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Trading in my 98 LOB...

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Been contemplating trading in my 98 Legacy Outback because I really don't know how much longer it's gonna last. I figure I might as well trade this puppy in on something newer while it can still make it to the dealership.


Where I need help from you guys is identifying what kind of Subaru I should get as well as what a fair price would be for it. I obviously want a Legacy, but I need other options too. No WRXs either. Too cliche. I would prefer to keep it under $6k, but all opinions are welcome here. The dealership I would be going through is Subaru of Loveland (http://www.subaruofloveland.com/) in case it matters.


Thanks in advance!

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Dealership shopping plus 6k price bracket equals a better late 90's ob or legacy with low miles or an early 2000's with higher miles. (from what I've seen around here). These cars are desirable and overpriced at dealers if they are mint/worth picking up. I've seen a later model 1998 Legacy wag with 100k priced at 5250. For some reason I've seen many good deals on early 2000's Foresters, but being a bigger and heavier machine Ill be willing to bet they aren't as sporty as a legacy or OB and they are usually 150-250K machines... Risky.


What are some of the things that are failing on your car?

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