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Everything posted by ripstik

  1. You'd be surprised how stiff a hollow bar can be. No, it won't be as stiff as a 22mm solid bar but it will CERTAINLY be stiffer than the noodle it comes with from the factory. if i had to guess id assume this would have a similar stiffness to the 19mm bar maybe slightly stiffer, but its impossible to say without having a inner diameter... and the bar material... and the offset. here some reading from whiteline if anyone wants to study the subject. http://www.whiteline.com.au/docs/bulletins/Hollow%20vs%20Solid%20Swaybar.pdf
  2. I have a friend who works at husky injection molders so i can see if he can run any parts for us on there test machines and I'm sure they would come out great cuz those guys know what the hell they are doin, but it would likely be a "wait around for the machine to not be busy" type of deal.
  3. hey just saw that you're from VT, i started this thread a while ago to try to connect people in VT on the thread for meet ups, installs whatever. JOIN UP!


  4. hey just saw that you're from VT, i started this thread a while ago to try to connect people in VT on the thread for meet ups, installs whatever. JOIN UP!


  5. HAHAHA i really pissed off some guy in a tlx this past weekend when he launched away from a light a was rolling towards at about 10 MPH... and i was not even close to full throttle on the stock tune. he did a classic ricer fly by after i took him a couple mph past the speed limit then nearly missed his exit (stoplights on a highway, weird, i know.)
  6. check the first page it shows everyone with a printer or access to design software
  7. Are you sure it was slammed before it hopped that curb or did the curb do a custom quick slam? Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  8. I'm pretty sure it was yours, that was my first thought than i remembered you got rid of it
  9. On wednesday i saw a ggm 5th gen GT right infront of St. Mike's i was a few cars up from you at a light, noticed, waved, stuck my head out the window. I'm not sure if you saw me, VT plates, gentleman with a beard driving.
  10. Look into getting sleeves for you bolts. it won't be quite as tight as real shoulder bolts will be but will definitely reduce play a bit. if the plan is just to open up the holes then your going to add more play, but if you widen them to a nice specific number you can get little sleeves that are the right size for your new flange holes and your bolts. http://www.mcmaster.com/#standard-threaded-standoffs/=zunuk5 something like this may do the trick they are held to +/-.005 on the OD nevermind looks like those only go up to 1/4-20 even tho they make 2" wide ones wierd I'll look for another solution on my lunch
  11. ... true to an extent, a tolerance is only as good as it's placement... but size certainly helps:cool:. if i could hold everything to .001 and some how not have people up here constantly with out of spec parts it would make my life a lot easier.
  12. It may look like it matches but in these cases a few thousands will make all the difference if you put calipers to it i bet the threads are at least .010" narrower not to mention the tolerance that is applied to bolts is always in the negative so for a 1/2" bolt it has to be less than 1/2" at the thread and depending on the bolt quality and size can be as much as .020 lower than that, then there is the tolerance on the holes them selves probably around 5 thou for a nice company like nameless, then the hole positions tolerance. if all of those tolerances are working against you cleaning up the connection between the hole and bolt can be the deciding factor. you can effectively remove 2 sets of tolerances by using a nice tight clearance shoulder bolt or stud. Get some measurements on the holes in the DP when you can and compare them to bolts.
  13. Spotted a 5th gen RRP 3.6R yesterday on route 87 (the Adirondack way i think). had bumper protectors on it. i also saw a really sick C6 vette at the same time, really awesome dark blue paint job and some nice red accents, he downshifted into probably 2nd at 45 and did a nice little pull for me before hoppin off the highway. thank you whoever you are.
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