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Everything posted by stm25rs

  1. Where do you do IT? The CT vax portal still lists certain essential workers, not just old people, as eligible. https://portal.ct.gov/vaccine-portal/COVID-19-Vaccination-Phases Also, not sure if this is the case in CT, but in MD they didn't do any sort of verification of type of employment. I just had to check a box verifying I'm one of the listed essential roles
  2. I'm 32, got mine as an essential employee working in critical manufacturing. I registered with the mass vaccination sites here (MD) a couple weeks ago, and got a text alert yesterday morning for available appointments at the convention center Missed out on the appointments from two prior text alerts
  3. About a month late in posting this. Sorry for the shitty shadowy picture. Girlfriend got me a beer and chocolate pairing from a local craft beer bar for Valentine's Day Very good beers and the chocolate selections worked well
  4. Got round 1 of the pfizer 5g microchip implant yesterday. Arm is a bit more sore than I usually get from a flu shot but no other side effects. Round 2 scheduled for April fool's day
  5. Hike with some friends today. The hound is about 10 months, so still in training, not ready for off leash freedom. Lab is an old boy, I think 8 or 9 years old
  6. I think his herding instinct helps with the recall and check ins - gotta make sure his flock (us humans) is together. We had a different pack, I think outward hound (?) when he was younger but it didn't fit well and kept shifting, no matter how we tried adjusting it. This one is a ruffwear, was $$$, but very well made and fits great. Only use it to hold his extra water on regular hikes, but will be doing some backpacking this year and he'll be carrying his own food.
  7. Did some off leash hiking this weekend. We did about 4 miles, he must have covered double that with all of his exploring. Had his first difficult recall test - made our way up a hill and over the crest was 6-7 deer. Didn't listen to the first "come" but cranked the ecollar up a bit, hit the button, and he came right back. Other than the deer, he listened perfectly. He'll go 20-30 yards ahead then turnaround and check in.
  8. Have you and your wife figured out the dog management situation?
  9. ^didn't notice the kid there at first, thought the dog had a wig
  10. Ok, Brady, you've proven your point, you don't need Belichick to win. You can retire now. Please, and thank you.
  11. ....had to Google that one. That's been on my list of "I should watch this movie some time" for awhile
  12. Got rid of an Ikea Malm dresser last year. About 10 years old, and I think 6 moves. Was still in good shape, only got rid of it for a new matching bedroom set....from Ikea.
  13. Vaccine rollout is a mess Maryland is in phase 1c, but people in 1a and 1b are still waiting, and there's not enough supply for a and b. So not sure why we're in 1c I think I'm considered 1c, though haven't gotten any definitive guidance from my company's HR.
  14. You know what's racist? Making black history month the shortest month of the year.
  15. I'll post my gainz when I sell at $4200.69 per share next week
  16. Not sure how much you all have gone down the reddit rabbithole with gamestop stuff, but this one wallstreetbets poster is a great story: https://www.reddit.com/user/DeepFuckingValue He also has a youtube channel, roaring kitty. I've only watched bits and pieces of his youtube videos, but he seems like a pretty smart guy, in the Graham/Buffet value investing mindset. In summer 2019, he did some research and decided that he thought gamestop was undervalued, so bought long term call options, and eventually rolled some gains into stock holdings. This short squeeze stuff wasn't part of his early analysis, but he did catch on early that it was becoming highly shorted. He got shat on for awhile, because....gamestop. He stopped responding to comments on his posts awhile ago, probably a result of the negative feedback. But he's still posting gain porn updates. His initial options purchases were about $50k. He's been cashing out a bit, now at about $13 million cashed out, plus another almost $20 million in unrealized gains. Reading some of the old negative comments is hilarious. Obviously, hindsights 2020 and all, but still. Dude did his research, had conviction, and is now set for life.
  17. Actual, meaningful, penalties for financial institutions and executives? This is America, we don't do that here.
  18. It is? There have been multiple 5-10 minute trading halts over the last few days due to rapid increases and decreases. And I see Robinhood has pulled the ludicrous bullshit of stopping buying of GME, only allowing sell orders. Pretty rich coming from a company that tags itself as "democratizing financial markets." But it isn't frozen frozen.
  19. Was this post from last Friday not clear enough? I bought some GME last week around $40, sold a bit yesterday to recoup my initial outlay, and now I'm just riding this rocketship to Mars.
  20. It's complicated. A couple things. It is shorted 140%. Lookup volkswagen short squeeze from 2008. Could happen here. Aside from that, Ryan Cohen, co-founder of Chewy, bought big into Gamestop awhile ago, around 15% ownership. Last week it was announced he and a couple Chewy alums were being added to Gamestop's board. Gamestop can stay relevant and grow by shifting to an ecommerce centric model, and having the guy that built up Chewy certainly helps that case. His board announcement triggered the current growth, and is creating the pressure that could cause a bigly short squeeze. Also, memes.
  21. Our main reason for wanting to be close to the city is for bars/restaurants/concerts, would like to be within 30 minutes non rush hour. But I've also seen the same pricing you noticed with your parents house. Close to 83 is a big factor but the 95N or 795 corridors seem cheaper for comparable houses She'll probably be changing jobs/leaving Hopkins before we buy so where she ends up will be a factor too. I'll most likely be staying in sales, working from home and my car, so I'm flexible. She works in healthcare administration which, thanks to covid, has so far shifted to mostly work from home, but not sure how long that will last.
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