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About broknindarkagain

  • Birthday 03/18/1986

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  • Location
    Phoenix, AZ
  • Car
    93BC - 95BD - 97BD - 98BG - 96BG
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Master Mechanic - Admin @ IGOTASUBARU.com


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  • User Title
    ProGun & ProLife. So What

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  1. I'm talking about these guides. I wrote them a decade ago.
  2. Thread updated and some of the original guides have been restored. I also added Thomistopheles Morimoto Mini H1 Bi-Xenon Projector Retrofit write up.
  3. You need to use 96-99 Outback struts and its also a good idea to use the body lift spacers and trailing arm brackets off the Outback.
  4. That is an incredibly stupid idea. You're going to burn up the center diff in the car faster than you can say "oops". Use a flat bed car hauler to tow it.
  5. Drilling for a clutch pedal? It doesn't work that way. The entire pedal assembly gets swapped. It bolts right in. Everything bolts right in.
  6. If you want to check out a cool gun shop - let me know lol
  7. Its really not a pain in the ass. It can be done in a few hours if you know what you're doing and you have the proper tools.
  8. Stop spamming the forum with the same stupid question in multiple threads. Start reading sticky threads and you will find your answers.
  9. If you're too lazy to push the shift key when a letter should be capitalized, then I'm too lazy to help you. But hey, its OK that you don't even bother to read the guides that I wrote to help people. After all, you're special and you shouldn't have to do your own research. Someone should hold your hand the entire time, right? GO READ THE STICKY THREADS Seriously, go read the guides I wrote. They answer all your questions. If you have any more stupid questions after you read all the sticky threads, please feel free to ask! Once you have at least attempted to do your own research and educate yourself a little bit, I'll be happy to help you.
  10. If you're too lazy to push the shift key when a letter should be capitalized, then I'm too lazy to help you. But hey, its OK that you don't even bother to read the guides that I wrote to help people. After all, you're special and you shouldn't have to do your own research. Someone should hold your hand the entire time, right? GO READ THE STICKY THREADS Seriously, go read the guides I wrote. They answer all your questions. If you have any more stupid questions after you read all the sticky threads, please feel free to ask! Once you have at least attempted to do your own research and educate yourself a little bit, I'll be happy to help you.
  11. I would say it is pretty safe to guess that the ride quality is excellent, just as he originally said.
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