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Well, everybody's dreaded event with a new car happened yesterday....my first door ding. I got to my car yesterday and noticed a white spot on my car door a couple inches behind the door hinge, about a foot under the side mirror. I walked closer and rubbed it to see what it was....yikes...a door ding! At least whatever dirt/paint the other car left on my door is gone and there is no paint chipped off my car. Just tiny scratches and a very small dent.


I was bummed yesterday, but at least it's over with...

A-B-C, 1-2-3.

Love my RBP GT!

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My condolences.


I'm still in the new car phase. I park as far away from everyone as possible. Even that isn't a guarantee. My last car, some scraped the corner of the rear bumper getting into a parking spot. Let see, there wasn't any cars parked 5 stalls to my left or my right. Yet within 5 minutes of running into a store and out, big white streaks on the red bumper.


I really wish people would respect other people's property. But then we live in an age where people won't assume responsibilty for themselves.

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This is my pet peeve. WTF is the matter with people that they have to be so inconsiderate of other people's cars?


I park mine at Kennedy, and go into fortification mode when I park. Takes me about 6 minutes of walking to get to the shuttle train from where I park, but it's worth it to protect my ride.


Once at JFK, I parked my car far, far right in a parking spot, with a cement overhead light post only inches from my right door. Don't you know that some ass-wad parked A FOOT over the white line into my space, and left me about 10 inches of door space to get into my car. This same jerk of course left a little ding in my driver's side door. The nerve. I could get arrested if I disclosed what I did to the side of his car.

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You will stop worrying about your car once you keep driving it. I already gave up on worrying over every little thing like that. It makes me not want to drive the car but I cna't resist passing everyone with ease. I have about almost 3k miles since the last day of last year so I barely drive it. I have a door ding and numberous scratches on my rear bumper that are deep enough that wax can't hide and on the front bumper towards the bottom of it has a 5" long white paint from something.
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the passenger side rear fenderwell where the sheet metal creases and goes straight down right before the wheel.

-approx 2 wks ago

50-cent piece-sized circular dent


car had 2000 miles. it brought me to my knees.

i would have strangled someone if i was there when it happened

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New cars are magnets to door dings and scratches. I had 900 miles on my car when I went to visit my brother. Parked my car in the driveway, but needed to move it when my brother had to run an errand. Since I didn't want to move it again when he returned, I parked at the end of the cul-de-sac. Big mistake!


At the time no one was outside. After parking it, I went inside to visit the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom (about 5 minutes since I had parked the car), a woman was at the door telling me that her son had ran his bike into my car and scratched it. I thought, ah well, a little scratch, not a big deal. Well it was a small dent and a 3 foot scratch from the middle of the drivers side passenger door to the middle of the drivers door. I was pissed and she knew it! And all she could say was that children will be children and it wasn't his fault! Agreed, it wasn't the kids fault, it was the parents fault! What happened if a car had been reversing out of the driveway and didn't see the (out of control) kid!!!!


It turned out the reason he hit my car was that the kid was trying to ride his bike (didn't know how to ride it yet), and neither parent was around monitoring their kid. Lost control of his bike at the top of the driveway, rolled down the driveway, across the cul-de-sac and "boom", right into my car. He then grabed his bike and ran inside.


Luckily the father paid for the repairs....$800 to repair and repaint both doors. :(


Needless to say...I don't park in cul-de-sacs!

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Thanks for the support. :) I knew it was going to happen, I was just dreading the when and how big. At least it's small.


The car reached a month old, but not the 1000 mile mark (only 980 miles) before it's first ding)


I won't be getting any rock chips b/c I had StonGard put on the front of the car and I should hopefully not get any of the corner bumper scrapes b/c I have the corner bumper mouldings. Now all I need is a giant roll of bubble wrap to protect the rest of the car. LOL.

A-B-C, 1-2-3.

Love my RBP GT!

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Sorry to here it. I'm dreading that moment with my LGT. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, someone will find a way to put a ding in your car. I got the first scratch on my '04 Titan a liitle while back. It's more resistant to dings because it is so high up, and the steps block doors pretty well. But some inconsiderate moron thought thay the side of my new truck would be a great place to rest/blance some large object. I found the top bed rail scuffed up, and small vertical scratches along the crease of the wheelwell, about three feet worth! I sure wish I caught them.


Jason K.

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One day I came out of work and found my rear door had a ding in it. The parking spot next to me was empty. I guess it was a good thing because if it matched, I probably would have responded in kind with a footprint kick ding in their door. I had less than 7500 miles on it.


When I got my 2+2 repainted in '96, I brought it to my parents' house. My brother came out of the house to see it. I got out of the car, picked up a rock and winged it at the passenger door. It left a small paint chip. My brother thought I was nuts. I told him that if someone else put a ding in my door before I did, I'd be really upset. Now I could drive the car and not worry about such things.


Maybe I should have dinged the Legacy myself. I think I would have felt better about it.

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I feel for ya brotha'. I park in the boonies and walk an 1/8 mile if I have to sometimes. End spots (those next to curbs) are delightful treasures everytime I park. Then I hug the curb. Despite all this effort someone had to freak'n swing their door out with some serious force to "gouge" my passenger door. One inch from the beginning of the door, ya know, the strong part of the door next to the seam. Ding is 1.5 inches tall and just shy of 1 inch long... DONK!!!

What's wrong with people! Here's my take. It is just a car. However, it is a car that I PAY for every month (have you ever calculated gas+insurance+payment? It's expensive man! over $700 a month for me) and damaging my vehicle decreases its value. Simple as that, they've damaged your property and mine.

Ok, so a car may not be a priority or a big deal to them like it is with us. Does that mean that they shouldn't respect other people's (our) property just because they don't value their's? Lousy, inconsiderate, insert advective here, MF's!

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I just got a $54 parking ticket yesterday for parking in a spot that would guarantee me not getting a door ding. The place was so packed that I had a greater risk of a door ding had I parked legally.


I was pissed at the ticket, but I realized I would have been more pissed getting a door ding. Neither one (ticket or ding) can be assured but it is just piece of mind parking in a safe spot.


I'm 3 months new with 1900 miles and ding-less so far, lets see how long it lasts.

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I bought my LGT Ltd last Saturday. Wouldn't you know it, I get a ding Wednesday! Some lady "borrowed" her dad's 15 passenger, door dinger of a van and parked it next to my Legacy. Guess the door got away from her and hit my driver side rear passenger door. I was so hoppin' mad! Still am, I guess.


I want to get the dent removed, it distorts the line too much. Just take a look at the pics! It's on a crease, so I guess it'll never be perfect again. Argh!



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I made it 8 months and 11K miles before my first door ding. I always park far, far away from other cars but it is that one time you can't get the ideal spot (for me, the train station) that the ding will occur. Usually I can sense it before it happens, you all know what I am talking about. No matter how hard you try, the dingers will find you...
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This thread is funny to read this morning becauase last night i actually had a dream that I had the ding in my wagon fixed by my local ding guy. Talk about Legacies on my mind...


Some guys dream about Elisha Cuthbert... I dream about cosmetic repairs to my Leg.








(Then I dream about Elisha Cuthbert);)

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Not to hijack the thread, but hawtness dm.gifdm.gifdm.gif


Saw her in The Girl Next Door a few weeks ago... she could do a lot better (in terms of being in what movies/roles). And I think she lost too much weight for that movie. I don't like pencil-thin girls.

-=- Livin life at 140 BPM -=-

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