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I Donated Too
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Everything posted by HDTurbo

  1. Another palindromic milestone recently. Like Max, got a little rust on door seams. Otherwise, still pulls hard being Stage 2 for ~111k mi.
  2. didn't want you to miss out on the gorgeous repost!
  3. Continuing on this, I let my friends borrow the spec b while they had a car issue. Their 11 y/o daughter burst into tears when Mike rolled on the accelerator. What a compliment to the mods and tuner.
  4. Continuing on this, I let my friends borrow the spec b while they had a car issue. Their 11 y/o daughter burst into tears when Mike rolled on the accelerator. What a compliment to the mods and tuner.
  5. Reposts in this thread>posting they are reposts...
  6. Generating credit towards her membership fee?
  7. Hell, no. My name is Miles, Miles Long...
  8. High beams and a killer grill
  9. This begs a caption - Assault lick? Oh, deer, she was choking - Hindlick maneuver! sorry...
  10. Reposting because hawt! And ...I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo-o-o..
  11. jeeeeeeeeeeebus, these last 3!
  12. FWD need downforce in teh front? it's a sight...for staying between the lines?
  13. Multiple repost!!!!! And IDGAF!!! Love this one!
  14. and you waited nearly 6.5 hours to share this sublime pun revelation with the forum? selfish bastard.
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