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Spark plug sleeve

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Help please. I am trying to get the spark plugs out of my 98 2.5 outback. I finally got the plug wires off (after breaking one of the ends) and then tried to insert the spark plug socket. No success. When I looked with a mirror, I found a rubber sleeve still stuck on the spark plugs. Any ideas on how to get the sleeves off the plugs? Because of the close working area, I cannot just stick in a pair of needle nose and pull them out. Any help would be appreciated.
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You can buy needle nose plyers with a 90 degree angle on them.


You can also disconnect the engine mounts and lift the engine some to give you a bit more room to work. What cylinder is it stuck on?


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I always try to spin the spark plug boot to break it free before I try and remove it. You might try a pick, you may have to go around the spark plug a few times to break it free. Straight pick inside the boot next to the plug maybe and a hook one to pull it off.



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