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Everything posted by StoplightAssassin

  1. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1pAdhaY0vQ2NqSr_sqXYAWFtxxI3xJrC2Sp_mpQkU-yuzG7nnR0174pQ9
  2. http://netdna.webdesignerdepot.com/uploads/2009/03/1952w_emblem_bjpg.gif
  3. http://www.fashion-era.com/images/HairHats/original_hathair_images/1946tailleurhatsveils.jpg
  4. you need to be careful replacing the torx bolts with the hex head bolts. The hex head bolts DO NOT work with the Spec LWFW, at least on the 05 models. There was not enough room to get a socket on the bolt. I don't have thin walled sockets, but there was hardly any room and I don't think they would fit either.
  5. http://www.getmobsoft.com/ss/1307477402-screenshot.gif
  6. $600 bucks or so should cover the install by a regular shop. I've seen some Subaru shops do it for $450 or so. Doing it yourself is not a big deal, but it is time consuming, especially if you do it without help or without the proper tools. If you're unsure, ask someone in your regional forum for help.
  7. Most people aren't aware that a LGT traveling at 70mph will easily pass a Spec B traveling at 65mph.
  8. 06 Spec B on 287 SB this afternoon. Had a SPT sticker on the trunk lid. I missed it but the gf spotted a modded LGT near The Barrel Saloon in Albany Friday night.
  9. http://community.us.playstation.com/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/2-36123873-12283/NotSureIfSerious.jpg
  10. America's armpit? that's all you've got? ibjerseyshorefistpumpingjokes.
  11. I'm not sure why you think you're funny. You don't even have a car worth stealing. Next time don't get all butt hurt when you make a noob post. I didn't flame you for it, I just told you it was too specific and the most specific you need to be.
  12. Well dipshit...and I do mean dipshit, if you are able to see the car up a driveway, then any other car thief looking for it can see it too. Seeing how you always see it parked in the same driveway, it's safe to say the owner resides there. It took all of 5 seconds to google the exact location you are talking about. If I were looking to steal a Spec B, I'd now have one hell of a lead.
  13. Don't post specific locations where you see cars frequently parked. Spec B in Chapp is good enough.
  14. The stock footage of the LGT is from 2005. They keep using it over and over.
  15. booyah 9 bucks http://store01.prostores.com/servlet/toolmansworld/the-494/Ringers-Pitstop-Glove-with/Detail
  16. There's a glove specifically made for oil changes that has a dish built into it so the oil doesn't run down your arm. I can't find it online though.
  17. That spoiler is heinous! The one on the black car looks like shit too!
  18. consider yourself lucky! mines rattling on decel. there's a huge thread about it
  19. AFAIK, aside from the obvious, the only difference is the 2.5is have clips to clip the TOB to the fork. You'll only lose trans fluid if you pull the axles. I lost about a quart when I did mine. I have a LWFW and I would not recommend it for a DD due to noise issues.
  20. Spotted a 05 ABP GT with bronze wheels in Philly's Chinatown today
  21. negative. the rod is over the accelerator pedal. the wiring harness on the accelerator pedal should be removed and then you'll have better access to the adjustment rod don't forget to plug the harness back in before you start the car
  22. Your clutch pedal probably needs to be adjusted a bit.
  23. Another update from me. I installed the Spec 2+ clutch and had to use the return spring again. I apparently misplaced the bracket I made in post #45, so all I did this time was put a worm gear hose clamp around the clutch master cylinder line and attached the spring to that. Works great.
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