500 though...
  10. it'll only sound better with time... Whats worse? You'll "get used" to it - and will start to think it's too quiet... Then start experimenting....
  11. I'll post a new thread on it - and put a link to it here. Check back in around a week.
  12. I meet the minimum stage 2 requirements - which is a gutted downpipe - but i'm too chicken to run a stage 2 map. I did run one for a week - but didn't feel a HUGE boost over stage 1 - because i think my STI uppipe and fully gutted stock downpipe wasnt enough to breathe the boost levels stage 2 puts out. So I run a stage 1 - which lets me feel at "peace". I am trying PDX for 2 things - Throttle remapping - to get rid of the delay, and the 2300 RPM studder I still have.
  13. lol...$1.06 pricey? Car payments must kill you. I hope this spring continues to bring in lots of new hogzausters. I'm pumped. Got my new PDX Tune coming soon too. I'll be sure to let everyone know how a Stage 1 PDX compares to a Stage 1 TDC...
  14. Keep it on topic guys. i don't want my baby to get closed. Then how could I pass it on to future generations?
  15. If i can reccomend something - go Stage 1 with a Gutted Downpipe/Gutted Uppipe. No CEL's, and almost all the power, plus topend (where our cars suffer) of Stage 2 without the added risk of pushing everything to the very limits. Thats how I've been for almost a year now! It's cheaper, more "dealer friendly" and more stealthy. Plus a little more comfortable.
  16. Did I ever tell you how much I hated Statics? It made me drop out of engineering school, and become the hideous man I am today... Anyways, this made me laugh till I cried... http://filebox.vt.edu/users/fecurtis/ramp.jpg
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