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Everything posted by Aczwild

  1. Alright, I just dont want to do it and then catch hell when I try to get it inspected
  2. Thanks man. Have you ever been given crap about cleared lights during a NY inspection?
  3. Spotted ABP LGT sedan, friday @ 1:00 pm on RTE 11 heading toward Canton, NY. Had the greatest license plate I've seen on a GT to date, it was YAHOOOO
  4. Red LGT WGN today around 4:40pm on rt 74 heading towards Ticonderoga. I was the guy going the opposite way in the older '97 GT with the Hella lights on the front that gave you the thumbs up
  5. Finally I have been spotted (granted you really cant miss the 4 rallye lights)
  6. I've seen them around too (last year even), who the hell are you
  7. Around 2 this afternoon at the intersection of Bridge Ave and Main Ave in Bay Head, NJ a very good looking (ok, hot) blonde girl behind the wheel of a RBP 2.5i Hmmmmm I'll have to swing by Precision Tuning before I leave Saturday and check it out
  8. Silver LGT in Tom's River on 37 heading towards the Parkway towing a Jetski
  9. Silver GT Sedan with some very nice rims, thursday night @ 8:30pm in Lake Placid, NY @ Tail O' The Pup BBQ. I didnt have my GT (that huge black Yukon XL and Trailer parked across the street was me) and my hands were covered in BBQ sauce to try and talk to you. Sweeeeeeeeeeet GT with the rims!
  10. oooooooooooooo thats the one thing you never want to be late for
  11. You be the green, I be the red up here at school.... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Poughkeepsie,+NY+to+Potsdam,+NY&ll=43.184925,-74.32245&spn=6.136196,11.623535
  12. If you just go over and tell them that you need the bulbs for the heater control unit in your year's Legacy, they should give them to you before you tear everything apart
  13. Damnnit its so lonely up here in Upstate NY, someone come and spot my GT!!!!!!!!
  14. Hmmmm them bastards, looking through my parts number catalog they dont list the bulb parts numbers, or even the control unit.... I stupidly didnt write down the parts numbers from the boxes when I did the install and I kicked myself in the ass when I did the write up and realized that I hadnt wrote them down. You have to go to a Subaru dealer to get the bulbs because they are Subaru specific and not parts you can just pick up at an Autozone or some place like that. With that said, you can all call me a dumbass for not writing down the parts numbers. When I go home again and finally get around to replacing the Hazard switch bulb and the rear defroster button bulb (there will be another write up too on how to remove those switches and replace the bulbs), I'll get all the part numbers (if I can remember to do so) Oh and for anyone doubting wether or not to do this yourself. I think it only cost me $5 for the bulbs (if that) and if I had let the dealer do the fix they would have had to charge me labor and all that shit, so do yourself a favor, save some money, and get to learn your car better
  15. Hmmm since I had to do it for myself and figure it all out alone I think it took me about an hr and a half. I'd prolly say an hour-ish. Not sure
  16. Here's a pic of the after (as best as I could get). Notice that I still havent replaced the light for the hazard switch.... http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y272/Aczwild/DSC01151.jpg
  17. BTW I will be travelling up to Plattsburgh, NY tonight around 5 and then over to school around 10, so watch for my GT if anyone is in that area (its not hard to miss, look for the rallye lights, ski carrier and mudflaps)
  18. You make her hide in a seperate car??? You asshat, Roadhead FTW!!!!!
  19. Yes sir I will do that tonight -10 for my dumb ass not taking before and after pictures (sorry)
  20. Yup it is, that was one of the bulbs that had gone in mine, so I couldnt tell at night which button I was trying to push
  21. Aww shit, congrats on the good showing at the 25 Hours of Thunderhill in the STI
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