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E-Brake Button


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It didn't take 100% of the rattle out of the e-brake button, as the button and the ring around the button are metal, and still vibrate against each other under rough road conditions, but i would say that it took about 90% of the rattle out.


Don't remember the exact size of the bolt...Wasn't too big in length and diameter. I would take apart your console first and see if you've got the rivet missing first. If so, you can then guage what size bolt to use.

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Hill assist? A friend tried to tell me that all Subarus have this, whereas I let off the brake with the clutch fully depressed and some kind of "hill assist" prevents me from rolling backwards. I told him not on my '05 LGT... And I was rolling backwards the very next time I got in the car...


Is this an older/different model Subaru thing?


It's actually a Forester thing. I'm not sure if the 06's have them, I know that at least 02-04 MT models had this, and I've heard that they're the only cars in the US that are available with this feature. I personally find it to be a bit of a pain—I'm not great a driving stick (an understatement), and having the brakes stay on with the clutch in make it really hard to get a feel of what you're doing.

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  • 1 year later...
Coming from "the other side of the pond" I gotta ask why you guys are calling it an E brake ?


Would you really pull on it if there was an emergency ? Maybe an ejector seat would be better :lol:


In the UK you have to be able to use the HAND BRAKE to perform a hill start in order to pass the driving test, and there is no "hill assist" allowed.


Is there even a separate test here for manual or auto cars ?


Unfortunately, the road test in the US is quite simple. Basically, just point and drive. You don't have to know how to drive a standard in the US to get a drivers's license.

I'm probably the only person that has Wu-Tang Clan and Paul McCartney on their mp3.:p
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