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Everything posted by planelazy

  1. Very nice.. I'll be getting the same lip soon.. if I ever find someone to swap trunks or take it to a bodyshop to plug the holes.. giggity.
  2. Electronics isn't my strong point.. so here goes my question.. I know you can have a splitter to split a 3.5mm jack, but what if you want to have two inputs on the same 3.5mm jack, but not use them at the same time? One for iPod, and then one for an external satellite radio?
  3. Nah it was on 495 going south, a few miles before 290..
  4. Got passed earlier today around 2:15p on 435 right before 290 outside of Worchester.. Regal Blue 4th Gen, wingless trunk, aftermarket exhaust, tinted tails with the small circle cutouts and reverse light cut out... kinda snuck up on me I try to blast my air horn whenever I see a LGT that's not stock pass me Now that I look at other posts, I think it was HondaKilla that passed me LOL
  5. Any of your SC guys know of any one with a OBP and wingless truck looking for an OEM wing? I live in Savannah, car is kept in Orlando, I can be seen going between the two every now and then. Also.. anyone know of any Subaru dealerships near Savannah? The only one I can find is near Hilton Head and it's a dump.. shares with a Merc dealership
  6. Anyone know of any other OBP LGT owners looking to swap trunks? Still wanna get rid of my OEM wing
  7. Ew LOL I did not need that visual image in my head
  8. Took these shots during a 4th of July parade in Southern New Jersey... http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/269656_10150300147880862_682000861_9660020_1169830_n.jpg http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/265142_10150300155670862_682000861_9660257_4487505_n.jpg
  9. How long you gonna do this for? I might just take a road trip to your place in November on my next vacation to get this done
  10. Not mine.. I got silver Gravels. Someone took a picture of me today driving down I4.. they where in a Burgundy Kia SUV. Leo, call Performance Race.. they did my up and down pipe swaps, they kept them (no one stepped up with any interest) so they might still have them for you to grab. Matt also said thanks for the reference
  11. I'd love to go with you all one day, but man that's a heck of a drive from Savannah
  12. When you get a kit ready I'll take a week off or so and drive out to Dallas and we can play lab rat with my car
  13. Sounds great that people are starting to get their money back
  14. Wat that center of gravity mean foo?
  15. Alright David how much do you want for you to do this to my tranny?
  16. Yeah I don't see what the big deal about that would be.. I ship everything to my house that I have rented out to my sister.. because that's where my car is parked, but my billing address is to my studio apartment in Georgia.. there's nothing wrong with shipping to a different person/address than the bill address. If it ends up being a stolen credit card, then hopefully the card holder will notice it and contact his/her issuing bank about it..
  17. So the 6MT driveshaft and 5EAT driveshafts are the same? Does that mean it's easier to do a 5EAT > 6MT swap than it is for 5MT to 6MT?
  18. I know off the top of my head, one of them has a pretty good sized scrape.. I think it's about 5mm wide by.. maybe 10 to 15 mm long right on the edge of the rim.. something the previous owner did. Comes with rubber, but it's mixed and matched.. I'll be in Orlando around June.. maybe late May.. but one of the first things I'll be doing is replacing my wheels and tires (Already have them) so I'll be eager to get rid of my stock parts.. which is another reason why I sell stuff for dirt... I'll also have the following: OEM (everything): -Up pipe -Down Pipe -Exhaust -Front Sway Bar -Rear Sway Bar -Spoiler (painted OBP), will sell once the BT Aero lip spoiler that fits over stock holes comes in -LGT struts & springs, minus top hats
  19. Hey guys I'll have a lot of stock parts for sale soon.. my biggest one: '06 OEM GT wheels.. I generally price stuff cheap.. since you all are in Florida (I'm in Orlando area) you all get first dibs if anyone wants. It'll be a few months until they'll be ready but when they are I'll get pics posted up and prices.. I'm thinking.. probably around 50 bucks each?
  20. Well I'll give it a shot... if it doesn't work I'll try the Virtual PC mode, and if that doesn't work, I'll have to use my netbook which runs Vista
  21. It's not so much wasting money until you turn around and sell it. We might spend money on stuff, but it holds a certain sentimental value to us So far, I have only $1,000 invested.. but that'll go up in the next few months
  22. I didn't want to surf through 7 pages of who's where... but I'm in Savannah.. anyone else know if anyone else is in this area? The thing that sucks about Savannah is, the closest dealership is in Hilton Head.. and it's a very tiny one (it's build into another dealership.. I think it's Mercedes and Volvo? I can't remember.
  23. Does it work though on Win7? I have two laptops, well.. 1 laptop and one netbook, the netbook runs Vista, my laptop runs Win7..
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