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To sway bar or not to sway bar...

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Wondering if I could get some input on a topic I'm about to tackle with my Leggy...should I let the sway bars stay or should they go? Right now...as it sits...my Legacy is a 98 L sedan, Outback suspension and some beefy tires. I've done a little playing off-road and I'm pretty much hooked on that route. I've never deleted the sway bars on any of my other vehicles, but have done some reading where some has with similar setups like mine. Which brings me to my dilemma. I don't want to sacrifice drive-ability, as the BusaRoo does double duty as a fishing/camping hauler as well as a toy to play off-road with. But, at the same time, I'm sure there's a lot of positives for tossing the sway bars as well. Just looking for some insights, suggestions and tips.
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get quick disconnects, coming from a yota 4x4 background there used all the time for the benefit of flexibility offroad and support for on road when you need it, I wouldnt ditch them, especially with hauling a camper, etc. Not sure if they make anything like this for the subies but getting rid of them leaves all the work of keeping your vehicle level up to only the struts and springs which is alot to ask of them.
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