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Everything posted by LegGTLT

  1. Well said. Only this vehicle can bring you joy in all life's needs. Cargo, ride height, and POOOOOOOOOWWWAAAHHHH!!!
  2. KBB prices Dealer at $21k but there aren't enough transactions to even give a Private Party value. We'll see if he gets it or not eventually.
  3. How about just contacting the guy above you who posted that you told him about it and then posted that his car is for sale? NASIOC Listing with all details.
  4. Holy thread bump!!! I saw this notice and was like wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut???
  5. Buy one for $30. I'm sure there are used Momo and Kartboy Delrin knobs galore out there. Easiest mod ever.
  6. 2005 LGTs had the "STI Package" offering as well. STS, Momo Shift knob, and STI pedals.
  7. That one was loaned out to RyanGT for a fantastic post. He made me lunch!
  8. :lol: Ahhhhh, you know me so well. I give them out on a loan basis, usually for hard cash or bitcoin.
  9. There is no jealousy, only facts. Facts can be difficult for people sometimes but I'm here to help coach, guide, and demand they understand them.
  10. Congrats? It's not that the story we know is false (that you have red leather on your steering wheel) it's just that it's not OEM which everyone including SOA will verify.
  11. I'm sorry to say but it is not OEM. That was someone adding a very gaudy red leather addition to the steering wheel. That is not on any spec.B in '06 out there and was not shown in any PR materials or seen at any dealer when the '06 came out.
  12. Annnnnnd I see he hasn't logged in since December. Split town I take it. Sorry to hear you had a crap experience man. Hope this next one kicks ass for you.
  13. Good looking out guys, nice to see this still happens every blue moon.
  14. I will wait till the end and draw up an excuse on why I can't go.
  15. I want... no I NEED, to get the Volvo in that class.
  16. Got it. Thank you very much. I know I had some noise back around 100k and I know some trans/diff/random bearings were replaced. I'll have to pull up the paperwork.
  17. English = syncros and center diff bearings need replacement???
  18. If I'm getting difficulty in going from 3rd to 4th and no other gears, what are my options? It's almost a grind if I try to shift at high rpms but drive it like a grandma and it transitions just fine. Clutch is starting to slip in 4th and 5th as well so I'm worried I may have TWO major repairs soon. I'm at OTS Stg 2 with 42k on the clutch and 162k on the trans.
  19. Click thread tools.............................................................................................................................................................right up there ^^^
  20. Almost a year later... but I give you props for answering still. :lol:
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