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Everything posted by LegGTLT

  1. You'll have to use a MUCH stronger word than "unacceptable" to make us believe this when placing SRT4 wheels on a Unicorn spec.B.
  2. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. And the truth shall set you FREE! No one piss off The Moose, he'll call all your friends and family and take note of anything evil you've done.
  3. BDII has expert knowledge in this field. Try PMing him. If no reply right away, just send again. He gets a lot of PMs. It’s ok to send a few, he knows he can be slow to respond sometimes. He’s just trying to help everyone! http://legacygt.com/forums/member.php?u=7334
  4. I thought he would have said SQUEEEEAALLLL.
  5. I will delete any account that PMs me. No warning.
  6. Banter gets deleted... my inbox fills up again... banter comes back it stops... goes away... you get the idea.
  7. Absolutely... you sure you want the “Missing Link” known?
  8. BDII you're a rotten scoundrel.
  9. I hate you sooooooo much. :lol:
  10. Those are the worst looking "completely stock" wheels I've ever seen.
  11. Well done! How is it up there? I'm guessing height is not a problem?
  12. :lol: I gotta say FJuan, you're taking the whole ICE raid reaaaaalllly wellll.
  13. Good. Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks that...
  14. You think he's funny? Funny how? Like a clown? Is he a CLOWN TO YOU!?!?!?!?
  15. It's actually "You're a funny guy" in English. Just saying................
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