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Everything posted by hogmeat

  1. It's just the same as your Stage 2 not feeling fast - your used to it. Remember when you first went S2? I do - it was awesome.... now it's slow... just like my exhaust is quiet...even though passengers say differently
  2. hogmeat


    My favorite has been this: Do or do not. There is no try. -Yoda. Why? Cause it's true. If you are going to do it, DO IT. Don't "try" (which usually leads to failure). Even if you have to do it 3 times, DO IT.
  3. No popping at shifts?? Either you aren't shifiting hard enough or your tune is different than mine. My TDC tune used to pop like mad. Even a good BLAM! every once in a while (WOT only, of course). My PDX didn't much, but the COBB one does!
  4. that's too bad. I'm sorry it didn't work out! I had high hopes too. Washers forever!
  5. Well, I'm the same way. My S2 is way too quiet for me too. I was going 3 soon. For some reason thou, deletes just made it super loud. NO idea why. It was bad. Take your mufflers OFF for a while, and imagine about 30% louder than that if you had straight pipes. It won't melt anything. I had them off for days... Try it.
  6. you'll be back....and this time it will be Stage 2. Really Stage 1 doesn't sound that good.
  7. nothing like oxygen starvation for my brain cells. I'm sure I didn't brain my damage.
  8. hmmm...what wrong with the fumes exiting 1 foot closer to the cabin? I suppose it's all those mornings warming my catless car up in the garage with the vent on. Am I wrong to actually enjoy the exhaust smell and the haze it puts on you? I mean, it's so relaxing.
  9. NIIIIIICE!!! Should have done it with some aluminum barstock. Unless the steel was free, of course. With as much as you have blocked - i doubt it'll sound too loud. How about this? One digicam movie of before - with what htey were, and one AFTER with new product. You could have some sales.... Please???
  10. other than idle crappiness, that's great...you are the ONLY other to post a vid. Glad your so proud. I asked for others takes on it - drivebys - etc - but no one would!
  11. lol. I wonder what new pipes sound like? I was disappointed - I got NO increase at all from gutted all 3 of my cats. It was a sad day. I honestly thought about bandsawing some thick gaskets out of al barstock, but then the whole point of this is so easy a hogmeat can do it. so i didn't.
  12. I think you'll find that good old washers sound the best. I messed with the plates, and did not recieve any satisfaction. We here in america have a saying: GIMME! GIMME! GIMMIE! Well, that and also, Keep it simple, stupid
  13. Yes - stage 2 will GREATLY improve the idle tone - I think that at low pressures, it's more like a leak - and you need a bigger gap to make it sound right. It will be a little louder at first, but you will quickly become accustomed to it... Not sure how thick of washers you are using, but if still too "weeny" then add 3! At the thickness I use, you can add 3, but not 4 washers and still get full bite on the threads.
  14. modifying your mufflers? Illegal? LOLOLOLOL cats? sure. mufflers? I guess Mr. Muffler is in trouble!!!
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