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Everything posted by GTTuner

  1. Why don't we use just one diode on the wire coming from the dome lamp? I'm going out to do this mod as I speak, should work with one. Edit: because both map lights come on when one is switched on:) But, I only used one diode on the drivers lamp so when I push the passenger lamp the rear lamp lights up. So often someone in the back needs light and I hate fumbling behind me with the dome switch, so now I just click the passenger lamp and the front and rear passengers get light. I used 13 led block units, BRIGHT!
  2. I believe it is PZEV. Partial zero emission vehicle.
  3. Same here, weight in the backseat amplifies the problem, as does cold weather when my car runs like a "raped ape". I noticed my jounce bumpers look like they are getting crushed from the rear end squat. I rarely ever have passengers in the back.
  4. Bosco, man of wisdom, why can't I create a sig when I have donated? I use the pulldown box, but there is no "edit siginature" option. ????
  5. Black LGT sedan at Wood River Inn, Richmond RI, Sat, 02/14/09 White LGT sedan in Coventry RI , Sun 01/15/09
  6. Tit's???? What if I was a woman, would it be "penis"? Back on topic, as soon as they are available you have my money!
  7. 1 of 169. It's will be a classic by the time my daughter drives!
  8. So where do I send the money to? I'd love to dump my current boost gauge.
  9. Get a 4300K HID conversion, they last forever. My car ate bulbs monthly, the HID's have outlasted conventional bulbs by X10.
  10. I'd swap hoods with you in a NY second but were going to have to ride around with no hoods until they ship??? Your thoughts.....my hood is GRP, perfect with no dings or damage.


  11. I just heard this for the first time last night. About 19 deg F and one passenger in the car. NEVER once heard it before. 62,000 miles driven hard since day one.
  12. I've been flipping thru this thread, total noob at this tuning so I am proceding with caution. I want to read the ROM image with enginuity. When I connect and go to ecu flash it says no interface. What type of cable is needed? Right now all I have is my AP ver 1 cable. It looks like I can log with this cable (from what i have read in previous posts) but can I pull the image with this cable?
  13. Here is a cut and paste from my e mail; It was the end of the day when I parked my police van in front of the station. As I gathered my equipment, my K-9 partner, Jake, was barking, and I saw a little boy staring in at me "Is that a dog you got back there?" he asked. "It sure is," I replied. Puzzled, the boy looked at me and then towards the back of the van. Finally he said, "What'd he do?"
  14. The ASX's are worn to about 5/ 32nds. They suck in snow now, the are getting LOUD, the tread squirm on the highway is getting annoying and the flat spotting problem is much more pronounced. Still worth 80 bucks a copy though.
  15. GTTuner


    "Love is not an emotion, it is a word that implies a connection"
  16. GTTuner


    Matrix Revolutions??????
  17. Heh:lol: This tread is eff'd up:redface: Om Nom Nom
  18. GTTuner


    "Why is it when you bounce a check the bank charges you more of what they already know you don't have?" Gallager.
  19. Kumho ASX update.......half worn we had six inches of snow. Absolutly useless. I had to park it amd take the truck.
  20. Same here, the pass seat rattle is constant, I just noticed the driver seat this week. Install one of these and your problem is gone
  21. If you look close, I sealed or enclosed the element inside the smuggler bin, isolating it from engine compartment air. The snorkel has a tube that forces cold air in right at the base of the AF element. So it is basicly pumping cold air into the smugler chamber, directly beneath where the airflow goes into the intake.
  22. Here is the cold air set up I have. I used the factory ram air scoop. You could build a box or an air deflector around the element, then cut up and redirect the air from the factory scoop. clicky here; http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58102 You'd still have the "smugglers bin" too!
  23. Nice job, but I have a question. (I was the kid in the back row at school everyone wanted to kick because I always had a question, LOL) The slots at the top for the AB clips; Do they allow unfiltered air past the element? Also, if you bolting the assembly in place, could you do without the clips? BTW, I have an idea to get some cold air over there if your interested.
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