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Tinting Question


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Most of the tinting discussions usually focus on legal limits and experiences with the police. I have two different questions, though, that I'm hoping someone can help with.


1) Anyone ever gotten trouble from a Subaru dealership re: passing inspection due to any sort of window tint? (I'm in PA if that makes a difference.)


2) Anyone know of any horror stories with insurance companies (i.e., "Other company said I was at fault because I had dark tinting and couldn't see out the windows."). I'm only looking to get 50% because I have a black interior, but just curious about insurance companies giving anyone a hard time.



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Never heard of tint causing insurance issues, but I couldn't be surprised if it has happened. A dealership shouldn't say anything about tint. I have VA legal (50% front/35% rear) and it SUCKS. I had 20% (cop said it was 16%) and it looked great. 50% really isn't that dark believe me.
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The only state inspection no no in VA would be those stupid liner tint over the front windshield has to be above the AS1 line. If I remember correctly.


I have 35% all around on a white car. Looks super dark because of the contrast on white.

I have no control over drippie.
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The only state inspection no no in VA would be those stupid liner tint over the front windshield has to be above the AS1 line. If I remember correctly.


I have 35% all around on a white car. Looks super dark because of the contrast on white.


I'm considering having 35% put up front because 50% is FAIL :spin:

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I have 35% all the way around and no issues yet and it's no longer an inspection issue. Also my dealer doesn't care that I have tint so I'm sure yours doesn't either.


We put 50% on my fiancee's Volvo. Very light, but with a classy look. Although it doesn't do much in bright summer direct sunlight, but better than nothing.


If you have black interior with no sunroof, 35% will be fine since you won't have any light coming in from above.







2011 Volvo S60T6 & 2013 Volvo XC60T6 Polestar

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For those of you wondering. Glass itself does block a certain percentage of light. So if oyu have 20's, a cop will tell you that its 16 because glass blocks it.


So if you get pulled over for "legal" 20% tint, and get a ticket for it, it will be because of the properties of glass. The tint itself is the rating, not tint+glass. So if you are really really worried, keep that in mind.

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35% reads somewhere around 32% as well, btw. wierd because 35% tint is the legal limit here and that means you cant legally get 35% tint, you'd need to go to the next most legal tint which is 50%, and that's pretty pointless. my local garage who does my inspections say "if i can see through it, it's fine"
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Just got mine done today and did 35% all around. Never heard any stories about insurance. But my friend has 20% all around and got a ticket for them being too dark here in NY.


That's 35%? I was thinking about going 50% front, 35% rear (legal in VA) but screw that. I have a tan interior and 50% would be a joke from the looks of things. Seems like 35% all around is the way to go.



EDIT: For you VA folks, I just found a source that says any tint darkness can be used on the rear windows and rear windshield of an SUV/VAN. Wagon FTW!

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Im in VA also and Ive got 20% all the way around. There was no way I was going to get the legal 50% and I thought about getting 35% but if Im gonna get a ticket for tint... I might as well get my moneys worth.


Ive had the tint on my car for about 1.5yrs and these are my expeirences with the police.


1. At work I park in a lot thats shared with Alexandria Police and almost on a daily basis, Ive had marked and umarked police cars around me. Either they think Im a cop or they just dont care enough to pull me over for tint.


2. On 95 North in Springfield, I was pulled over in rush hour traffic on a Monday morning at 6am by a state trooper JUST for tint. I wasnt speeding, I was crawling at a blazing speed of 10mph. The meter said it was 18% and I got a ticket.


3. Off Route 7 in Leesburg, I was pulled over for a "loud" exhaust at midnight by the county police. Then he noticed my tint, brought the meter out, it read 17%. I guess he was in a good mood because I only received warnings for the exhaust and tint.



I know everyones situations are unique but in my opinioin.... Unless youre driving like a mad man or created attention for yourself... you get tint tickets soley based upon "bad" luck. If you come across the wrong cop on the wrong day, you'll be getting a ticket.


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I've always been told that rear driver and passenger side, as well as rear window does not have any laws. its just the driver and passenger front side windows that have the law at least in ohio... so i got limo tint on rear and back side windows, and then got 20% on the others... cant even tell the difference at night cuz u cant see in at all, but in the day, u can see in the car rather easy unless at an angle
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