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Thank you!




And for the record, it was a really stupid question, his title was all in caps, he listed his "mods" in the most asinine and vague possible way, and it's still magazine racing at best, but it's not even that ... it's speculation racing. This is the dork in high-school who would hypothesize who would win in a fight ... Batman or Spider man, but Batman can have fireballs from his fingers and Spiderman can have laser eyes.


I mean, really, with the information given, is there any possible way to give an answer that would be even REMOTELY close to being objective? Hell, with the information given, I couldn't even tell if it is significantly better than stock, if at all!


Based off your responses on here (thread) tells me your Prozac prescription has expired. I haven't been on here in awhile and apparently this helps explain it.


What's with the hostility?

Lack of ....?

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My sister's husband just picked up his 2006 330i (manual tran.) w/Sport Package this weekend and I'm sure I can take his car with my 05 LGT (auto)... as long as my sister is riding alongside him. She won't let him rev his engine past 3K RPM - the engine on the BMW is pretty aggressive sounding and she thinks it's revved up much more than what it actually is. As long as my sister is in the car with him when we race, it won't even be close.


Kidding aside, he's a damn good driver. I don't think my EAT would stand a chance on the 1/4 mile against him. That's not to say a good driver in MT LGT could not take him.


I'm sure a stock MT LGT could easily outshine a 2006 330i on the track. Considering how I drive an auto I'll wait for a while before I race my in-law. I guess I'll challenge him once the weather gets cooler (it's currently 104 degrees outside my house here is San Bernardino, CA), I do a few mods, and he gets past his break in period.


I actually give the 330i huge props on its exterior looks... not so much so in its interior. I'm a huge fan of the Bangle front end (i couldn't care less about the rear of the car) - I hate to admit it guys and gals, but his car looks way better from the outside. In terms of the interior department - my sister, bro-in-law and I all agree that our LGT's look much sweeter. Even so, Subaru's interior build quality is still not up to par with what is put forth by BMW, but the overall design of the LGT's interior is damn slick.


In terms of ride quality, I'd say that after riding alond with him on a few short trips that his 330i (with the sport package) is comparable to my stock LGT. His car sticks to the road like a fly to a piece of *chet* - it hugs turns very well thanks in large part to its Potenza RE050As (why weren't we given the option for these tires?). However, his car is a bit louder in terms of road noise - I'm assuming his run-flats have much to do with this as there is much less perceptible wind noise compared to our LGTs. Also, with his harder suspension, you do tend to feel road imperfections a hell of a lot more than you do in my car.


It's a give and take - I'd prefer to pay 12K less and stick with my car for it's much more of a sleeper and it's quite rare in my area. I've only seen 5 LGTs since I bought my car 9 months ago VS I've seen 10+ redesigned 3 series since they went on sale late this spring.



As to whether or not my auto LGT could take on a MT G35, I know that it certainly can beat one in the hands of a so-so driver. I have smoked one of my neighbors down the street (with an 05 G35 - he bought it a couple of weeks before I got my LGT) by simply using the sportshift feature on my car (no need to change gears myself) - he really sux @ changing gears!


{We raced late at night on our way back home. We both saw each other at a light and nodded to one another to say hello. Then he began revving his engine. I didn't really want to race (cuz I knew that he had a stock MT) but hey... you gotta find the limits of your car. Anyways, when the light turned green we raced for about half a mile on a long stretch of road leading to our home. After about 6 seconds of racing down this street I had about 2 car lengths on him. When I got home he walked over to my car (he lives two houses over)as I was getting out of my car and he complemented my car, saying that it was fast. We talked for a little while then went into our respective homes.}


Stock AT LGT vs Stock AT G35 - i'd have to go with an LGT.

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Sorry to say, but handling wise the new 330 will out do our cars stock I have driven both extensively and I prefer the 330 for handling. The limits may be higher in the Legacy (with different tires) but it is easier to drive the BMW to it's limits.


Power wise it is a wash, the new inline six is a great engine and is very smooth and responsive, the transimission is very well matched to the motor and the car really goes. Kind of makes one think the power rating is kind of conservative, but that is something I have noticed about BMW engines and the numbers they put out.


The brakes on the BMW are of course excellent, I wish my Legacy had brakes that good.

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Curious about the floor in your garage. Is that tile for the check pattern? Did you place the mat over the top or is it part of the pattern?


I have been trying to come up with a way to improve the appearance of my floor. The first try with a floor stain but it didn't work well at all. Looked good for about 2 months and then went downhill quickly. Tough in the northeast because of snow and salt.


The front part of the garage is painted with garage floor paint and the back is black and white check tiles. The mat is there where the two sections of the garage meet (the back is higher than the front). If you put the tiles where you drive your cars the car tires will tear them up. Here is kind of a better pic..



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Thanks Wayne53. That is a cool setup with the lip around the outside to separate the two areas. Very neat and tidy. Eveything looks in place. With 3 kids, that is tough to come by in my garage. Mine is all one level but I think I could do something similar around the outside edge.


Did you use a rubber tile or is it a rigid linoleum type piece? How long have you had then in and how are they holding up?


You have given me a few ideas that I may implement when the time is right (after the front steps, the siding, the wifes garden, kids furniture, braces + glasses,..........) ;-)

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ARE YOU JOKING? oops, sorry. Caps lock was on.


but seriously, are you joking? why don't you just go to the track and find out?



The guy asked a question.....he's 20+yrs older than you, show some respect and cut the guy some slack. If you don't like the question.....don't post.

OBAMA......One Big Ass Mistake America!
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If you are talking about a dragstrip i would say:

G35 = drivers race (i'd put my money on the Legacy)

330i = I'd have to go with the BMW, although it's still pretty much a drivers race. They put down about 35 more whp, so you would need a great launch.



The stock Legacy will lose because of tires alone. Even with good rubber i would still take the BMW. I had a stock 06 330i in my class in autocross a few weeks back. It was so FLAT, even with stock suspension.


Here's a pic of that 330. It was sweet.



and my car rolling over on it's sidewalls


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The new 3 series has become an eyesore. Quick also isnt an adjective im used to hearing associated with the 3series. Is there a big increase in horsepower comming from an 03' 330i ??


The 06 330i is rated @ 255/6600 hp and 220/2750 lb-ft.

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