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Everything posted by LegGTLT

  1. Those sandwiches suck. Step aside Mod Futon and be prepared for tastiness. Look at that beef HANG there DD!!!
  2. Definitely minora outtie. Majora would need closer inspection.
  3. Awwwwwww. I thought he only shuts down accounts and threads?
  4. So tell us RZA, whose dick do you prefer? Oh... wow... detailed answer. Impressive.
  5. Wait.... uhhhh... Lobster Labia roll? PAGING DickDick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Don't be threatened by it's bigness. Is this better for your psyche?
  7. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WfBxVw_TlRg/T8zkshgb2hI/AAAAAAAA7ds/Dxp8ukqsqAo/s1600/04.jpg
  9. Whoa whoa whoa............. why are you making sense??????? KRB is only here to be negative remember? That's part of his marriage agreement with LGT.com till death do them part.
  10. You're closing all the useless threads that make this site so........... useless.
  11. You don't merit a life. There............ I finally said it. SANDWICHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Banh Mi me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and screw RZA...
  12. If you're going melted you have to go croque...
  13. Like Fulton himself, this sandwich is blurry around the edges but worth the headache.
  14. Public listing link with photos? CL or some other site?
  15. Yes... better but not best. Possibly one of the more offensive things I think you can do to a spec.B but I'm sure CTATV could do worse. Maybe something like spec.Redneck?
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